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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: to stand
ABAD: *gǝ
COMMENT: Cf. perhaps PY *dVk- (~-g-) 'to stand'.

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Абхазо-адыгская этимология :

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Празападнокавказский: *gǝ
Севернокавказская этимология: Севернокавказская этимология
Значение: 1 to stand 2 to stand up 3 upon smth. (preverb)
Абхазский: a-gǝ́-la-ra 1
Абазинский: gǝ-la-za-ra 1
Адыгейский: ta-ǯ́ǝ-n 2
Кабардинский: ta-ǯǝ-n 2
Убыхский: ǵǝ-
Комментарии: PAT *gǝ-la- (*-la- is a locative verbal root indicating direction of action). PAK *ta-ǵǝ- (the meaning of the first component is not quite clear - see Шагиров 2, 69 on its possible etymology).

    In Ub. the preverb ǵǝ- is used to indicate that the action is taking place on surface of smth. (ǵǝ-s- 'sit upon smth.', ǵǝ-tʷ- 'be upon smth.' etc.). There are reasons to think that the root *gǝ had had this function already in PWC (cf. the common WC compound *gA-LA- 'to fall (from above, from the surface) q.v.).


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