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Angku etymology :

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Proto-Angku: *ṣiar
Meaning: civet-cat
Palaung-Wa etymology: Palaung-Wa etymology
Pangpin: chiar.51
Gantang: ṣa.51
References: WW-83

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Palaung-Wa etymology :

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Proto-Palaung-Wa: *ṣVr
Meaning: tiger
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-Wa: *suar
Proto-Plang: *sɔr
Proto-De'ang: *saR
Proto-Angku: *ṣiar

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Wa etymology :

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Meaning: civet-cat
Palaung-Wa etymology: Palaung-Wa etymology
Paraok: sua
Paraok meaning: civet-cat
Wa: sɔn
Wa meaning: civet-cat
Ava: sua
Lawa meaning: civet-cat
References: D-156: *sAr/l

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Plang etymology :

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Proto-Plang: *sɔr
Meaning: civet-cat
Palaung-Wa etymology: Palaung-Wa etymology
Bulang: sɔh.1
Bulang meaning: civet-cat
Samtao (Diffloth): sɔl.1
Samtao (Diffloth) meaning: civet-cat

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De'ang etymology :

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Proto-De'ang: *sar
Meaning: civet cat
Palaung-Wa etymology: Palaung-Wa etymology
De'ang: ʔǝsü:r; WW: sar
De'ang-1: san
De'ang-2: saɨ.2

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: lVm
Meaning: wrap
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: liem.B to wrap with gold CK
Khmer: liǝm < ? Thai
Proto-Palaungic: Pr lɨm

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *lV́miʔ
Meaning: to fold, wrap
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Proto-Austroasiatic: lVm (also *lu:m / *lum cover)
Austroasiatic meaning: wrap
Proto-Austronesian: *lumiq
Austronesian meaning: to fold, hem
Proto-Thai: liem.B to wrap with gold; kruam.A to cover; glum.A to wrap in blanket

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : LVNV
Meaning : roof, cover
Sino-Caucasian : *ƛ̣ǝŋʔV̆
Austric : PAA *lu:m / *lum 'cover', ?PAN *lumiq

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ƛ̣ǝŋʔV̆
Meaning: roof, top
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *ƛ̣ǝmʔV̆
Sino-Tibetan: *ƛā̆ŋ
Comments and references : LV D5.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *ƛ̣ǝmʔV̆
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: roof
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ƛ̣omV
Proto-Tsezian: *ƛ̣õ A
Notes: An Av.-And.-Tsezian isogloss; no parallels in other languages as yet found.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *ƛ̣omV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 skin 2 roof
Avar: ṭom 1
Chadakolob: ṭom 1
Andian language: ƛ̣om / lom 2
Akhvakh: ƛ̣ami / ƛ̣ō̃ 2
Chamalal: am 2
Tindi: ami 2
Karata: ƛ̣ame 2
Botlikh: am 2
Bagvalal: ama 2
Godoberi: lam 2
Comments: Av. paradigm C (ṭomó-l, ṭóma-l). The root means both 'roof' and 'skin' in several languages: in Av. cf. Chad. ṭom, Gid. ƛ̣om, Ants. ƛ̣om / ṭom 'roof'; in Akhv. cf. N.-Akhv. ƛ̣ami 'roof', Tlan. ṭama 'skin', Ratl. ƛ̣ami 'roof; skin'. Cf. also Bagv. Kvan. ḳ́ama, Cham. Gig. am, Gad. nabu ( < *ƛ̣am-bu), Kar. Tok. amʔi. There is certainly no reason to separate forms meaning 'roof' from those meaning 'skin' ('roof of body').

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *ƛ̣õ A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: roof
Tsezi: ƛ̣u
Ginukh: ƛ̣u
Khvarshi: ƛ̣ũ
Inkhokvari: ƛ̣ũ
Bezhta: ƛ̣ama (Tlad.)
Gunzib: ƛ̣ɔme (Gunz.)
Comments: PTsKh *ƛ̣ũ; PGB *ƛ̣ɔmV (cf. also Bezht. Khosh. ƛ̣amo). Gunz. (Bokarev) ƛ̣ame 'roof' is obviously a misspelling instead of ƛ̣ɔme. The PTs paradigm must be reconstructed as *ƛ̣õ, *ƛ̣ɔmV- (with the oblique base preserved as direct in PGB; Tsez. ƛ̣imi 'stone for fastening the roof' is also possibly derivable from this stem).

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ƛā̆ŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: lift, rise
Chinese: *Łaŋ lift, raise.
Tibetan: ldaŋ (p. ldaŋs, laŋs, i. ldoŋ) to rise, to get up, ltoŋs summit.
Lushai: hlāŋ (hlān) to lift up, lift down, tlāŋ a mountain, hill.
Comments: Peiros-Starostin 213; Coblin 125.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: yáng
Preclassic Old Chinese: Łaŋ
Classic Old Chinese: Łaŋ
Western Han Chinese: laŋ
Eastern Han Chinese: źaŋ
Early Postclassic Chinese: źaŋ
Middle Postclassic Chinese: jaŋ
Late Postclassic Chinese: jaŋ
Middle Chinese: jaŋ
English meaning : to rise; to raise, set forth, extol, make known; to stir
Russian meaning[s]: 1) поднять руку; поднять; вздымать; 2) возвышать, прославлять; 3) повышать (голос); усиливать (звук); 4) довольный, самодовольный; горделивый; 5) просеивать, веять; 6) обмахивать(ся) (веером); 7) распространять(ся); обнародовать
Comments: Standard Sino-Viet. is du'o'ng. Another probable loan from the same source is Viet. nâng 'to raise, elevate' (with nasal assimilation, attested also in some other cases). The same word can be also written as 颺 in the classics ('to rise (of wind)' etc.). Used also for *Łaŋ 'forehead; metal frontlet of a horse'.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 64
Four-angle index: 4387
Karlgren code: 0720 j-o
Go-on: yau
Kan-on: yau
Japanese reading: yō+;ageru+;agaru+
Vietnamese reading: dang
Shijing occurrences: 47.2, 47.3

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 1399
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 宕開三平陽以
ZIHUI: 2254 2361
Beijing: iaŋ 12
Jinan: iaŋ 12
Xi'an: iaŋ 12
Taiyuan: ia_̃ 1
Hankou: iaŋ 12
Chengdu: iaŋ 12
Yangzhou: iâŋ 12
Suzhou: iaŋ 12
Wenzhou: ɦi 12
Changsha: ian 12
Shuangfeng: iaŋ 12
Nanchang: iɔŋ 31
Meixian: jɔŋ 12
Guangzhou: jö_ŋ 12
Xiamen: iɔŋ 12
Chaozhou: iaŋ 12
Fuzhou: yɔŋ 12

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