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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *pirVc:V
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: wooden plough
Аварский: purúc:
Андийский: rebc:u
Ахвахский: ʕebec:e
Чамалинский: bijaca
Тиндинский: bec:i
Каратинский: bec:e
Багвалинский: perc
Комментарии: Av. paradigm C (purc:í-l, púrc:a-l). In And. the form is metathesized (probably under influence of another PA root, *ric:i q.v.). On the laryngeal in the Akhv. form see under *Hrājc_ū. Several languages reveal secondary (dissimilative) voicing *p- > b-. Cf. also Kar. Tok. peric:.

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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: wooden plough
AAND: *pirVc:V
ABAD: *pǝźa
COMMENT: A typical "culture word". Although similar words are widely spread in the Caucasus and nearby regions, only the Av.-And. and WC forms can be regarded as genuine. The Tsezian forms (Tsez. birus, Gunz. bǝrus, Bezht. boʔos, Khvarsh., Inkh. buruc; note that Av. Chad. burúš, because of its phonetic structure, is most probably a back-loan from Tsezian languages) are more or less recent loans from Av.-And. languages; the Av. word is also borrowed in Kum. purus. There is also a number of quite enigmatic forms: Bagv. Tlond. perec̣:, Ud. penec: 'plough' which are probably also borrowed, but the source is not clear. We should also mention Lezg. bazu "pole of the plough", obviously connected with Az. bazɨ id., but without a certain etymology (cf. the WC forms).

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Абхазо-адыгская этимология :

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Празападнокавказский: *pǝźa
Севернокавказская этимология: Севернокавказская этимология
Значение: ploughshare
Абхазский: a-pǝ́za
Абазинский: pǝza
Адыгейский: cʷā-bza
Кабардинский: vā-bʒa
Убыхский: cʷā-bźá
Комментарии: PAT *pǝza (cf. also Bzyb. a-pǝ́za); PAK *cʷa-bʒá.

    The first part of the Adygh and Ub. compound, despite Shagirov 1977, 104-105, is connected neither with PWC *c:ʷǝ 'ox' (q.v.) nor with PWC *zʷa 'to plough' (q.v.), but reflects a separate PWC root (see under *Hrājc_ū). Again, pace Shagirov ibid., since the correspondence between Abkh. and Ad. here is quite obvious, it is impossible to connect the second part of the compound with PAK *bzǝ 'to cut' (q.v.). Finally, since Ub. has a palatal ź, the Ub. form (again despite Shagirov ibid.) can not be regarded as an Adygh loanword. The correspondence between PAK *-bʒa, PAT *pǝza and Ub. -bźa is quite regular.


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Сино-кавказская этимология :

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Прасинокавказский: *[p]V́rcĔ
Значение: plough
Севернокавказский: *pVrVc_Ĕ
Бурушаски: *bas

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Бурушаски этимология :

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Обще-бурушаскская форма: *bas
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: wooden plough
Ясин: bas
Хунза: bas
Нагар: bas

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