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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :
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Proto-West-Caucasian: *zʷA
Meaning: to drink
Abkhaz: á-ž̌-ra
Abaza: žʷ-ra
Adyghe: ja-ša-n
Kabardian: ja-fa-n
Ubykh: ʒwa-
Comments: PAT *zʷǝ- (cf. Bz. á-ž-ra); PAK *ja-sʷa- (intr.), *jǝ-sʷǝ- (tr. > Ad. jǝšǝ-n, Kab. jǝfǝ-n); Ub. 1 sg. a-z-ʒʷá-n. The PAK form has an irregular unvoiced stop (*-zʷ- should be expected). This is probably due to the influence of *psǝ 'water' (very frequent in combination with the verb 'to drink'). The original meaning of the root - as it is clearly seen on external evidence - was 'to milk, (to drink milk)'. Derivates from this root mean 'milch cow, cow' in many EC languages. Hence it is natural to relate to this root also PWC *zʷǝ / *mǝ-zʷǝ 'cow' (with *mǝ- as a probable deverbative prefix): PAT *zʷǝ (Abkh. á-ž̌, Bzyb. á-ź̌, Abaz. žʷǝ) 'cow', Ub. mǝzʷ-ʁǝ́ 'heifer'.
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North Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-North Caucasian: *=āmʒŬ
Meaning: to milk; to drink
Proto-West Caucasian: *zʷA Notes: An important common NC root. Note the recurring nominal derivates with the meaning 'milch cow', 'cow' both in EC and WC languages (cf. Trubetzkoy 1930, 277, Abdokov 1983, 117). In PA the verbal root itself was not preserved (it would have been *-azVn- / *zVn-), but the derivate remained. Another probable derivate from the same root is attested in Av. Chad. ʕenžér (the lit. form would be enzer ~ ʕenzer) 'enclosure for milking sheep' (= Ag. azal id.), whence loans in Tsezian languages: Bezht. enzel, Gunz. ʕenzer.
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Nakh etymology :
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Proto-Nakh: *=ētt-
Meaning: to milk
Chechen: =ētt-
Ingush: =ett-
Batsbi: =ett-
Comments: Cf. also a derivate preserved in Bacb. and very archaic: b-ettar (pl. d-ettri) 'a milch cow, sheep'. This root also influenced (semantically) PN *jētt 'cow' (q.v.) - which originally meant 'bull, ox'.
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Avar-Andian etymology :
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Protoform: *zin-HV
Meaning: cow
Andian language: ziwu
Akhvakh: žĩwo
Chamalal: zin
Tindi: zini
Karata: zini
Botlikh: zini
Bagvalal: zin
Godoberi: zini
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. žĩwu, Tlan. žũ, Ratl. žjo. We must consider also as Andian loans Tsez. zija, Khvarsh. zĩhĩ, Inkh. zĩje 'cow' (because in case of genuine relationship all these languages would have initial s-).
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Lak etymology :
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Lak root: t:-izi-
Meaning: to milk
Lak form: t:-izi-n
Comments: G. pr. t:-i=zu-nu.
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Dargwa etymology :
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Proto-Dargwa: *=i(r)c:-
Meaning: to milk
Akusha: =iz-es
Chiragh: =irc:- / ic:-
Comments: Cf. also Ur. =irz-/=iz-.
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Lezghian etymology :
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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔac:a-
Meaning: to milk
Lezghian: ac:a-
Tabasaran: az-
Agul: uz-
Rutul: =äz-
Tsakhur: ǵ-a=z-
Kryz: =äz-
Budukh: s-oz-
Archi: =ac:a-
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. pret. ac:a-na, Ag. Bursh. uza-s. The verb belongs to the weak class. An old derivate of this root is PL (*ʔac:är >) *c:är 'cow', reflected in Rut. zär (zírɨ-), Tsakh. zer (zera-), Kryz. ʒar (ʒɨr-), Al. zar (zɨr-), Bud. zar, which is identic to Bacb. -ettar 'milch cow'. Another deverbal noun is (*ʔac:al) > Ag. azal "enclosure for milking sheep" ( = Av. Chad. ʕenžer).
See Бокарев 1961, 69; Лексика 1971, 246; Гигинейшвили 1977, 84.
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Sino-Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *=āmśdŬ́
Meaning: milk, to milk
Comments and references : See also Bsq *e=aici 'to milk'.
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Sino-Tibetan etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́h]aw (~-ew; -k)
Meaning: milk, breasts
Tibetan: źo thick milk, curds, ãʒ́o (p. bźos, f. bźo, i. ãʒ́os) to milk.
Burmese: ćǝwʔ to draw out (milk from the breast), suck, LB *ćǝw > Akha cö́ female breast.
Kachin: čuʔ3 the breasts, milk.
Lushai: KC *Su.
Lepcha: ka-čhu buttermilk after butter has been extracted; čhu incorr. for šo (T) curds
Comments: Rawang sä̂. Sh. 401. STEDT 227-230 *tšu 'milk, breast'.
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Kiranti etymology :
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Proto-Kiranti: *cù
Meaning: breast
Sunwar: ku-cu
Kaling: cünbren L
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Kulung dictionary :
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Entry: cu
Grammar: n.
Meaning: female breast
Nepali: dudh.
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Burushaski etymology :
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Common Burushaski: *c̣háo
Meaning: to milk
Hunza: c̣háo
Nagar: c̣háo
Comments: Sh. c̣háu
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Basque etymology :
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Proto-Basque: *sesen
Meaning: bull
Bizkaian: zezen
Gipuzkoan: zezen
High Navarrese: zezen
Low Navarrese: zezen
Lapurdian: zezen
Zuberoan: zezen
Roncalese: zezen
Comments: Cf. NC: Cham., Bagw. zin, Tind., Kar. zini, etc. 'cow' < PNC *=āmʒŬ. For semantics of 'bull' < 'cow', cf. Proto-Nakh *jētt 'cow' < PNC *jǝ̄mcō 'bull'; PIE *gʷou- > 'cow, ox, bull' in daughter languages..
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