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West Katuic etymology :

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Proto-West Katuic: *coh
Meaning: to spit
Presyllable: kǝ-
Katuic etymology: Katuic etymology
Bru Van Keu: kucɔh
Bru Van Keu meaning: to spit
So: kacoh.N
So meaning: to spit; rǝcɔh.N saliva
Bru: kǝcɔh.N
Bru meaning: to spit; rǝcɔh.N saliva
Kui: kǝcɔh.N
Kui meaning: to spit out
Kuay: kacɔh.N
Kuay meaning: to spit
Ngeu: kǝcɔh.N
Ngeu meaning: to spit

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Katuic etymology :

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Proto-Katuic: *coh
Meaning: to spit
Presyllable: kǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-West Katuic: *coh
Proto-East Katuic: *coh
References: P-40; TK16.218

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East Katuic etymology :

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Proto-East Katuic: *coh
Meaning: to spit
Presyllable: kǝ-
Katuic etymology: Katuic etymology
Pakoh: kuco:h.T V?
Pakoh meaning: to spit; kucoh.T (PT-181)
Taojh: kacoh.T
Taojh meaning: to spit (PT-181)
Lao Katu: kacoh
Lao Katu meaning: to spit
Ngeq: kacoh
Ngeq meaning: to spit
Kri: kacoh
Chatong: kacoh
Kantu dialects: karcɔh saliva
Dakkan dialects (1): kacɔh
Dakkan dialects (2): kǝncɔh
Dakkan meaning: to spit
Katu dialects (1): kacɔh
Katu dialects (3): kǝcɔh
Katu dialects (4): kacɔh
Katu meaning: to spit

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: *coh
Meaning: spit
Proto-Katuic: *coh
Proto-Bahnaric: *coh
Proto-Pearic: *chuh.N
Proto-Vietic: *coǝh, k-
Proto-Monic: *cɔh
Proto-Khmu: *ʒuh I?
References: S-66

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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *coh
Meaning: spit
Presyllable: kǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: kǝsɔh
Bahnar meaning: to spit
Proto-North Bahnaric: *cuh.T, kǝ-
Proto-South Bahnaric: *sɔh, kǝ-
Proto-West Bahnaric: *coh, gǝ-
References: PNB-374, JS-581, TB17.259
Chamic *kacuh "to spit" (TH-322) cVh



   ʔǝ- / sǝ-




   *seh.T, ʔǝ-


   *seh, #/ʔǝ-




   *sɛh, sǝ-




   PNB-359, JS-280; TB2.67

   PChamic *ʔasɛh "horse" (TH-346)

   cVh hoc *coh # burn sɔh to light a fire *cuh.T to set fire CHR sɔh to kindle *coh to burn, ignite *coh to burn (grass) cɔh to burn (grass) PNB-373, SPT, TB17.304 PChamic *cuh "burn" (TH-315) cVh hac *cah pǝ- break pǝcah I? break (china, etc.) REN pǝcah.T to break *cah dig (with spade) BAH initial is irregular thus indicating a borrowing; PChamic *picah "broken" (TH-327) cVh ↑huas ↑*suah ↑#/ʔǝ- ↑wet ↑cf. 27 ↑*suǝh ↑to wet ↑ʔǝsuh (A) ↑to wet ↑SPT ↑cVh ↓hɔc ↓*cɔh ↓# ↓plow, peck ↓cf. 31 ↓cɔh, pǝcɔh I? ↓to plow ↓SED cɔ.L ↓cracks in bamboo floor; to dig a channel ↓STI cɔh ↓to peck ↓*cɔh ↓to pierce ↓*cɔh ↓ditch, moat ↓SPT ↓BAH initial is irregular thus indicating a borrowing; PChamic *cɔh "peck (of bird) (TH-315) ↓cVh →huaʒ →*ʒuah / *suah →stab →cf. 31 →*ʒuǝh →to stab →*cuh / *suǝh →to stab →cVh ←huǝʒ ←*ʒuǝh ←wet ←cf. 24 ←*ʒoh.L, hǝ- ←wet ←PChamic *basah "wet; damp" (TH-284) < AN ←cVh hoc *coh thornless bamboo *coh, hǝN- thornless bamboo cVh ↔hec ↔*ceh ↔small-mouthed jar ↔CHR sɛh ↔rice wine (DPC) ↔*cɛh ↔small-mouthed jar ↔cVh hɔs *sɔh tear down, dismantle cf. 15 *sɔh tear down, dismantle cVh hɔʒ *ʒɔh peck, strike (as of snakes) cf. 26 ʒɔh (of snake) to bite *ʒuh.T / *ʒoh.T to peck *ʒɔh, n- peck, strike (as of snakes) *ʒɔh peck, strike (as of snakes) ʒɔh peck, strike (as of snakes) NB may be connected with *ʒuǝh (n.26) cVh haʒ *ʒah chew *ʒah, Hǝ(N)- chew cVh !heʒ !*ʒeh !whisper !*ʒɛh, kǝ-/pǝ- !whisper !cVh "hec "*ceh "sting with pain "*cɛh, CǝN- "sting with pain "cVj #ja:s #*sa:j #fish with hook and line #cf.3 #*sa:j.T #fish with hook and line #*sa:j, ʔǝ- #fish with hook and line #cVj $jVc $*ʒVj $deer $K9 $ʒuej V? $large type of deer $*ʒoj.T V? $deer $*ʒu:j / *ʒuǝj $deer $YH ʒu:j deer $ʒ́u:j $deer $ʒɔ:j $PNB-478, JS-671 $cVj %jɔ:s %*sɔ:j %sacrifice %sɔ:j %sacrifice %*so:j.T %sacrifice %PNB-484 %cVj &jas &*săj &previous &*saj &previous &cVj 'jɔ:ʒ '*ʒɔ:j 'look for '*ʒɔ:j 'look for 'cVj (ju:c (*cu:j (basket (*cu:j.L, kǝ- (basket (cVq )qes )*se )kǝ- )rope )cf. 46 )*sij.T, kǝ- )rope, vine )*se, kǝ- )rope )*sɛ, kǝ- )rope )JS-305; TB8.46a )Some forms may be borrowed from KMR )cVj *jǝc **cǝ̆j /*sĭ *# *louse *si *louse **ci.L / *caj.L *head louse **si / *saj *louse **caj *louse **caj *louse *caj *louse *PNB-516, JS-169; TB2.101 *cVj +ja:s +*sa:j +# +kinterm +*sa:j +kinterm +*sa:j +elder sibling +JS-47 +cVj ,juac ,*cuaj ,# ,sow, dibble ,*co:j.T ,plant rice ,*suǝj ,dig, dibble ,*cu[a/ǝ]j, pǝ- ,to sow ,*cɔ:j ,drop rice grain in a hole ,SBS-699 ,cVj -juas -*suaj -tail -*suaj -tail -*sɔ:j -tail -TB5.72 -May be a Katuic borrowing. -cVj .jas .*săj .sǝ- .tendon .cf. 41 .*saj, sǝ- .tendon .*se, sǝN- V? .tendon .nsaj .tendon .TB5.78 .A possible borrowing from Katuic? Some forms may belong to n.41 .cVj /ja:c /*ca:j /poisonous plant /K1529 /*ca:j, kǝ- /poisonous plant (kind of) /*ca:j, kǝ- /poisonous plant (kind of) /TB3.3 /May be a borrowing into Katuic /cVj 0ja:s 0*sa:j 0CǝN- 0cooked rice 0cf. 341 0*sa:j, CǝN- 0cooked rice 0A cultural word; PChamic *lasɛj "rice (cooked)" (TH-295) 0cVj 1jaʒ 1*jăj 1argue 1*ʔjaj, pǝ- 1quarrel, argue 1cVj cVh 2sǝc 2*sǝ̆jh 2shoulder 2*sajh.L, kǝ- 2shoulder 2cVj cVh 3ca:c 3*ca:jh 3comb 3cf. 1475 3tǝsi < Chamic 3a comb 3*sa:jh 3comb 3*ca:jh 3comb 3JS-116 3PChamic *tasi "comb" (TH362) 3cVh 4hec 4*ceh 4kǝ(N)- 4sneeze 4cf. 2241 4kǝseh 4sneeze 4*ceh, #/kǝn- 4sneeze 4*ceh, hǝN- 4sneeze 4ńcɛh 4sneeze 4TB17.110 4nVh 5hin 5*nih 5flesh 5*nih.L, hǝ-ʔ 5flesh 5cVj cVh 6sa:c 6*ca:jh 6finger 6*ca:jh, ʔǝ- 6finger 6cVj cVh 7sa:c 7*ca:jh 7cage 7*ca:jh, Hǝ- 7cage 7cVj cVh 8se:c 8*ce:jh 8slash with a pointed knife 8*ce:jh 8slash with a pointed knife; draw (a line) 8cVj cVh 9sǝ:c 9*cǝ:jh 9pick up 9*cǝ:jh 9pick up (things on the ground) 9cVk :kias :*siak :cough :*siǝk, kǝn- :cough :cVk ;kɔc ;*cɔ̆k ;take ;cf. 384 ;JEH cok.T take ;*sɔk ;take ;*cɔk ;take ;cɔk take ;JS-544; TB17.507 ;cVk <kVs <*sVk <dirty <kǝsɔk <dirty water <CHR sǝʔ dirty <SBS-769 <cVk =ce:s =*se:c =tooth =*se:c, kǝ- =tooth =cVk >kɔʒ >*ʒɔ̆k >#/ kǝ- >smoke >cf. 79 >STI ʒhɔk to smoke >*ʒok >sip, inhale >YH ʒɔk suck (on a seed) >kacoʔ E?; chɔk (A) >suck (on a seed) >SPT, TB17.117 >cVk ?kɔ:c ?*cɔ:k ?hit, punch ?cf. 85 ?cɔ:k I? ?to punch, box ?*co:k.T / *cok.L ?to punch ?*cɔ:k, Pǝ- ?pound rice the second time ?thuk punch ?BAH initial is irregular thus indicating a borrowing ?cVk @ku:ʒ @*ʒu:k @# @black, green @cf. 2253 @ʒǝ:k V? @green @*ʒu:k @black @cVk Akɔʒ A*ʒɔ̆k Along time A*ʒɔk Along time AcVk Bka:s B*ja:k / *sa:k Bgo, walk Bja:k Bgo, walk B*sa:k Bgo, walk BcVk Ckɔʒ C*ʒɔ̆k Cshrew mouse C*ʒok, kǝ- Cshrew mouse CcVk Dka:s D*sa:k Dtear Dcf. 297, 302 D*sa:k Dto tear DcVk Ekac E*căk Ebody Ecf. 536 E*cak.T Ebody E*sak, kǝ-/# Ebody E*cak Ebody, self E*cak Ebody Ec<an>ak Ebody Esak body EJS-187; TB5.28 EcVk Fkǝʒ F*ʒǝ̆k FKǝN- Fheavy F*ʒǝk, #/ kǝn- Fheavy F*ʒɨk, gǝ(N)- Fheavy FJS-897; TB16.154a FcVk Gkɔs G*sɔ̆k G# Ghair Gsɔk Ghair, feather G*sak.L V? Ghair G*sɔk Ghair G*sok Ghair G*sok Ghair Gsɔk Ghair Ghlo:k hair GJS-553; TB5.44 GcVk Hkiǝʒ H*ʒiǝk Hdig Hcf. 1025 H*ʒi:k Hto dig HSBS-278 HA possible loan from KMR HcVk jVk Ikaj I*jăk / *ja:k I*kǝ- Idemon Ikja:k Idemon (not in D) I*kiak.T Ighost, corpse I*ca:k I? Idemon I*kiak Icorpse, dead body IPNB-286; TB7.29 IcVk nVk Jkǝ:s J*suǝk / *sǝ:k Jhappy; recover Jcf. 298 J*[s]o:k.L, CǝN- Jhappy J*sǝ:k Jrecover, healed JkVk Kkog K*gok Kbent, crooked Kcf. 492 K*gok Kbent, crooked Kŋhgok Kbent, crooked KcVk Lkuʒ L*ʒŭk Lnecklace Lcf. 1026 LNHA ʒuk necklace L*ʒuk Lnecklace LcVk Mka:c M*ca:k Mpandanus M*ca:k, rǝN- Mpandanus M*ca:k, hǝ- Mpandanus Mŋhca:k Mpandanus MTB3.50 MA local word? MnVʔ Nʔeń N*ńeʔ Nhigh, tall N


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North Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-North-Bahnaric: *cuh.T, kǝ-
Meaning: spit
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Jeh form: kǝcuh.T
Jeh meaning: to spit
Sedang form: kǝcow.L
Sedang meaning: to spit
Hre form: kǝcoh.T
Hre meaning: to spit
Mo'dra: kǝco.C
Didra: xco.C
References: PNB-374, GS-112

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South Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-South Bahnaric: *sɔh, kǝ-
Meaning: spit
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Chrau form: chɔh
Chrau meaning: to spit
Stieng form: chɔh
Stieng meaning: to spit; kǝrsɔh saliva
References: SBS-492

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West Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-West- Bahnaric: *coh, gǝ-
Meaning: spit
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Jaru form: kǝcoh
Jaru meaning: to spit
Lavi: kachoʔ T?
Juk: kacoh
Nhaheung form: gjoh
Nhaheung meaning: to spit
Brao form: kǝjoh
Brao meaning: to spit
References: JS-581

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Pearic etymology :

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Proto-Pearic: *chuh.N
Meaning: spit (v.)
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Chong: chuh.A
Chong meaning: to spit
Song: chuh.A
Song meaning: to spit
Kasong: chuh.A
Kasong meaning: spit (v.)
Samre: cuh.A I?
Samre meaning: to spit
References: H-444: *c(u)h

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Viet-Muong etymology :

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Monic etymology :

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Proto-Monic: *cɔh
Meaning: to spit
Presyllable: kǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Modern Mon: khyah
Old Mon: ksas
Nyakur: kǝcah.L
Nyakur meaning: to spit
References: V261; S-66

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