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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *χ_wārē / *rāχ_wē
MEANING: a k. of foliage tree
CEZ: *rɨχ:V ( ~ -ʁ-)
DARG: *χ:ʷiri
LEZG: *χ:ʷar, *χ:ʷar-t:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. An interesting root, denoting originally a lime-tree (or a similar foliage tree), which was used for construction (cf. the construction terms in Lezghian languages). We can reconstruct the old direct base as *χ_wārē, and the oblique one - *χ_wōrV- (cf. the situation in PL and possibly PD). In spite of the metathesis in Gunz. (possibly conditioned by analogy with *rä̆śwē 'tree, wood' q.v. and some other tree-names), the etymology seems quite plausible.

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Цезская этимология :

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Працезский: *rɨχ:V ( ~ -ʁ-)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: poplar
Гунзибский: rɨχu
Комментарии: Attested only in Gunz., but having probable external parallels.

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Даргинская этимология :

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Прадаргинский: *χ:ʷiri
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: lime-tree
Акушинский: χur
Чирагский: χ:ire
Комментарии: Cf. also Tsud. χ:ur, Ur. χur, Kub. χij etc. Chir. χ:ʷar 'log' may reflect an old Ablaut variant (cf. the situation in Lezghian languages), but also may be a Lezg. loanword.

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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *χ:ʷar, *χ:ʷar-t:
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 lime-tree 2 log, pole 3 tree 4 ceiling 5 beam
Лезгинский: ʁʷar 2
Табасаранский: ʁʷard 2
Агульский: ʁʷad 4
Рутульский: χɨd 1
Цахурский: hala-χ:ʷar 2
Арчинский: χ:at 5
Удинский: χod 3
Комментарий: An interesting root. Several reflexes contain the suffix *-t: (observed also in other tree names). The oblique base can be reconstructed as *χ:or-t:V- with a regular Ablaut *a/*o, cf. Tab. Düb. ʁurdi- (in literary Tab. there occurred already a vowel levelling: ʁʷarda-, cf. also Lezg. ʁʷarc:i-, Ag. ʁʷadi-); this also explains the delabialised form Rut. χɨd (instead of *χʷad). The root means 'lime-tree' (whence 'tree' in general in Udi). Lime-tree logs must have been mainly used as poles for planking the ceiling, and this particular meaning obtains in Lezg. (Khliut dialect - in literary Lezgian it means already 'log' in general), Tab. (cf. also ʁʷarda-n 'ceiling' - but in Düb. the root preserved the original meaning 'lime-tree'), Tsakh. and Arch. (where the root means the principal holding ceiling-pole). It is interesting that some Rut. dialects preserve the meaning 'log' in compounds (cf. Ikhr. ala-χʷar 'a thick log' = Tsakh. hala-χ:ʷar), while the suffixed base *χ:ʷart: has here only the meaning 'lime-tree'. [Not quite clear is the loss of labialisation in Arch.; for the regular reflex of PL *t: cf. Arch. plur. χ:at:-ur.]

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