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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *hoc̣o-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Avar: ánc̣-go
Chadakolob: ánč̣-gu
Andian language: hoc̣o-gu
Akhvakh: ač̣a-da
Chamalal: ac̣a-da
Tindi: hac̣a-ja
Karata: hac̣a-da
Comments: In Cham. the numeral can be also pronounced emphatically: ac̣c̣a-da; cf. also Gig. hazza-da.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *ʡĕnc̣Ĕ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Proto-Nakh: *ʔiṭṭ
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *hoc̣o-
Proto-Tsezian: *ʔɔ̃c̣ǝ(-nɔ) A
Proto-Lak: ac̣
Proto-Dargwa: *wec̣-
Proto-Lezghian: *u_ic̣ɨ-
Proto-Khinalug: jäʕiz
Proto-West Caucasian: *b-ć̣ʷǝ
Notes: A common NC numeral (in WC it is reflected at least in Adygh languages, with less certainty - also in other subgroups). Reflexes in several EC subgroups reflect class prefixation (*u- or *j-); in PWC the initial labial also goes back to a class prefix (with assimilatory labialisation of the following affricate, as in a number of other cases). See Trubetzkoy 1930, 275; Абдоков 1983, 156.

    In PEC the same root was also used in a contracted shape *-c̣ĕ- as part of names of tens, cf.:

    PL *-c̣V- > Tab. -c̣u-r (simi-c̣u-r 'thirty'), Rut. -c̣ɨ-r (xib-c̣ɨ-r id.), Tsakh. -c̣a-ĺ (xeb-c̣a-ĺ id.);

    PD *-c̣a-li > Ak. -c̣a-li (ħaIb-c̣a-li 'thirty'), Chir. ʕaIb-c̣a-le id.;

    Lak. -c̣a-l (muq̇-c̣a-l 'fourty' etc.);

    PA *-c̣o- > And. -c̣o-l- (ʎob-c̣o-l-gu 'thirty'), Cham. -c̣a- (ʎaʎa-c̣a-da id.), Tind. -c̣a- (ʎaba-c̣a-ja id.), Kar. -c̣a-da (ʎaba-c̣a-da id.), Botl. -c̣a-li- (habu-c̣a-li-da id.), Bagv. -c̣a (haba-c̣a id.), God. -c̣a-li (ʎabu-c̣a-li id.).

    Hurrian has replaced the numeral 'ten' by the word eman (of unknown origin), but has retained the root in ki-ži 'thirty' (ki- 'three'); names of other tens are unknown. See Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 46.


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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *ʔiṭṭ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Chechen: itt
Ingush: itt
Batsbi: iṭṭ

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *ʔɔ̃c̣ǝ(-nɔ) A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Tsezi: oc̣ino
Ginukh: oc̣eno
Khvarshi: ũc̣in
Inkhokvari: õc̣c̣o
Bezhta: ac̣ona
Gunzib: ɔc̣c̣ɔn
Comments: PTsKh *ʔoc̣ǝ-(no); PGB *ʔɔc̣ǝ-n(ɔ) (for Gunzib Bokaryov has recorded oc̣ǝn: the correct form is probably ɔc̣ǝn or ɔc̣c̣ǝn with emphatic gemination). Most languages have not preserved nasalisation of the first vowel (lost by dissimilation to the nasal suffix -nɔ); the Khvarsh. and Inkh. form, however, speak strongly in favour of nasalised *ɔ̃ in PTs.

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: ac̣
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Lak form: ac̣
Comments: Cf. Khosr. ac̣=a.

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *wec̣-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Akusha: wec̣-al
Chiragh: wec̣-al
Comments: Cf. also Ur., Kub. wic̣.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *u_ic̣ɨ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Lezghian: c̣u-d
Tabasaran: jic̣u-b
Agul: ic̣u-d
Rutul: jic̣ɨ-d
Tsakhur: jic̣ɨ-llä
Kryz: jic̣ɨ-d
Budukh: jic̣ɨ-d
Archi: wic̣
Udi: wic:
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. c̣ɨ-d, Ag. Bursh. jic̣u-r. Some forms (especially Rut. and Bud.) rather go back to PL *jic̣ɨ- (with another class prefix); some forms can go back to both *u_ic̣ɨ- and *jic̣ɨ- (with neutralisation of *u_- and *j- before *-i-).

    PL *u_ic̣ɨ- has lost the Inlaut resonant *-n-, possibly under the influence of *u_ilč̣ʷɨ- 'nine'. The original form *uinc̣ɨ-, however, is reflected in the Archi form moc̣o-r - a modification of the numeral 'ten' used in compounds (moc̣or s:ejṭu 'eleven', moc̣or q̇Iʷeṭu 'twelve' etc.).

    See Бокарев 1961, 70.


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Khinalug etymology :

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Khinalug root: jäʕiz
North Caucasian etymology: 2325
Meaning: ten
Khinalug form: jäʕiz

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *b-ć̣ʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Abkhaz: ž̌a-bá
Abaza: žʷa-ba
Adyghe: ṗṣ́ǝ
Kabardian: ṗṣ́ǝ
Ubykh: žʷǝ
Comments: PAT *žʷa (cf. also Bzyb. ž̌a-bá); PAK *ṗć̣ǝ.

    A complicated case. PAK *ṗć̣ǝ can only go back to PWC *P-ć̣ʷǝ (a form which obviously corresponds to EC, see Trubetzkoy 1930, 82). The Ubykh form can go back to a voiced variant *źʷǝ; but the PAT form needs a more complicated explanation, if it belongs here at all: it may also reflect a secondarily voiced PWC variant *(b)-ʒ́ʷV > PAT *ža, with labialisation under the influence of PAT *zʷǝ 'nine' (*ža > *žʷa ).

    The hypothesis of uniting all three forms (PAT, PAK and Ub.) belongs to Abdokov (1973, 66). One can either accept it (with the complicated explanation presented above), or else separate the Ub. and Abkh. forms under a distinct protoform, PWC *ž́ʷV (since *ž́ʷ regularly gives PAT *žʷ and Ub. žʷ). However, Shagirov's attempt to unite Abkh. ž̌-ba 'nine' and ž̌a-ba 'ten' (Shagirov 1, 80-81) is certainly untenable: in the Bzyb. dialect they are opposed as ź̌-ba vs. ž̌-ba and go back to different PAT forms (*zʷǝ and *žʷa respectively).


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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ʡĕnśṭĔ́
Meaning: ten
North Caucasian: *ʡĕnc̣Ĕ
Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́h]Vj
Yenisseian: *tu-ŋ, *tu-kŋ
Basque: ? *-cu / *-ci
Comments and references : HGC 35.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́h]Vj
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Tibetan: bću ten (in comp. bćo).
Burmese: ćhaj ten, LB *chaj.
Kachin: ši1 ten.
Lepcha: kă-tí ten
Comments: PG *ć[ù]; BG: Garo tśi-kuŋ, Dimasa dźi; Namsangia i-tśi. Sh. 124, 437; Ben. 94.

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *tuʔ-ŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Kottish: -thukŋ: tōn-thikŋ "30" etc.; (Бол.) in-tuk "20", ton-tuku "30"
Arin: kina-mančau thūŋ "80" (М., Сл., Кл.,); kin-tuŋ (Стр.) "20"; qin-thjū́ŋ (Сл., Кл.) id.; qin-thjuŋ (М.) id.; (Лоск.): kin-tüga "20", tün-tüga "30"
Comments: ССЕ 289. Werner 2, 318.

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *-cu / *-ci
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: nine
Bizkaian: bederatzi
Gipuzkoan: bederatzi
High Navarrese: bederatzi
Low Navarrese: bedratzi
Salazarese: bedratzi
Lapurdian: bederatzi, (arc) bedaratzi, bedratzi
Baztanese: bederatzi
Aezkoan: bedratzi
Zuberoan: bederátzü
Roncalese: bedrátzu
Comments: This hypothetical morpheme *-cu / *-ci (it is disputed which is original) would mean 'ten', if *bede-ra-cu (*-ci) comes from 'ten less one' (10-1). There is a similar element in Bsq *sor(-)ci 'eight', but further analysis is unclear.

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