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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ħnǟrqwĔ ( ~ ʕ-)
MEANING: a k. of cereal (oats, barley)
AAND: *ʔinqʷa
CEZ: *ʔõχ ( ~ -ʁ:)
LAK: niIqa
DARG: *niqIa
LEZG: *närχIʷ(a)
ABAD: *q́IʷV
COMMENT: A rather complicated case because of numerous later interloans. Besides all the loans from one language into another pointed out above, it is also not excluded that Av. niχa, Lak. niIq(ʷ)a and Darg. niqIa also were borrowed (in fact, it seems rather probable that both Av. and Lak. forms are early loanwords from Proto-Darg.: since the word seemingly had a short front Auslaut vowel, Lak. and Av. -a is irregular. At least, such a possibility must be reckoned with).

    Nevertheless, if we exclude all possible loanwords from one language into another, the root is still there: the Akhv., PTs, PD, PL and PWC forms could not have been borrowed. Thus, the reconstruction of the root for PNC seems very probable. The proposed comparison seems to us better than relating the WC root to EC *mūqV 'barley' (q.v.), see Balkarov 1975, 79, Abdokov 1983, 108; these two authors prefer to compare EC reflexes of *ħnǟrqwĔ with Ad. zantχ(ǝ) 'oats'. The latter is a rather obscure stem, with unclear morphological and phonetic structure (attested also in Svan. zantχ and Osset. zäntχä), and should be better kept apart.


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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *ʔinqʷa
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 oats 2 barley
Аварский: níχa 1
Ахвахский: ũqa 2
Комментарии: Av. paradigm A (gen. níχ-dal; cf. also in Uslar's notation: néχa, néχa-dal, néχa-bi). Within Andian languages the genuine root is preserved only in Akhv. ũqa (cf. also Ratl. ũqa; the MSU recording ũq:a 'barley' is probably faulty). All other Andian forms (Akhv. Tseg., Tlan. niχa, And., Cham., Tind., Kar., Botl., Bagv., God. niχa) are no doubt recent loans from Avar. In Akhv. Magomedbekova lists also North. Akhv., Ratl. niqa 'oats' - this may be either a more ancient loan, or a contamination of niχa and ũqa (note that the MSU recordings list North. Akhv. niχa 'oats' - obviously a loanword). The Av. word was borrowed also in Tsezian languages: Tsez. neχa, Khvarsh., Inkh. niχa 'oats'.

    A word oq: 'barley' is recorded for Southern Avar dialects (MSU: Chad. oq, Mikailov: Ants. oq:). Since it can not correspond to Akhv. ũqa, we must suppose that this is a more or less recent loan from some Andian language.


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Цезская этимология :

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Працезский: *ʔõχ ( ~ -ʁ:)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: barley
Бежтинский: õʁ (Tlad.)
Гунзибский: oh
Комментарии: PGB *ʔõʁ. In Bezht. (prop.) Madieva lists õχ 'barley' (probably a faulty recording).

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Лакская этимология :

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Лакский корень: niIqa
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: oats
Лакская форма: niIqa
Комментарий: Cf. Khosr. niqIʷa id.

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Даргинская этимология :

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Прадаргинский: *niqIa
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: oats
Акушинский: niqaI
Комментарии: Cf. also Ur., Kub. niqaI id.

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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *närχIʷ(a)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 spelt 2 ground wheat, wheat gruel
Лезгинский: neχʷ 1
Табасаранский: nurχI 1
Агульский: nirX̀ 2
Рутульский: naχIʷ 1
Комментарий: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. näIχʷ. 3d class in Rut.

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Абхазо-адыгская этимология :

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Празападнокавказский: *q́IʷV
Севернокавказская этимология: Севернокавказская этимология
Значение: 1 millet 2 barley
Абхазский: á-χʷʒ 1
Абазинский: qʷʒǝ 2
Адыгейский: ħa 2
Кабардинский: ħa 2
Убыхский: χʷa 2
Комментарии: PAK *qʷǝ-ʒ́ǝ (a compound with *-ʒ́V 'grain'; cf. also Bz. á-χʷʒ́); PAK *ħa. The correspondence PAT *qʷ : PAK *ħ : Ub. χʷ points to PWC *q́Iʷ.

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