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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *nǝt
Meaning: wall
Proto-North Bahnaric: *nat.L, pǝ- or *p<ǝn>at.L 5wall 5pVt 6tiap 6*piat 6tick 6*piǝt, Cǝ- 6tick 6TR pi:t piat tick 6kapiǝt 6tick 6TB2.98 6A possible borrowing from Katuic 6pVt 7tiaB 7*Biat / *Ba:t 7ring 7K552 7*biǝt, Cǝ- 7ring 7*ba:t, hǝl- 7ring 7sabiǝt ? < W 7ring 7TB8.119 7A possible borrowing from Katuic 7pVt 8ta:b 8*Ba:t 8soft 8K1610 8*ba:t, Tǝ- 8soft 8A possible borrowing from Katuic 8pVt 9ta:B 9*Ba:t 9chew 9K3436 9*ba:t 9chew 9A possible borrowing from Katuic 9pVt :tǝ:B :*Bǝ:t :skin (with knife) :*bɨ:t :to skin (with knife) :pVt ;tuaB ;*Buat ;extend ;*buat, tǝ- ;extend ;pVt <tǝp <*pǝt <throw away, abandon <*pǝt, Hǝ- <throw away, abandon <pVt =tɔ:p =*pɔ:t =form into a shape =K546 =*pɔ:t =form (sticky rice) into a shape =A possible borrowing from Katuic =pVt >tiap >*piat >struggle or fight over >*piat, tǝ- >struggle or fight over >pVw ?wǝb ?*bǝ̆w ?rǝ- ?thousand ?rǝbǝw ?thousand ?*baw.L, rǝ- ?thousand ?*bǝw, hǝr- ?thousand ?PNB-426, TB11.13 ?pVw @wiap @*piaw @throw @*piaw @throw @pVw AwaB A*Băw / *măw Apaddy A*maw, ʔǝ- Apaddy A*baw, dǝ- Amillet, k. o. ApVw BwVp B*pVw Bgǝr- Bbuffalo Bkǝpo: Bcarabao B*po.L, kǝ- Bbuffalo B*pu, gǝr- Bwater buffalo B*pɨ, gǝr- Bbuffalo B*piǝw, # /kǝ- Bwater buffalo Bkapi:w Bwater buffalo BPNB-522, JS-853, TB2.14 BPChamic *kabaw "water buffalo" (TH-322), Malai kerbau BpVw Cwi:B C*Bi:w Ctamarind Ccf. 586 C*bi:w, ʔǝm- Ctamarind CpVŋ DŋuB D*Bŭŋ Dspider Dcf. 1349 D*buŋ Dspider DpVŋ Eŋiǝp E*piǝŋ E# Espider Ecf. 1348 E*pe:ŋ.L Espider ESTI bɛ:ŋ IV? Espider Ekǝpi:ŋ (A) Espider Epɔŋ piak ESPT ESTI form may be borrowed from KMR: bi:ŋ-ba:ŋ "spider" EpVŋ Fŋɔ:p F*pɔ:ŋ Fflat Fcf. 1351 F*pɔ:ŋ Fflat FpVŋ Gŋap G*păŋ Gflat Gcf. 1350 G*paŋ GClf. for flat objects GpVŋ HŋǝB H*Bǝ̆ŋ Heven, level Hcf. 1350 H*bǝŋ, tǝm- Heven, level HpVŋ Iŋo:p I*po:ŋ Idoor Icf. 984 I*po:ŋ, #/lǝ- Idoorway, door IPChamic *ʔbaŋ "door" (TH-312) < AN lubaŋ IpVŋ Jŋap J*păŋ Jpull, close J*paŋ Jpull, close JpVŋ Kŋo:B K*Bo: Klarge (animal) K*bo:ŋ Klarge (animal) KpVŋ Lŋɔbʔ L*ʔbɔ:ŋ Ltǝ- /kǝN- Lbill, beck Lcf. 992 Ltǝʔbɔ:ŋ Lsnout L*bɔŋ, kǝN- E? Lbill, beck LSBS-501 LSB forms may be derivations of LpVŋ Mŋɨp M*pǝ̆ŋ / *pǝ:ŋ Mtooth M*pɨŋ Mtooth M*pɨ:ŋ Mtooth MTB5.46 MpVŋ Nŋɔp N*pɔ̆ŋ Ncast a fishing net N*poŋ / *boŋ Ncast a fishing net NpVŋ Oŋɔp O*pɔ̆ŋ Oyam O*pɔŋ Oyam OA possible borrowing from Katuic OpVŋ PŋuB P*Bŭŋ Pjar, basket Pcf. 1365 P*buŋ Pjar, basket PpVŋ Qŋap Q*păŋ Qand, with Q*paŋ.T Qand, with QpVŋ Rŋabʔ R*ʔbăŋ Rdǝ- Rsprouts (bamboo) Rtǝʔbaŋ Rsprouts (bamboo) R*baŋ.T, tǝ- Rsprouts (bamboo) R*baŋ, #/dǝ- Rsprouts (bamboo) R*baŋ, dǝ-/gǝ- Rsprouts (bamboo) R*baŋ, dǝ- Rbamboo shoot Rtabaŋ Rbamboo shoot Rtǝvak sprout RJS-225, TB4.31 RChamic *tuʔbuŋ < AN *Lǝbuŋ RpVŋ Sŋiap S*piaŋ Scooked rice SSED tǝpoaŋ.T powdered rice V? S*piǝŋ Scooked rice SpVŋ Tŋub T*bŭŋ Tbǝ- Troof Tbǝbuŋ Troof TREN bǝbuŋ.L Ttop of roof TSPT TpVŋ Uŋɔ:b U*bɔ:ŋ U#/tǝ- Ucoffin, trough Ucf. 1360 Ubɔ:ŋ Ucasket U*bo:ŋ.T Ucoffin, casket UCHR bɔ:ŋ trough U*bɔ:ŋ, tǝ- Utrough U*bɔ:ŋ, tǝ- Ucoffin Utabɔ:ŋ Ucoffin UPNB-172, JS-462, TB8.97 UPChamic *bɔ:ŋ "coffin, casket" (TH-312) UpVŋ VŋɔB V*Bɔ̆ŋ Vfall, stumble V*boŋ.T Vfall, stumble V*bo:ŋ V? Vfall V*bɔŋ Vfall over VKS bɔŋ fall down, fall over Vʔbɔŋ Vfall down, fall over VJS-556, TB17.377 VpVŋ Wŋǝp W*pǝ̆ŋ W# Wpound, hammer Wpǝŋ Wpound W*paŋ.L Wpound, hammer W*pǝŋ Wpound, hammer W*pǝŋ, tǝ-/# Wpound, hammer WPNB-99, SBS-794, TB17.178 WPChamic *pǝŋ "to nail" (TH-329) WpVŋ Xŋɔp X*pɔ̆ŋ Xcarry in arms XREN poŋ.T carry with both hands Xpo:k carry in arms XSPT XpVŋ Yŋup Y*pŭŋ / *pu:ŋ Ytǝr- Ywatermelon Ycf. 1269 Y6 Y*puŋ.L, tǝ- / *pu:ŋ.T, kǝ- Ywatermelon Y*puŋ, rǝ- Ywatermelon, melon Y*pVŋ, Cǝ- Ycucumber Y*poŋ, dǝ- V? Ycucumber Ytapu:ŋ V? Ycucumber YJS-695, TB3.14 YSome forms must be borrowed YpVŋ Zŋa:p Z*pa:ŋ Zkǝr-/tǝr- Zpalm, sole Ztǝpa:ŋ Zpalm Z*pa:ŋ.T, kǝ- Zpalm, sole Z*pa:ŋ, #/lǝ- Zpalm, sole Z*pa:ŋ, tǝr- Zpalm, sole Z*pa:ŋ, kǝ- Zpalm, sole Zcapa:ŋ P? Zpalm, sole ZPNB-155, JS-95, TB5.45 ZpVŋ [ŋiǝp [*piǝŋ [# [above [SED pɛŋ.L, peŋ.L [above, upper [*pɨǝŋ [above [JS-878 [WB forms may be borrowed from Katuic [pVŋ nVŋ \ŋap \*păŋ \wall \cf. 245 \*p<ǝrn>aŋ \wall \pVŋ ]ŋɔp ]*pɔ̆ŋ ]close (a door) ]*pɔŋ ]close (a door) ]pVŋ ̂ŋa:p ̂*pa:ŋ ̂storage rack under the roof ̂*pa:ŋ, hǝN- ̂storage rack under the roof ̂pVŋ _ŋa:p _*pa:ŋ _beehive _*pa:ŋ, sǝ- _beehive _sa:ŋ I? _beehive _pVŋ `ŋVp `*pVŋ `cavity, hole in a tree `*pVŋ, dǝN- `cavity, hole in a tree `pVŋ aŋa:B a*Ba:ŋ aspleen a*ba:ŋ, kǝl- aspleen ababa:ŋ aspleen apVŋ bŋɔ:p b*pɔ:ŋ bfence around a garden b*pɔ:ŋ, rǝN- bfence around a garden bpVŋ cŋVB c*BVŋ cwrestle, attack c*bVŋ, Tǝ- cwrestle, attack cpVŋ dŋe:p d*pe:ŋ dfist with closed thumb d*pe:ŋ, tǝ-/# da fist with closed thumb dpVŋ eŋap e*păŋ ethe length from the elbow to the middle finger eK557 e*paŋ, kǝ- ethe length from the elbow to the middle finger eA possible borrowing from Katuic epVŋ fŋiaB f*Biaŋ fhang (on a peg) f*biaŋ, cǝN- fhang (on a peg) fpVŋ gŋǝ:p g*pǝ:ŋ gcrawl g*pɨ:ŋ, cǝ- gcrawl gpVŋ hŋaB h*Băŋ hshield from the sun h*baŋ, #/kǝ- hto shield from the sun hpVŋ iŋuB i*Bŭŋ ihold in the mouth i*buŋ, Kǝ- ihold in the mouth ipVʔ jʔaB j*baʔ jcarry on back jcf. 1203 jK4245 jJEH baʔ.T carry on back j*baʔ jcarry on back j*baʔ jcarry jJS-136 jPChamic *ʔbaʔ "carry on back" (TH-351) jpVʔ kʔeb k*beʔ kimperative kbeʔ kimperative k*beʔ.T kimperative kSTI bɔʔ mild imperative V? kPNB-216 kpVʔ lʔap l*paʔ lblanket l*paʔ, Cǝ- lblanket lpVʔ mʔap m*paʔ mat m*paʔ.T mat mpVʔ nʔabʔ n*ʔbaʔ n# nfather nʔbaʔ nfather n*baʔ.T nfather nSTI ba: marker of male names n*bǝʔ V? nfather nPNB-319, SBS-2, JS-776 npVʔ oʔiǝbʔ o*ʔbiaʔ o# olittle oʔbiǝʔ V? oa little, a bit oJEH ʔwiaʔ.T I? oʔbiaʔ (A) olittle, few oSPT opVʔ pʔuǝp p*puǝʔ p# pcarry on back ppuʔ pcarry on back p*poʔ.L pcarry on back pPNB-306 ppVʔ qʔǝb q*bǝʔ q# qdo, make qbǝʔ qwork, build qSTI bǝ qdo, make qSPT qpVʔ rʔVb r*biʔ rnegative rbiʔ rnegative rCHR bi rnot rSPT rpVʔ sʔǝB s*Bǝʔ safternoon s*bɨʔ, rǝN- safternoon s*bǝʔ, hǝ- sevening smhbǝʔ ? < W sevening sTB14.1
References: PNB-228

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North Bahnaric etymology :

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Meaning: bamboo
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Sedang form: phea.L
Sedang meaning: bamboo

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