Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Hurrian language (Hurro-Urartian family).

Languages included: Hurrian [hur-hrr].

Data sources.

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It is obvious that, during the millennium that attested Hurrian was spoken, there were a number of Hurrian dialects that should differ in their basic vocabularies (the most obvious instance is the verb 'to go'). Due to the scantiness of data, it is impossible, however, to adhere to the principle of chronological and dialectal integrity (as opposed, e.g., to the situation with the Ancient Greek, cf. the annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Greek group of the Indo-European family on this site). The Hurrian list below is cumulative, that is, it includes all available forms from any dialects. The following sigla are used for Hurrian sources.
The so-called Old Hurrian period, ca. the late-3rd - the mid-2nd millennia: Tišatal (the royal inscription of Tišatal, endan of Urkeš), OBab. (ca. 10 tablets with invocations, presumably all from the site of Larsa in southern Babylonia), Mari (6 tablets from Mari), Bo.Bil. (the Hurrian-Hittite bilingual series "Song of Release").
The so-called New Hurrian period, ca. the mid-2nd - the late-2nd millennia: Mit. (the Mittani Letter), Bogh. (texts from the Hittite capital's archives, modern Boğazköy, other than Bo.Bil.), Ugar.A. and Ugar.C. (texts from the Ugaritic archives written in the alphabetic or syllabic cuneiform script respectively), Nuzi, Qatna, Msk., Ort., Tell Brak (texts from Nuzi, Qaṭna, Tell Meskene [Emar], Ortaköy and Tell Brak respectively), Subar. ("Subarian" glosses in Assyro-Babylonian sources).
Hurrian and Urartian forms are quoted in traditional cuneiform transcription, e.g., the main Hurrian and Urartian sibilant is rendered as š (phonetically apparently [s]), geminated consonants as double letters (tt, kk, etc.), velar fricatives as h/hh, front affricates as z/zz, and so on. We do not discriminate between two Hurrian u-phonemes (u & o), since this difference is irrelevant for the current investigation. The problem of inventory and phonetic realisation of Hurrian labial consonants has not been solved so far; p, f & w in the Hurrian forms below are used according to the Hurritological tradition.
Nevertheless, in order to adhere to the GLD transcriptional standard, which facilitates automatic comparison between various languages and language groups, we have to rewrite Hurrian h/hh as ɣ/xx, z/zz as ʒ/cc. This only affects forms in the main field. According to general GLD principles, traditional transcription with h & z is added within curly brackets {}.
Urartian data, when available, are quoted in the notes to the corresponding Hurrian entries.

The current presentation is actually a short version of the paper [Kassian 2011]. This database only contains Hurrian and Urartian terms whose Swadesh meanings are established with a reasonable degree of probability, along with references to the sources. For additional synchronic as well as etymological data the reader might refer to [Kassian 2011].

Database compiled and annotated by: A. Kassian, October 2011.