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South Khoisan (!Wi subgroup) etymology :

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Proto-!Wi : *ɳ|ɛ
Meaning : to see; to look
Bushman etymology : Bushman etymology
|Xam : |nā, |nã̄ (B., Ll.); |nē_, |nī̃, |nī, |ni (B.); |nī̃, |nĩ, |nī, |nĭ (Ll.)
//Ng : |nā, |ne, |ni
N|huki : ɳ|aʔa
#Khomani : |ŋ̥ĩ (Dk.); |na, |ŋe, |ŋẽĩ, |ŋei, |ŋ̥ai, |ŋ̥e, |ŋ̥ĩ (Mg.)
//Kxau : |nā; |nī "to observe"
//Ku//e : |ne
Seroa : |na (Wu.)
!Gã!ne : |na
//Xegwi (Batwa) : |nā, |ne
|Auni : -|nā
|Haasi : |nã|nã, |ni "to find"
|Nusan : |nã
References : Bleek 341, 345, 347, 354; Maingard 245; Meinhof 1929: 187; NFn.

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Peripheral Khoisan etymology :

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Number : 184
Proto-Bushman : *ɳǀV
Meaning : to see, look
Khoisan etymology : Khoisan etymology
Proto-Ju : *ɳǀa
Bushman > Ju : Bushman > Ju
Proto-Taa : *ɳǀâ
Bushman > Taa : Bushman > Taa
Proto-!Wi : *ɳǀɛ
Bushman > !Wi : Bushman > !Wi

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North Khoisan etymology :

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Proto-Ju: *gumi ~ *gome
Tonal pattern: HH [j] ~ LL [k] ~ LL [e]
Meaning: cow
Juǀʼhoan : gúmí (n3) // gúmí-dí / (n2 -sĩ) "cow"; gúmí-mà, pl. gúmí-mʰí (n2) "calf"; gúmí-ɡ!ȍˤ, pl. gúmí-ɳǀǀȁèˤ (n2) "bull"
ǀǀAuǀǀen : gome ~ gume
!Kung (Lloyd) : goḿmi
!Kung (Doke): gumi
!Kung (Vedder): gòme
!Kung (Wilhelm): gŭmiː
!Kung (Weich): gumi
!O!Kung (Bleek) : gòmi ~ gumi
Kavango : gùmì
Ekoka : gùmì, pl. gùmí "cattle" // gùmì-dē "cow"
Various addenda: Passarge (!Kung): gome.
Notes : Class 1. The word is probably of CK origin (PKK *goma) and the two vocalic variants may reflect different stages of borrowing.
References : Bleek 48, 51; Dickens 202; Heikkinen 1986; KH 130; Weich 17.
RefLex number: 254

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South Khoisan (Taa subgroup) etymology :

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Proto-Taa : *ɳ|â
Stems : *ɳ|ã̂; *ɳ|ê
Meaning : to see; to look
Bushman etymology : Bushman etymology
!Xoong : ɳ|ã̂ -sà ɳ|aV [H]; ɳ|âa kV "look into"; |ŋi, |ŋe, |ŋei (Mg.)
Masarwa : |na, |ne, |nyn
|Nu//en : |nē
!Xoong derivates : ɳ|ái sòo "lit. see medicine", ɳ|ái !qhàn "lit. see the moon, i.e. menstruate for the first time"; ká ɳ|ã̂ kî "search by peering about"
References : Bleek 341, 345, 347, 354; Maingard 1958: 101; Traill 66, 67.

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Macro-Khoisan etymology :

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Proto-Khoisan : *|Ṽ
Meaning : to see
Proto-Bushman : *ɳ|V
Sandawe : *|a(ŋ)
Hadza : *|i

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Sandawe etymology :

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Proto-Sandawe : *|a(ŋ)
Meaning : to see
Khoisan etymology : Khoisan etymology
Sandawe : |`à (D., Kim.); |ang' "look at" (K.); |â(ŋ), |áŋʔṑ, g|âŋ (TBW)
References : Dempwolff 39; Kagaya 6; Kimmenade 63; TBW 303, 307.

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Hadza etymology :

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Proto-Hadza : *|i
Meaning : to see
Khoisan etymology : Khoisan etymology
Hadza : |ki, |kia (B.); |i-yé (E.); k|i- (S.); |hìyá (TBW)
References : Bleek 315; Elderkin; Sands 187; TBW 312.

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