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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *š́ʷǝq́I:a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: letter, document; book
Abkhaz: a-š̌q̇ǝ́
Abaza: šʷʡa
Ubykh: šʷǝq̇á
Comments: PAT *šʷǝʡV (cf. also Bzyb. a-š̌q̇ǝ́).

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *śwänq̇_ī
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gum, ink
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *s:Vnq̇:V
Proto-Lak: š:iq̇:i
Proto-Dargwa: *šinq̇Ia ( ~ š:-)
Proto-Lezghian: *šVq̇aq̇ ( ~ š:-)
Proto-West Caucasian: *š́ʷǝq́I:a
Notes: An interesting common NC term. It had obviously signified some dying stuff for ornament (in WC the meaning shifted to the ornament itself - whence 'letter, document'). Phonetically the correspondence is quite satisfactory; perhaps, however, we should reconstruct *śämq̇_ī with shift of labialisation in PWC (*śämq̇_ī > *śwänq̇_ī > *š́ʷǝq́I:a) rather than suppose loss of labialisation in PEC (all EC form point to PEC *śänq̇_ī). Of course, Abdullayev's treatment of the Darg. form as šin 'water' + q̇Ia 'roasted grain' (see Shagirov 2,136) should be considered as folk etymology.

    The root has interesting parallels, particularly, in Semitic: Arab. summāq 'Rhus coriaria L.', a plant used for dying into black). From Arabic it penetrated into Persian (summāk), then through Turkic (Tat. sumax etc.) - into Ossetian s(y)mäg 'iron vitriol', and from Ossetian - into Georg. dial. smagai id. The Semitic word was spread also in European languages (Engl. sumac, Russ. сумах etc.). See Abayev 3, 198-99, Starostin 1985, 91.


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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *s:Vnq̇:V
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gum (added to ink for lustre)
Avar: s:anq̇:

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: š:iq̇:i
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ink
Lak form: š:iq̇:i
Comments: The Old Lak. form *š:aq̇i was probably borrowed in Avar as šaq̇:i 'ink'. The Avar form penetrated into Nakh languages (Chech. šēq̇a, Ing. šäq̇a), whence it came to Kab. šāq:a 'ink'.

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *šinq̇Ia ( ~ š:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ink
Akusha: šinq̇Ia

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *šVq̇aq̇ ( ~ š:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gum
Lezghian: šq̇aq̇
Tabasaran: šq̇aq̇
Comment: An interesting form with a partial reduplication. The narrow vowel of the first weak syllable is reduced both in Lezg. and Tab.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *św[ä́]mxq̇ī
Meaning: paint, ink; gum
North Caucasian: *śwänq̇_ī
Sino-Tibetan: *mǝ̄ŋ / mǝ̄k (s-)
Yenisseian: *su(ʔ)K
Burushaski: *śukór / *ṣuqór
Comments and references : HGC 33, NSC 61 *śwVnq̇V, LV B28. Shortness in Ket śuk probably signifies -ʔ- (otherwise *śūk would be recorded).

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *mǝ̄ŋ / *mǝ̄k (s-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ink
Chinese: *mǝ̄k ink.
Tibetan: snag ink, Indian ink.
Burmese: hmaŋ ink.
Kachin: (H) mak dye, colouring, used in tattooing.
Comments: Tibetan snag is probably due to influence of nag 'black'; Luce 75.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: mò
Preclassic Old Chinese: mǝ̄k
Classic Old Chinese: mǝ̄k
Western Han Chinese: mǝ̄k
Eastern Han Chinese: mǝ̄k
Early Postclassic Chinese: mǝ̄k
Middle Postclassic Chinese: mǝ̄k
Late Postclassic Chinese: mǝ̄k
Middle Chinese: mʌk
English meaning : black-branding
Russian meaning[s]: 1) тушь; чернила; 2) темный; черный; 3) сокр. Мексика; мексиканский; 4) Моцзы
Comments: A somewhat later attested (but probably original) meaning of the word is 'ink, black gum, sepia'. For *m- cf. Xiamen, Chaozhou bak8, Fuzhou möuk8, Jianou mɛ8.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 32
Four-angle index: 248
Karlgren code: 0904 c
Vietnamese reading: mụ'c
Jianchuan Bai: mɨ6
Dali Bai: mɨ6
Bijiang Bai: mɨ2

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 2132
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 曾開一入德明
ZIHUI: 1075 0245
Beijing: mo 3
Jinan: mei 3
Xi'an: mei 12
Taiyuan: miǝʔ 41
Hankou: mô 12
Chengdu: me 12
Yangzhou: mɔʔ 4
Suzhou: môʔ 42
Wenzhou: mai 42
Changsha: mô 4
Shuangfeng: miɛ 31
Nanchang: mɛt 41
Meixian: mɛt 42
Guangzhou: mak 42
Xiamen: bîk 42 (lit.); bak 42
Chaozhou: bak 42
Fuzhou: möyʔ 42
Shanghai: môʔ 42
Zhongyuan yinyun: mei 43

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *suK
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dye, paint
Ket: śuk
Comments: ССЕ 277. Werner 2, 212.

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *śukór / *ṣuqór
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: 1 red-brown, reddish-brown 2 local soap in a degree of preparation with this colour 3 local soap prepared of plant ashes and fat
Yasin: iṣqór 1, 2
Hunza: śukór 3
Nagar: śukór 3

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