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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *tēlo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wild, mad, dumb
Russian meaning: дикий, безумный, глупый
Turkic: *dẹ̄l(b)ü-
Tungus-Manchu: *dele-
Comments: Дыбо 12. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.

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Turkic etymology :

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Proto-Turkic: *dẹ̄l(b)ü-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: mad, stupid
Russian meaning: сумасшедший, глупый
Old Turkic: telve (OUygh.)
Karakhanid: telve (MK, KB); telü (MK-Oghuz)
Turkish: deli
Tatar: tile, (КСТТ) tilbä
Middle Turkic: telve (Abush., Sangl.)
Uzbek: telba
Uighur: tälvä 'sporty'
Azerbaidzhan: däli
Turkmen: dǟli, telbe
Chuvash: tiler- 'to become mad, enraged'
Tofalar: telemir, teleŋ
Kirghiz: teli; delbe 'stagger'
Kazakh: delbe 'stagger'
Noghai: teli; delbe 'stagger'
Bashkir: tile, tilbä 'stagger'
Balkar: teli
Gagauz: deli
Karaim: deli, teli
Karakalpak: delbe 'stagger'
Kumyk: deli
Comments: EDT 493, VEWT 472, ЭСТЯ 3, 214-216, TMN 3, 660-662. The forms meaning 'stagger' reveal some irregularities (notably, voiced d- in some Kypchak forms), perhaps due to interdialectal borrowing.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *dele-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 wild 2 dumb
Russian meaning: 1 дикий, одичавший (о животных) 2 тупой, тупеть
Evenki: del(e)mī 1
Even: delmi 1, (?) dīl- 2
Negidal: delemi 1
Comments: ТМС 1, 206, 233.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *tVlV
Meaning: foolish, deceive
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *dol-
Altaic: *tēlo
Uralic: *tultV 'witchcraft'
Kartvelian: Georg., Megr. tval- 'to count'
References: ND 2262 *te/al̄o 'be/make foolish, deceive' (+ Hbr); 2264 *tulV "tell, pronounce magic texts'; 2265 *tULV 'to line up (?)' (hardly distinguishable).

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *dol-
Meaning: calculation, fraud
Armenian: toɫ `Linie, Reihe'
Old Greek: dólo-s `Lockspeise, Lockmittel, Trug, List'
Germanic: *tal-a- n.; *tal-ōn- f.; *tal-ō- vb., *tal-ja- vb., *tal-z-ia- vb.
Latin: dolus, -ī m. `List, Täuschung'
Other Italic: Osk dolom (mallum) `dolum (malum)', dolud (malud) `dolō (malō)'
Russ. meaning: расчет, обман
References: WP I 808 f

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *tala-n; *talōn; talōn- vb., *taljan- vb., *talzian- vb.
Meaning: tale, number, count, tell
IE etymology: IE etymology
Old Norse: tal n. `Zahl, Berechnung; Untertredung'; tala `Zahl, Zählung; Rechnung; Rede, Unterhaltung'; tala wk. `reden, sprechen'; telja wk. `zählen, rechnen; erzählen, sprechen'; untals, talzjan `lehren'
Norwegian: tal; tala; tala vb.; telja vb.
Swedish: tal; tala vb.; talja vb.
Danish: tal; tale vb.; tälle vb.
Old English: täl (tel), -es n. `tale, number, series'; talu, -e f. `tale, talk, story; talk, discussion; charge, claim; tale, list'; talian (-ode) `suppose (a thing to be such and such, consider, reckon; impute, ascribe'; tellan (tealde; teald) `to tell, narrate, recount, state a case; to tell, count, reckon, oompute, calculate'; tǟl, -e f. `evil speaking , calumny, detractyion', tāl, -e f., tāl, -es n. (?) `evil-speaking, calumny, slander, vituperation, detraction; scorn, mock; blame, censure, reproof'
English: tale, tell
Old Frisian: tale, tele `Zahl, Erzählung, Rede, Verteidigung'; talia `zählen, erzählen'; tella `rekenen, berekenen, verhallen, meedelen', talia
Old Saxon: tala f. `som, getal'; tal, gital; tala `Zahl'; talon `tellen, berekenen, overleggen'; talia `tellen, berekenen, menen'; tellian `tellen, vertellen, meedelen'
Middle Dutch: tael-, tāle f. `taal, woorden, verhaal, spraak'; tālen `spreken'; tal `getal, telling', tellen `tellen, optellen, vertellen, meedelen, achten'
Dutch: taal f., tal n., talen, tellen
Old Franconian: tellon `vertellen'
Middle Low German: tale `Rede, Rede vor Gericht, Geldbusse', tale f. `Rede'; tālen `zählen, erzählen, bezahlen', tal `Zahl, Anzahl, Zählung, Rechnung'
Old High German: zala f. (8.Jh.) `Zahl, Anzahl, Aufzählung, Erzählung, Rede'; zalōn wk. (um 1000) `zählen, berechnen, überdenken'; zellen wk. (8.Jh.) `(auf-, zu-)zählen, berechnen, erzählen, verkünden, bekennen, halten für, (aus)sagen, sprechen'; gizal
Middle High German: zal(e) st. f. 'zahl, bestimmte und unbestimmte anzahl usw.'; zaln, zalen wk. 'zählen, rechnen, berechnen; berichten'; zɛln, zɛlen, zɛllen wk. 'zählen, rechnen usw.'
German: Zahl f., zählen, zahlen

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 329
Root: del-1
English meaning: to put by; to count, tell
German meaning: `zielen, berechnen, nachstellen', auch `listig schädigen' und `zählen, erzählen'
Derivatives: dolo- `Abzielen, (böse) Absicht'
Material: Vielleicht arm. toɫ `Linie, Reihe', toɫem `reihe aneinander';

    gr. δόλος `List, Köder', δολόω `überliste', δόλων `kleiner Dolch der Meuchelmörder' (über δόλων `Segelstange' s. unter del-3);

    aus dem Gr. sind entlehnt lat. dolus `List, Täuschung', dolō `Stockdegen, Stilett', osk. Akk. dolom, Abl. dolud `dolus';

    anord. tal n. `Rechnung, Anzahl, Rede' (ags. tǣl n. `Berechnung, Reihe', gital `Zahl'), davon an. telja `(er)zählen', ags. tellan, ahd. zellen (Fem. anord. tola `Rede, Zahl, Rechnung'), ags. talu `Erzählung, Reihe', ahd. zala `Zahl, Bericht' (davon an. tala `reden', ags. talian `rechnen, bedenken, erzählen', ahd. zalōn `berechnen, zählen, zahlen'); g-Erweiterung in engl. talk `reden'; vom s-Stamm *talaz- n.: got. talzian `belehren', un-tals `ungelehrig, ungehorsam', dazu ags. getǣl `rasch, schnell', as. gital ahd. gizal `schnell'; mit der in dolus vorliegenden Bedeutungsfärbung dehnstufig anord. tāl f. `Betrug, Arglist', ags. tǣl f. `Tadel, Verleumdung, Spott', ahd. zāla `Nachstellung, Gefahr', zālōn `wegreißen, rauben'; schwundstufig ags. tyllan `verlocken' (*dl̥n-).

    Ursprüngliche Gleichheit mit del- `spalten' ist unsicher; etwa vom Abzielen des Beils auf das zu spaltende Holz oder aus der Runentechnik (Zahlzeichen als Einschnitt)?

    Über *dil- in got. ga-tils `passend', usw., s. unter ad-2; wohl kaum aus einer Nebenform*dai-l- hierher. Eine Vereinigung mit *del- versuchen Persson Wzerw. 115, Pedersen KZ. 39, 372, indem sie, von -, dāi- `teilen' ausgehend, *de-l- und *dai-l-, dī̆-l- als parallele Erweiterungenfassen.

References: WP. I 808 f.
Pages: 193
PIE database: PIE database

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 1883
Proto: *tultV
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: sorcery, witchcraft
German meaning: Zauberei, Zauberkraft
Khanty (Ostyak): tolt (N) 'Riese', toltn, tolten 'mit Zauberkraft', tolt (Vj.) 'Fieber', tǫлt (Kaz.) 'Hilfe, Linderung (bei einer Krankheit, in der Armut', tǫлta 'ohne (große) Mühe; вдруг'
Mansi (Vogul): tūltėn, tūltnė (N) 'leicht, einfach'
Hungarian: táltos 'Zauberer, Schamane; Zauberpferd'

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : TVLV
Meaning : to deceive
Eurasiatic : *tVlV
Afroasiatic : Sem. *tVwl-, Berb., Cush. 'magic art, talk'
Sino-Caucasian : *=e(r)ŁwV́r- (?-l)
Reference : ND 2262, 2264.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *=eŁwV́r-
Meaning: to deceive
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *=i(r)ŁwVr
Sino-Tibetan: *ƛŏl
Yenisseian: *ʔa(ʔ)r(u) (~x-)
Basque: *lar̄de
Comments and references : WFR 111.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *=i(r)ŁwVr
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to deceive
Proto-Nakh: *lV-
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *guk:-
Proto-Lak: c̣-ik:ʷi-
Proto-Dargwa: *=ark:ʷVr- /*=irk:ʷ-
Proto-West Caucasian: *Ĺa
Notes: The root structure is best preserved in PD. Avar has reduplicated the root, in PN (Chech.) the initial weak syllable was reduced (*lV- < *=iŁV-). Correspondences between EC languages allow to reconstruct a lateral root consonant *Łw, which corresponds to the lateral in PWC. The only problem is loss of labialisation in PWC (we would rather expect a form like *ĹʷV), which happens also in a number of other verbal roots - perhaps as a result of phonetic interaction with former class markers. See Абдоков 1983, 158.

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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *lV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to deceive
Chechen: lē-dan
Comments: Attested only in Chech., so the precise PN reconstruction is not clear.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *guk:-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to deceive 2 deception
Avar: guk:- 1
Karata: k:uk:- 1
Godoberi: guk:ĩ 2
Comments: Cf. also Kar. Tok. gux-il- id. All Andian forms may be borrowed from Avar or some Avar dialects (certainly borrowed is Cham. xux-id- 'to deceive', because x is quite an irregular reflex). The Avar form is reduplicated, and the tense -k:- is probably expressive (we would rather expect a form like *gug- to fit the external evidence).

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: c̣-ik:ʷi-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to coax, wheedle, cheat
Lak form: c̣-ik:i-n
Comments: G. pr. c̣-i=k:u-nu. The form contains an expressive preverb (c̣-).

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *=ark:ʷVr- /*=irk:ʷ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to deceive
Akusha: =irg-es
Comments: Cf. Ur. =argʷVr- id.

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *Ĺa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to deceive 2 to fool 3 to lure, entice
Abkhaz: a-ž́a-rá 1
Abaza: ž́a-ra 1
Adyghe: ʁa-ʡʷǝ-La-n 2
Kabardian: ʁa-ʡʷǝ-La-n 3
Ubykh: La- 1
Comments: PAT *ž́a-. PAK *ʡʷǝ-La- (a compound either with *ʡʷǝ 'mouth', or *ʡʷa- 'speak', see Shagirov 1,130): the stem is usually used with the causative ʁa-, but cf. the independent usage in Ad. ʡʷǝLa 'silly'. Ub. a-z-Lá-n (cf. also q̇ʷǝ-Lá 'stupid, silly' = Ad. ʡʷǝLa, but possibly a loanword).

    See Dumézil 1932, 126, Климов 1967, 300-301, Абдоков 1973, 79; Shagirov 1, 130.


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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ƛŏl
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: miss, fail
Burmese: lwajh to be out of the way, to vary from a certain course.
Lushai: tlolʔ to miss fire (as gun); to not do a thing.

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *ʔar(u) (~x-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: deception, to deceive
Ket: aĺ-bet5,6 'to deceive'
Yug: ar-bet́5 / arbɛ:ht́4; (Castr.) daratāx, praet. diratońāx, daratonāx, imp. aratanĺāx
Kottish: ārāthačapajaŋ, praet. ārāthalapajaŋ, imp. ārāthala, pass. āruthalāpi 'to deceive'; ārupi "deception" (cf. also āru "cunning")
Comments: ССЕ 183. Werner 1, 29, 59 (without reconstruction).

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *larde
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 anguish, worry 2 apprehensive 3 intimidation, fear
Bizkaian: larri 1
Gipuzkoan: larri 1
Low Navarrese: larderia 3
Lapurdian: larri 1, larderia 3
Zuberoan: larde 2, larderia 3
Comments: This could also be related to other PNC roots: cf. *=V̄rƛ̣_V(r) 'to be afraid' or *Ł_wĕrV 'hard, severe, stern'.

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