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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *pōj-, *pōj-ki- ( > *piā-kī-)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 birch 2 larch 3 swamp, low forest
Russian meaning: 1 береза 2 лиственница 3 болото, тундра
Evenki: hōj, dial. hēj 3, hē̂-kī 2
Even: hǟ-kịta 2
Negidal: xē̂-xi-ta, xē̂-nakta 2
Literary Manchu: f́a 1
Ulcha: pē̂ 1
Orok: pē̂ 1
Nanai: pêa 1
Solon: oi 3
Comments: ТМС 2, 36, 319-320, 330. Despite Poppe 1972, 99, *pōj is hardly borrowed < Mong.

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *p`[i̯ū̀]ju
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of tree
Russian meaning: вид дерева
Turkic: *ɨ, *ɨ-(ń)gač
Mongolian: *hoj
Tungus-Manchu: *pōj-, *pōj-ki- ( > *piā-kī-)
Korean: *pǝ-
Japanese: *pí
Comments: SKE 199 (Turk.-Tung.-Kor.), Цинциус 1984, 37-38, АПиПЯЯ 284, Дыбо 11, Лексика 104. A rather complicated case, because of contractions and compounds. For the second part of the PT compound cf. perhaps Mong. gesi-ɣü(n) 'branch'. The old compound *p`i̯ūju-*gVša, beside Turk. *ɨgač, may be reflected in OJ pàjàsi 'forest', ТМ *pā(j)k[š]a 'wood' (ТМС 2, 311)).

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Turkic etymology :

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Proto-Turkic: *ɨ, *ɨ-(ń)gač
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: tree
Russian meaning: 1 дерево 2 лес
Old Turkic: ɨɣač (Orkh., OUygh.) 1
Karakhanid: jɨɣač (MK) 1
Turkish: aɣač 1
Tatar: aɣač 1
Middle Turkic: aɣaǯ (Pav. C.) 1
Uzbek: jɔɣɔč 1
Uighur: jaɣač 1
Sary-Yughur: jiɣaš 1
Azerbaidzhan: aɣač 1
Turkmen: aGač 1
Khakassian: aɣas 1, 2
Shor: aɣaš 1, 2
Oyrat: aɣaš 1, 2
Halaj: haɣač 1
Chuvash: jɨvъś 1
Yakut: mas 1
Dolgan: mas 1
Tuva: ɨ̃jaš 1, 2
Tofalar: ńɛš 1
Kirghiz: ǯɨɣač 1
Kazakh: aɣaš 1, 2
Noghai: aɣas 1, 2
Bashkir: aɣas 1
Balkar: aɣač 1, 2
Gagauz: āč 1
Karaim: aɣač, -c 1
Karakalpak: aɣaš 1
Salar: aɣač, -š 1 (ССЯ)
Kumyk: aɣač 1, 2
Comments: VEWT 7, ЭСТЯ 1, 71-73, TMN 2, 73f, EDT 79-80, Егоров 83, Лексика 104, Stachowski 176. The form contains perhaps PT 'bush, tree' as the first component (for OT ɨ see EDT 1), cf. the OT combination ɨ ɨɣač; but the second element is yet unclear.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *hoj
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 wood, forest 2 mountain
Russian meaning: 1 лес 2 гора
Written Mongolian: oi 1
Middle Mongolian: xoi (HY 2, SH) 1
Khalkha: oj 1
Buriat: oj
Kalmuck: ȫ 1
Ordos: öi 1
Dongxian: xoj 1
Baoan: xi 2
Dagur: oi (Тод. Даг. 159, MD 200) ( < lit.)
Monguor: fǝ̄ (SM 99), xoj (Minghe) 1
Comments: KW 303, TMN 1, 541-542.

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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *pǝ-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: birch
Russian meaning: береза
Modern Korean: pǝ-n-namu
Comments: SKE 199. Cf. also MKor. phí-nàmò, mod. phi-namu (Nam 465, KED 1772) 'linden tree'.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *pí
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: Japanese cypress
Russian meaning: кипарисовик японский
Old Japanese: pji
Middle Japanese: fí
Tokyo: hìnoki, hínoki
Comments: JLTT 407.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ṗUjV
Meaning: tree
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *p`[i̯ū̀]ju
Uralic: *puwe (cf. also *pajV , *pojV)
References: ND 1653 *ṗuʔi ( ~ *buʔi) 'tree, bush', 1654 *ṗoʡ/GyV 'wooded bank' (the roots are hardly separatable).

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 840
Proto: *puwe
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: tree, wood
German meaning: Baum, Holz
Finnish: puu 'Baum, Holz'
Estonian: puu
Mari (Cheremis): pu (KB U B) 'Brennholz, Holz, Baum'
Udmurt (Votyak): pu (S G) 'Baum, Holz', -pǝ̑ (K, e.g. kiś-pǝ̑ 'Birke')
Komi (Zyrian): pu (S P PO) 'Baum, Holz'
Mansi (Vogul): -pe̊, -pė, -pä: khøp-pe̊ (P), khøp-pä (L) 'Espe', tip-pe̊ (P), tip-pė (LM) 'Sandweide', sɛ̮ĺt́-pā (TJ) 'Lindenbaum', wuĺ-pǝ (P) 'pinus cembra'
Hungarian: fa (fát) 'Baum, Holz'
Nenets (Yurak): ṕā (O) 'Baum, Holz, Klotz'
Enets (Yen): fe (B), fǟ (Ch.), fǟ, pǟ (K) 'Baum'
Nganasan (Tawgi):
Selkup: pō (Ta. Ty.), pō (Tur.), poo (Ke.)
Kamass: pa 'Baum, Wald'
Janhunen's version: (126) mit Varianten
Sammalahti's version: *pu/o/äxi6/i
Addenda: Koib. pa 'Baum'; Mot. cha; Karag. chy 'silva'; Taig. hä 'Wald'

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : PVJV
Meaning : tree
Eurasiatic : *ṗUjV
Afroasiatic : *baʔ- (also *p/f-?)
Sino-Caucasian : *pV́HV ( ~ b-)
Reference : ND 1653, 1654.

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *baʔ-
Meaning: bush, tree
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Egyptian: bꜣ.t 'bush' (a)
Western Chadic: *baʔu- 'tree'
Central Chadic: *baH- 'bush' 1, 'k of tree' 2
Saho-Afar: *bah- 'wood'
Notes: Note *-ʔ versus SA *-h-. Probably belong to different roots.

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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: bꜣ.t
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'bush' (a)
Coptic: *bu id.
Akhmimic: bou
Bohairic: bō

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *baʔu-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tree'
Angas: bau [Fl]
Karekare: ḅá [LkK]
Tangale: ḅáù [JgT]

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *b[a]H-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'bush' 1, 'k of tree' 2
Gisiga: ḅoh 1 [LGis]
Gude: mbá'á 2 [Hs]

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Saho-Afar etymology :

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Proto-Saho-Afar: *bah-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'wood'
Afar (Danakil): bahoo
Notes: Note an irregular laryngeal

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *pV́HV ( ~ b-)
Meaning: a k. of tree
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Sino-Tibetan: *Pă
Yenisseian: *päʔj

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Pă
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a k. of tree
Chinese: 枎, 榑 *b_(r)a a k. of tree.
Tibetan: spa juniper, cypress.
Comments: Cf. *wā (?)

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: yá
Preclassic Old Chinese: bha
Classic Old Chinese: bha
Western Han Chinese: bha
Eastern Han Chinese: bhwa
Early Postclassic Chinese: bhwo
Middle Postclassic Chinese: bhwo
Late Postclassic Chinese: bhwo
Middle Chinese:
English meaning : a k. of tree [LZ]
Russian meaning[s]: беспорядочно торчащие ветви дерева; [yé] см.
Comments: Probably = 扶 q.v.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Radical: 75
Four-angle index: 3255
Karlgren code: 0101 g

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *päʔj
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: cedar
Ket: haʔj, pl. hīŋ
Yug: faʔj, pl. fiŋ
Kottish: fei, pl. fen; Ass. pei (М., Сл., Кл.)
Arin: im-ṕhaj (М., Сл., Кл.) "cedar" (im "nut")
Pumpokol: pɨ (Сл.) "cedar"
Comments: ССЕ 246. Werner 1, 310 *phaʔj.

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