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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *naɣa-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: on this side
Russian meaning: по эту сторону
Written Mongolian: naɣa-ɣur, naɣa-si (L 557)
Middle Mongolian: inaqši- (MA)
Khalkha: nāš, janāš
Buriat: nāša, nāna
Ordos: nāsi
Dagur: nāši 'toward here, hither' (MD 194)
Shary-Yoghur: nāna, naGšǝ
Monguor: naGšǝ (SM 255)
Comments: KW 272, MGCD 496.

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *la-
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: on this side, near
Russian meaning: по эту сторону, близко
Mongolian: *naɣa-
Tungus-Manchu: *la-kV, *la-ŋ
Korean: *njǝk
Comments: ТМС 1, 488, АПиПЯЯ 293. Originally a monosyllabic deictic root with directive affixes.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *la-kV, *la-ŋ
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: near
Russian meaning: близко, близкий
Ulcha: laŋ
Orok: laqqa, laŋ
Nanai: laŋ
Oroch: laki, laŋ
Udighe: ĺaŋ
Comments: ТМС 1, 488, 492.

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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *njǝk
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: side
Russian meaning: сторона
Modern Korean: jǝk [njǝkh]
Middle Korean: njǝk
Comments: Nam 108, KED 338.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *aĺV
Meaning: to cross, other side
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *al- ?
Altaic: *ā́ĺa (cf. also *la 'on this side, near' + Turc. *-ĺ?)
Uralic: *luwe 'east ~ south' (? cf. PA *la-); here also *älV 'other side'
Eskimo-Aleut: *alǝʁ-a
References: МССНЯ 372, ОСНЯ 1, 274-275, Ndr 23 *[ʔ]al(Vʔ)E (= *halVʔE?) 'on the other side'). [The SH parallels - basically Cush. *ʔal- 'behind' - are not quite convincing]. [some other pronom. matches see also in NDr 29 *[ʔ]ol̄V 'that (visible)' ].

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *el-, *ol-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: pron. dem.
Old Indian: {par āri 'im drittletzten Jahre'}
Slavic: *olnī
Latin: ille usw.; uls, ultis 'jenseits', ulter 'jenseitig'; OLat ollus 'ille', ollī 'tunc', ollīc 'illic', ōlim 'einst'; gl. litana "vetusta", olitinata "veterata, antiqua"
Other Italic: Osk últiumam 'ultimam'; Umbr ulo, ulu 'illo, illuc'
Celtic: OIr oll 'amplus', adv. ind-oll 'ultra', ol-chene 'ausserdem sonst', ol-ḟoirbthe 'plusquamperfectum', oldāu, oldaas 'als ich, als er', inill 'sicher' usw.
Russ. meaning: тот
References: WP I 84 f
Comments: Cf. *al- 'other'.

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: лони́
Near etymology: "в прошлом году", арханг., олонецк. (см. Ляпунов, РФВ 76, 253), лони́сь -- то же, лоня́сь, лоны́сь, южн. (Преобр.), укр. ло́ни, др.-русск. лони, цслав. лани πέρυσι, болг. ла́ни́ (Младенов 270), сербохорв. ла̑ни, ла́ни, словен. láni, чеш. loni, слвц. lani, польск. ɫoni, в.-луж., н.-луж. ɫoni.
Further etymology: Праслав. *olnī "в другой, иной раз" из *olnei, родственно др.-лат. ollī "тогда, tunc", ollus "тот", дат. п. ollī; также ōlim "некогда, однажды", ulter, -trа "по ту сторону", ultimus "лежащий по ту сторону, самый дальний", оск. úlleis м. "illius", ulas ж. "illius"; см. Розвадовский, IF 3, 268 и сл.; Qu. Gr. 1, 389 и сл.; Вальде--Гофм. 2, 206 и сл.; Траутман, ВSW 7; Ягич, AfslPh 20, 434; Вальде2 848; Мейе, RЕS 9, 131; Миккола, Ursl. Gr. 3, 62. Недостоверно родство с др.-инд. ārā́d "издалека", ārḗ "далеко", áraṇas "далекий", вопреки Розвадовскому (IF 3, 273); ср. Вальде--Гофм., там же. Ошибочно разграничение слав. форм *loni и *lani, причем первую относят к др.-лат. ollī "tunc", а *lani -- к лат. alius "другой" (см. Миккола, Ваlt. u. Slav. 42).
Pages: 2,516

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 505
Proto: *luwe
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: east (?), south (?)
German meaning: ? Ost(en); ? Süd(en)
Saam (Lapp): lulle -l- 'South-, southern', luk'sâ 'towards the south', lulas id. (N), lullē 'östlich, Ost-', luksa 'gegen Südosten, nach Osten' (l)
Khanty (Ostyak): tăŋa (Ni.) 'unbekannt, wo am Unterlauf des Ob', лăŋa (Kaz.), lăŋa (O) 'an der Mündung des Ob wohnender Ostjake' ( < Mansi?)
Mansi (Vogul): luil 'Osten', lōjī (TJ), luj (KU), lūj (P) 'am unteren Laufe eines Flusses befindlich', lui (N) 'der untere Lauf eines Flusses', lōjǝ.l (TJ), lūjǝl (KU P) 'vom unteren Laufe eines Flusses', loŋχǝ (KU), loŋokǝ (P), lɔ̄ŋχa (So.) 'stromabwärts'
Sammalahti's version: *luwi 'downriver'

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *alǝʁ-a
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: other of pair, second, two
Russian meaning: один из пары, второй, два
Proto-Yupik: *aɫǝʁ-a ~ *alǝʁ-a
Proto-Inupik: *alʁa-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 17

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *aɫǝʁ-a ~ *alǝʁ-a
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: other, another 1, second 2, companion 3, last year 4
Russian Meaning: другой 1, два 2, спутник, товарищ 3, в прошлом году 4
Sirenik: //alǝχ 'other of pair' [Orr], alʁǝχ 3 [Em.]
Chaplino: ālʁīʁaqā 'to repeat', ālʁaq (t) 'second wife', aɫǝ́q, āɫχā (áɫxa*) 2, áɫɨk* 'friend'
Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik: aɫǝq 1, (Lisianski aźĺxa 'two', Veniaminov aĺakha 2)
Chugach (AAY): KP aɫχani loc., PWS aɫɫani loc. 'once in a while'
Koniag (AAY): Kod aɫχani loc. 'once in a while'
Chugach (Birket-Smith): [āƛa 'never'], aʎuäk du. 'two'
Central Alaskan Yupik: aɫχaɣni loc. 4
Chevak (Peripheral): alχaɣni loc. 4
Nunivak (Peripheral): aɫʁāni* loc. 4 ('year or more ago')
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 52

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *ạlʁa-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: other of a pair 1, a long time ago 2
Russian meaning: другой (из пары) 1, давно, в то время 2
SPI Dialects: W alʁaʁa*, KI aɫʁaʁa* 'to snatch sth. away'
North Alaskan Inupik: alʁa(i) 1, alʁāni loc. 2
NAI Dialects: B aʎʁāni* loc. 2
WCI Dialects: Cor, M aʎʁāni* loc. 2, Cop alʁaiɣit 'their eqivalent', 1 [Met.], Utku alʁā 'two' [Ras.], Car Baker Lake alʁāk 'two' [Dor.], alʁāni 'last year', alʁāɣu 'next year' [Pryde]
Eastern Canadian Inupik: aʁʁani loc. 'last year', aʁʁāɣu 'next year'
Greenlandic Inupik: aʁɫa(ʁ)- 'one of them', ardlâgut* 'earlier time from ardlaq*' [Jen.], aʁɫānisaq 'land animal in its second year', aʁɫaɫɫit pl. 'several'
GRI Dialects: NG aʁlāni loc. 'last year', aʁlāɣu 'next year', EG aʁtaʁaʁtit pl. 'several', WG aʁɫāɣut 'at an earlier time'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 17

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : HVLV
Meaning : other
Eurasiatic : *aĺV other side
Sino-Caucasian : ST *lāj 'other, that'
Reference : Cf. also ND *ɫa(ʔ) 'one'

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