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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *ʔiš:i
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: we (excl.)
Аварский: niž
Чадаколоб: niž
Андийский: iš:il
Ахвахский: is:i
Чамалинский: is:i
Тиндинский: iš:a
Каратинский: iš:i
Ботлихский: iš:i
Багвалинский: iš:i
Годоберинский: iš:i

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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ži
MEANING: we (excl.)
AAND: *ʔiš:i
LAK: žu
DARG: *š:a / *s:a
LEZG: *ǯi-n
KHIN: jir
ABAD: *š́ǝ
COMMENT: The common NC exclusive 1st person plural pronoun. Some languages have preserved traces of alternating stems *ži(-n) (dir.), *ža- (obl.), *ʔižV (gen.). [There may have also existed an ergative form *ʔež-, but since the Nakh languages, usually preserving the archaic ergative pronominal stems, have lost this pronoun, it can not be reconstructed.]

    In some languages (Lak., Ub., some Lezg. languages and Darg. dialects) this has become the only form of the 1st person plural pronoun (having superseded the old inclusive forms); in other languages (Nakh, Tsezian) the process was reversed and original exclusive forms were superseded by inclusive ones.

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 273. Abdokov (1983, 137) strangely enough compares the Ubykh form š́ǝ- with the PEC inclusive *Lǟ, which is quite impossible for phonetic reasons.


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Лакская этимология :

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Лакский корень: žu
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: we
Лакская форма: žu

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Даргинская этимология :

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Прадаргинский: *š:a / *s:a
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 we 2 we (excl.)
Акушинский: nu-ša 1
Чирагский: nu-s:a 2
Комментарии: In PD there existed an opposition *nu-š:a 'we (excl.)' - *nu-x:a 'we (incl.)', directly reflected in Chir. (although the reasons for *-š:- > -s:- are not quite clear). The 1st part of these compounds is *nu "I" q.v. Most Darg. dialects - except Chir. - have lost this opposition and have only one pronoun "we", cf. Ur., Muir. nuša, Kait. nis:a, Tsud. niš:a, Kub. nis:a. Moreover, in most dialects the second part of the compound was reinterpreted as some kind of plural marker and influenced the formation of the 2d p. pl. pronoun (Ak., Ur. ħuša etc.).

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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *ǯi-n
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: we (excl.)
Лезгинский: čun
Табасаранский: uču
Агульский: čin
Рутульский: ži (Shin.)
Цахурский: ši
Крызский: žin
Удинский: b-eši (gen.)
Комментарий: PL paradigm: dir. *ǯi-n, obl. *ǯa-, gen. *-iǯ, cf. Lezg. obl. ča-, gen. či(n); Tab. gen. ič; Ag. gen. ič; Rut. (Shin.) gen. iš-dɨ; Tsakh. gen. iši-; Kryz. obl. žä-; Ud. gen. b-eši. In some languages, where exclusive and inclusive forms merged, this has become the only pronoun of the 1st person plural (thus in Rut. Shin., Tsakh.; in Udi the stem was preserved in genitive, while in other forms the original inclusive base is used).

    See Бокарев 1961, 66; Гигинейшвили 1977, 114.


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Хиналугская этимология :

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Хиналугский корень: jir
СК этимология: 2287
Значение: we (excl.)
Хиналугская форма: jir
Комментарии: Khin. ji-r obviously goes back to *ži-r: cf. the obl. base šir-. The opposition jir - šir- is wholly parallel to the opposition zur - sur- 'you' (2d p. pl.).

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Абхазо-адыгская этимология :

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Празападнокавказский: *š́ǝ
Севернокавказская этимология: Севернокавказская этимология
Значение: we
Убыхский: š́ǝ-ʁwá
Комментарии: The Ub. 1st p. pl. pr. is the only one which has reliable EC parallels (the EC exclusive 1st p. pl. pr.); despite Dumézil 1932, PAT *ħa and PAK *t:a have no connection with it.

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