Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the North Khoisan group (Peripheral Khoisan family).

Languages included: Zhuǀ'hoan [nkh-juh], ǀǀKxauǀǀen [nkh-aue], !Kung [nkh-kng], Grootfontein !Kung [nkh-dkk], !O!Kung [nkh-okn], Ekoka !Xung [nkh-ekk].
Reconstruction: Preliminary version available.

Data sources.
Bleek 1929 = Bleek, Dorothea F. Comparative Vocabularies of Bushman Languages. Cambridge University Press. // (A collection of mid-size vocabularies from 12 "Bushman" dialects (several North, South, and Central Khoisan idioms are represented), with most of the data collected by D. Bleek herself. Not as thorough as Bleek 1956, and even less reliable in regards to data transcription, but the English-Bushman data organization principle makes it a useful source to consult in the preparation of Swadesh wordlists.)
Bleek 1956 = Bleek, Dorothea F. A Bushman Dictionary. American Oriental Society: New Haven, Connecticut. // (A huge (almost 700 pages) collection of comparative data on Khoisan that includes both Dorothea F. Bleek's own collection and data from numerous other researchers published up until the 1930s (W. Bleek, L. Lloyd, etc.). Transcription quality varies in between all the different sources, but is generally unreliable, quite typical of all Khoisan data published before the second half of the XXth century. Nevertheless, the edition still contains a wealth of priceless data, particularly on extinct North and South Khoisan languages.)

Zhuǀ'hoan: Dickens 1994 = Dickens, Patrick. English-Juǀ'hoan - / Juǀ'hoan-English Dictionary. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. // (Large, posthumously edited dictionary, based on careful reexamination of J. Snyman's earlier [1975] dictionary with new data added. "Based on the dialect of Juǀ'hoan spoken in the Nyae Nyae area of Namibia". Relies on the author's highly idiosyncratic orthography system, transliterated in the database.)

Grootfontein !Kung: Doke 1925 = Doke, Clement M. An outline of the phonetics of the language of the Chû: Bushmen of north-west Kalahari. In: Bantu studies and general South African anthropology, 2 (3), pp. 129-165. // (Brief article that contains a detailed description of the phonetical system of a North Khoisan dialect in the Grootfontein district. Also contains a small vocabulary, sufficient for about 75% of the Swadesh wordlist. Very high quality of data transcription for its time, although not entirely free of mistakes.)

!O!Kung: Snyman 1980 = Snyman, Jan W. The relationship between Angolan !Xu and Žuǀ'õasi. In: Bushman and Hottentot linguistic studies 1979. Ed. by Jan W. Snyman. Pretoria: University of South Africa, pp. 1-58. // (A sketch of the phonetical and grammatical peculiarities of a Northern dialect of the Žu (North Khoisan) family, with a small vocabulary in the appendix. The dialect is highly similar to, although not exactly identical, with the "N3" dialect described by D. F. Bleek in [Bleek 1929] and [Bleek 1956].)

Ekoka !Xung: König & Heine 2008 = König, Christa; Heine, Bernd. A Concise Dictionary of Northwestern !Xun. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. // (Representative English-Ekoka and Ekoka-English dictionary based on field data collected by the authors.)
Heikkinen 1986 = Heikkinen, Terttu. Phonology of the !Xũ, dialect spoken in Ovamboland and western Kavango. In: South African Journal of African Languages (Pretoria), 6 (1), pp. 18-28. // (Brief description of phonology, accompanied by an impressive vocabulary. Describes more or less the same dialect as [König & Heine 2008], with minor transcriptional and lexical differences.)

Database compiled and annotated by: G. Starostin.
Reconstruction sources: G. Starostin, personal notes (partially published in: Starostin, George. From Modern Khoisan Languages to Proto-Khoisan: the Value of Intermediate Reconstructions. In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics III [Aspekty komparativistiki III]. Orientalia et Classica, vol.. XIX. Мoscow, RSUH Publishers, pp. 337-470).