This is the etymological database for the Kam-Sui group of languages, linked directly to the Proto-Tai-Kadai database on a higher level.
The database is a preliminary compilation of etymological data that has yet to be seriously expanded and refined. It has been compiled by Ilya Peiros on the basis of several comparative sources, principal among them Graham Thurgood's "Notes on the reconstruction of Proto-Kam-Sui". The final version of the reconstruction is I. Peiros' own, as put forward in his monograph (Peiros 1998). At over 900 etymologies, it is a data source that deserves to be published, despite all the shortcomings (which are essentially the same as encountered in the Zhuang-Tai comparative database).
Some technical edits for the database were performed by George Starostin (unification of links and tags, data sorting, etc.).
The database consists of the following fields:
1. Proto-Kam-Sui: the protoform for the group in question, following Ilia Peiros' reconstruction based on the correspondences presented in Peiros 1998. Since the comparative material is drawn from already published sources, in many instances it does not truly reflect an original Kam-Sui root, but represents old borrowings from Chinese; where such borrowings are obvious or have a good reason to be suspected, no Kam-Sui protoform is given, instead, the "Proto" field is occupied by the corresponding Chinese character and its reconstruction for Old Chinese (OC) or Middle Chinese (MC) (OC and MC reconstructions are given according to Sergei Starostin's system). In a few other cases, where the Proto-Kam-Sui status of the comparanda is disputed or the forms in question betray unusual correspondences, the "Proto" field can be left empty altogether. [The exact same principles are also applied to the Zhuang-Tai database.]
2. Proto-Kam-Sui (Thurgood): this field contains the reconstruction as proposed by G. Thurgood, which in many - although far from all - cases differs from I. Peiros' interpretation of the correspondences.
3. Meaning: the general meaning(s) of the reconstructed (or borrowed) stem.
4. Thai-Kadai etymology: link to the Thai-Kadai database where available.
5-12. Mulam, Kam, Then, Yanghuang, Maonan, Standard Sui, Lingam Sui, Mak, Jinhua: reflexation in particular Kam-Sui languages.
16. Notes: additional comments and considerations, including a few external comparisons with other subgroups of Tai-Kadai as well as even higher level comparanda with Austro-Asiatic and Austronesian languages.
17. References: bibliographical links.
Special notes:
1) Both the reconstructions and the actual forms are given in the format "syllable + tone", delimited by a dot. Tonal markings are given as "tonal schemes" (A to D) or as numbered tones depending on how the data were given in the sources.
2) Irregular reflexations of syllable components are usually marked together with the material as [*i] ("irregular initial"), [*f] ("irregular final"), [*t] ("irregular tone").