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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *nǝ̀mì ( ~ -ua-, -ui)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: flea
Russian meaning: блоха
Tokyo: nomí
Kyoto: nómì
Kagoshima: nomí
Comments: JLTT 500.

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *li̯òŋè
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of insect
Russian meaning: вид насекомого
Mongolian: *newne, *neɣüne
Tungus-Manchu: *loŋ-
Japanese: *nǝ̀mì ( ~ -ua-, -ui)
Comments: The root is not well attested and somewhat insecure, denoting some small insect (bug or butterfly). But the correspondences are regular and the match seems possible.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *newne, *neɣüne
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: lady bug
Russian meaning: божья коровка
Written Mongolian: neüne (МХТТТ)
Khalkha: nǖne

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *loŋ-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: butterfly
Russian meaning: бабочка
Udighe: loŋto
Comments: ТМС 1, 504. Attested only in Ud., with possible external parallels.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *lVŋV
Meaning: a k. of insect
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *lewǝ- louse
Altaic: *li̯òŋè
Uralic: ?? *linta / *lunta 'winged insect; bird'; cf. also *lOńćV ; *ĺomV - for phonology cf. 'snow')
Dravidian: *uḷum-/*uḷuŋ-
Eskimo-Aleut: *nǝŋr[uʁra-], *m-
Comments: For Ur. *lint- / *lunt- cf. rather Yuk. *ĺaŋδia (??Nivkh *harŋi) 'goose'.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *lewǝ-
Meaning: louse
Baltic: *lǖ-l-iā̃ f.
Germanic: *lūs- c.
Celtic: OCorn lowen, NCorn lūan, pl. lūan `Laus'; OCymr leu-esicc `von Läusen zerfressen', NCymr lleuen, pl. llau, Bret laouen `Laus'
Russ. meaning: насекомое (вошь)
References: WP II 443

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *lǖ-l-iā̃ f.
Meaning: louse
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: liū̃lē 'Laus'

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *lūs
Meaning: louse
IE etymology: IE etymology
Old Norse: lūs, pl. lǖss f. `Laus'
Norwegian: lus
Swedish: lus
Danish: lus
Old English: lūs, pl. lǖs f. `louse'
English: louse
Middle Dutch: luus f.
Dutch: luis f.
Middle Low German: lūs
Old High German: lūs (9. Jh.)
Middle High German: lūs st. f. 'laus'
German: Laus f.

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 1201
Root: lū̆s, Gen. luu̯-ós
English meaning: louse
German meaning: `Laus' (*Tier?)
General comments: oft tabuistisch entstellt
Material: Abrit. *luu̯ā > lou̯ā > cymr. llau `Läuse' (Sg. lleuen), corn. low bret. laou, Vannes leu ds.;

    ags. mnd. ahd. aisl. lūs f. `Laus'; aisl. lȳski f. `Läusekrankheit';

    mit tabuistischer Entstellung: ai. уū́-kā, pali ū-kā, prakrit ūā; lit. u-tė̃, und (mit Ablaut und Reduplikation) víevesa, vievesà f.; ksl. vъšь, Serb. vȁš, Gen. vȅši und ûš, usw. (*usi-);

    über toch. В luwa `Tier', Pl. lwāsa s. Pedersen Toch. 72; vgl. dän. olyr `Tier' und `Laus'; oder zu aksl. lovъ oben S. 655?

References: WP. II 443, Specht Idg. Dekl. 44, Trautmann 336, Lohmann ZceltPh. 19, 62 ff.
Pages: 692
PIE database: PIE database

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 494
Proto: *linta
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: bird
German meaning: Vogel
Finnish: lintu 'Vogel'
Estonian: lind (gen. linnu) 'Vogel; Geflügel, geflügeltes Insekt, bes. Biene; Wild, wildes Tier'
Khanty (Ostyak): ḷünti (V), lintǝ (DN), lĭntǝ (Nɨ.) 'emberiza nivalis; Schneeammer' ?
Sammalahti's version: *lintu !
Addenda: Liv. lin̄D (gen. līnda) 'Vogel; wildes Tier; Biene'

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Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-Dravidian : *uḷum-/*uḷuŋ-
Meaning : tick
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *uḷuŋ-
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *uḍm
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *uḷum-

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South Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-South Dravidian : *uḷuŋ-
Meaning : tick
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tulu : uḷụŋgụ
Tulu meaning : (B-K.) a tick found on the body of animals
Number in DED : 0591

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Kolami-Gadba etymology :

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Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *uḍm
Meaning : tick
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Parji : uḍum (pl. uḍmul)
Number in DED : 591

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Gondwan etymology :

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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *uḷum-
Meaning : tick, parasite
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Proto-Gondi : *uṛm
Proto-Pengo-Manda : *ṛūm-
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *uḷm-a
Notes : Bisyllabic root.

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Gondi etymology :

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Proto-Gondi : *uṛm
Meaning : tick
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Betul Gondi : urūm (pl. urūhk)
Mandla Gondi (Phailbus) : urūm (pl. urūhk)
Muria Gondi : uṛum
Maria Gondi : uṛm(i)
Adilabad Gondi : uṛūm (Su.)
Durg Gondi : uṛum
Number in DED : 591
Number in CVOTGD : 277

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Pengo-Manda etymology :

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Proto-Pengo-Manda : *ṛūm-
Meaning : tick
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Manda : ṛūme
Number in DED : 591

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Kui-Kuwi etymology :

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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *uḷm-a
Meaning : tick, parasite
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Kui : ḍūmba "tick, insect parasite"
Kuwi (Schulze) : lūma "horsefly"
Sunkarametta Kuwi : ṛu'ma "tick"
Kuwi (Israel) : ṛu'ma "tick"
Notes : In Kui *-ḷm- > *-lm-. The cluster was then split in all dialects, implying either the glottal stop or vowel lengthening.
Number in DED : 591

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *nǝŋr[uʁra-], *m-
Meaning: spider, grasshopper
Russian meaning: паук, кузнечик
Proto-Yupik: *nǝŋru/i-(ʁra-) (~ *m-)
Proto-Inupik: *nIɣruaʁruɣ (~ *m-)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 227

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *nǝŋru/i-(ʁra-) (~ *m-)
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: spider 1, grasshopper 2
Russian Meaning: паук 1, кузнечик 2
Sirenik: ~ mǝránucʔá (< "mǝnrúʁca ?)
Chaplino: nǝŋzīk (ɣǝt) 2
Chugach (AAY): AP nǝŋuʁjaq
Nunivak (Peripheral): nǝɣuʁjaχ, niχ'χaq [Ras.]
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 227

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *nIɣruaʁruɣ (~ *m-)
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: spider
Russian meaning: паук
Seward Peninsula Inupik: niɣruaʁruk
North Alaskan Inupik: niɣruaʁruk
WCI Dialects: Net niɣruaʁruk, niɣjuaʁzuk [B.-S.], Car niɣjuaʁjuk [Ras.], Cop nigyuq* [Ras.]
ECI Dialects: Tar nijjuajuk, mijjuajū̆k 'small spider that hangs at end of thread and does not build web', Igl niɣjuk [B.-S.]
Greenlandic Inupik: niššavaʁšuk (nigssavarssuk*)
GRI Dialects: NG nixxāχχuk, EG nittivaʁtik
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 227

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : LVNV
Meaning : insect, worm
Eurasiatic : *lVŋV
Sino-Caucasian : *ƛ̣_wäŋHV̆
Austric : PAA *lun 'worm', PAN *gelaŋ 'earthworm, worm, tapeworm' (cf. also *lVm 'leech')

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ƛ̣wä́ŋHV̆
Meaning: a k. of insect
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *nɦäƛ̣_wV̆
Sino-Tibetan: *ƛŭŋ
Comments and references : LV A22.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *nɦäƛ̣_wV̆
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gadfly
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *niḳ:ʷV
Proto-Lak: naIḳu
Proto-Lezghian: *näIƛ̣:ʷVj /*ƛ̣:ʷäInVj
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Although not widely represented outside the Av.-And. area, the root seems quite reliable both phonetically and semantically.

    It is interesting to note the root's full homonymousness with PNC *nHäƛ̣_wV 'blue' (q.v.): perhaps it had meant originally "a blue (or green) insect".


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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *niḳ:ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gadfly
Avar: niḳ:
Chadakolob: niḳ
Andian language: nič̣:u
Akhvakh: niḳ:i (Tlan.)
Chamalal: nuṣa
Karata: niḳ:e (Anch.)
Comments: Av. paradigm C (niḳ:í-l, níḳ:a-l), but Chad. A (níḳi-l, níḳa-l). Cf. also Kar. Tok. niḳ́:a, niḳ:u.

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: naIḳu
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dragonfly
Lak form: naIḳu
Comments: Lak. naIḳu is an exact match for PA *niḳ:ʷV etc. However, the Laki for "gadfly" is aIḳ (Khosr. aIḳʷ), which seems also to be related, but with a strange loss of initial n- (some old dialectal interference?). Note also Lak. Bartkh. laIḳu "dragonfly", where initial l- is probably a reminiscence of the former lateral nature of the Inlaut affricate.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *näIƛ̣:ʷVj /*ƛ̣:ʷäInVj
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 bee 2 gadfly
Lezghian: k:uni (Khl.) 1
Archi: naIƛ̣:u 2
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Kur. k:uni 'bee'. The Lezg. form is metathesized, while Archi preserves the old order of phonemes.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ƛŭŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: insect, worm
Chinese: *Łhuŋ insect; reptile.
Tibetan: lćoŋ tadpole.
Burmese: kjǝuŋh locust.
Lepcha: tă-ljaŋ bŭ a spec. of worm: it is said to convey itself into the tails of cows to render them brittle
Comments: PG *puL-luŋ caterpillar; BG: Garo dzoʔoŋ, Dimasa yuŋ; Banpara tśoŋ caterpillar; Trung 3-liŋ1 fly. Sh. 435; Ben. 34; Coblin 98.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: chóng
Preclassic Old Chinese: Łhuŋ
Classic Old Chinese: Łhuŋ
Western Han Chinese: Łhǝuŋ
Eastern Han Chinese: lhǝuŋ
Early Postclassic Chinese: dhɨuŋ
Middle Postclassic Chinese: dhuŋ
Late Postclassic Chinese: dhuŋ
Middle Chinese: ḍüŋ
English meaning : insect, small bird
Russian meaning[s]: 1) насекомое; пресмыкающееся; червяк; червеобразный; 2) животное (общее понятие); 3) Чун (фамилия)
Shuowen gloss: 有足謂之蟲.無足謂之�.從三蟲.凡蟲之屬皆從蟲. [676]
Comments: Used also for a homonymous *Łhuŋ 'be hot (of weather). Standard Sino-Viet. is trùng. For *Łh (besides MC ḍ) cf. Xiamen, Chaozhou thaŋ2, Fuzhou thöŋ2. Note that Viet. sùng may go back to PAA *sǝ-rVŋ 'worm, centipede' ( = Khmer srɨŋ) - in which case any resemblance to Chinese is just coincidental.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 142
Four-angle index: 8719
Karlgren code: 1009 c
Vietnamese reading: sùng
Jianchuan Bai: cü7,-cü̃7
Dali Bai: cü7
Bijiang Bai: ćü7
Shijing occurrences: 14.1_

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 2378
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 通合三平東澄
ZIHUI: 5722 2673
Beijing: c̣huŋ 12
Jinan: c̣huŋ 12
Xi'an: pfhoŋ 12
Taiyuan: chuŋ 1
Hankou: choŋ 12
Chengdu: choŋ 12
Yangzhou: chɔuŋ 12
Suzhou: zoŋ 12
Wenzhou: ʒ́yoŋ 12
Changsha: c̣hoŋ 12
Shuangfeng: ʒ́in 12
Nanchang: chuŋ 12
Meixian: chuŋ 12
Guangzhou: čhuŋ 12
Xiamen: thiɔŋ 12 (lit.); thaŋ 12
Chaozhou: thaŋ 12
Fuzhou: töyŋ 12 (lit.); tyŋ 12
Shanghai: zoŋ 32
Zhongyuan yinyun: čhiuŋ 12

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *lVN
Meaning: worm
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Proto-Austroasiatic: *lun (also *lan 'python'; *rVŋ 'worm, centipede'; *lɛ:n 'lizard')
Austroasiatic meaning: worm
Proto-Austronesian: *gelaŋ
Austronesian meaning: earthworm; intestinal worm
Proto-Thai: hlɨam.A python; ʔciŋ hlen.A small lizard

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: *lɛ:n
Meaning: lizard
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: ʔciŋ hlen.A small lizard
Khmer: thle:n
Proto-Khmu: VnK lɛ:n

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