Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Mawé-Awetí-Guaraní group (Tupían family).
Languages included: Sateré-Mawé [mag-maw]; Tapirapé [mag-tap].
I. Sateré-Mawé
Ribeiro, Maria de Jesus Pacheco. 2010. Dicionário Sateré-Mawé/Português. MA thesis. Guajará-Mirim: Universidade Federal de Rondônia, campus Guajará-Mirim. // A dictionary of Sateré-Mawé. Usage examples are provided for most entries.
Franceschini, Dulce. 1999. La langue Sateré-Mawé. Description et analyse morphosyntaxique. PhD thesis. Paris: Université Paris VII (Dénis Diderot). // A description of Sateré-Mawé morphosyntax, containing numerous glossed examples. No glossary is found.
Franceschini, Dulce do Carmo. 2009. As posposições em Sateré-Mawé (Tupi). ReVEL 3 (edição especial): n. 3. // A description of Sateré-Mawé postpositions. Some glossed examples are included.
Silva, Raynice Geraldíne Pereira da. 2005. Estudo fonológico da língua Sateré-Mawé. MA thesis. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas. // A description of Sateré-Mawé phonology. A wordlist is included.
Silva, Raynice Geraldíne Pereira da. 2010. Estudo morfossintático da língua Sateré-Mawé. PhD thesis. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas. // A description of Sateré-Mawé morphosyntax. Includes numerous glossed examples and a vocabulary.
Graham, Albert, Sue Graham, Carl H. Harrison. 1977. Prefixos pessoais e numerais da língua Sateré-Mawé. Série Lingüística 11 (Estudos sobre línguas tupi do Brasil): 175-205. // A description of Sateré-Mawé person-marking prefixes. Some glossed examples are included.
II. Tapirapé
Almeida et al. 1983 = Almeida, Antônio; Irmãzinhas de Jesus; Luiz Gouvêa de Paula. A língua Tapirapé. Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca Reprográfica Xerox. // A grammar of Tapirapé accompanied by a glossary.
Praça 2007 = Praça, Walkíria Neiva. Morfossintaxe da língua Tapirapé. PhD thesis. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília. // A description of Tapirapé morphosyntax, containing numerous examples and several sample texts. No glossary is found.
I. Sateré-Mawé.
The Sateré-Mawé live in Terra Indígena Andirá-Marau and number approximately 8500.
Consulted sources are, for the most part, internally consistent. The orthographic representation used in [Ribeiro 2010] has been chosen to represent Sateré-Mawé data here; other sources employ transcription systems that are closer to IPA. Prenasalized allophones of the occlusives and allophonic nasalization are represented in UTS.
Orthography | Phoneme | UTS |
p | p | p |
mp | p | np |
m | m | m |
w | w | w |
t | t | t |
nt | t | nt |
n | n | n |
s | s | s |
r | ɾ | ɾ |
j̃ | j | ỹ |
k | k | k |
g̃k | k | nk |
g̃ | ŋ | ŋ |
h | h | h |
a, ā, ã | a, aː, ã | a, aː, ã |
e, ē, ẽ | e, eː, ẽ | ɛ, ɛː, ẽ |
i, ī, ĩ | i, iː, ĩ | i/i̯, iː, ĩ/ĩ̯ |
o, ō, õ | o, oː, õ | ɔ, ɔː, õ |
u, ū, ũ | u, uː, ũ | u/u̯, uː, ũ |
y, ȳ, ỹ | ɨ, ɨː, ɨ̃ | ɨ, ɨː, ɨ̃ |
ʼ | ʔ | ʔ |
II. Tapirapé.
Tapirapé speakers live in Terra Indígena Tapirapé/Karajá (Luciara and Santa Terezinha municipalities of Mato Grosso, Brazil, at the confluence of the Tapirapé and Araguaia rivers bordering Tocantins) and, more recently, also in Terra Indígena Urubu Branco (Santa Terezinha, Confresa and Porto Alegre do Norte municipalities in north-eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil).
Most Tapirapé are bilingual in Tapirapé and Portuguese. Many of them are trilingual in Tapirapé, Portuguese and Karajá (especially those who live in the Majtyritãwa village. T.I. Tapirapé/Karajá). In Tãpi’itãwa, Tãpiparanytãwa, Towãjaatãwa, Wiriaotãwa and Akara’ytãwa villages (T.I. Urubu Branco) the main language of communication is Tapirapé.
The population of Tapirapé is around 600 people, though in the 1940s there were only 47 speakers.
The data from [Almeida et al. 1983] and [Praça 2007] are normally in accordance. In some words stem-final occlusives alternate with voiced continuants when followed by a vowel-initial suffix. This happens following oral vowels and ã. Only the variants with the occlusives are cited here.
The differences between the transcription and the orthography used in [Almeida et al. 1983] are the following: UTS ʔ = orth. h, UTS ɨ = orth. y, UTS ɨ̃ = orth. ỹ, UTS ɾ = orth. r, UTS ŋ = orth. g, UTS ɕ = orth. x, UTS y = orth. j, UTS kʷ = orth. q. Additionally, nasality is marked over vowels preceded by nasal consonants, as well as over continuants (ɾ, w, y) in syllables with a nasal nucleus.
Database compiled and annotated by: André Nikulin (September 2017).