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Лакская этимология :

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Лакский корень: č̣aħa
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: reed, cane
Лакская форма: č̣aħa
Комментарий: Cf. Khosr. č̣aIha id. The same root (in a contracted shape č̣a-) is present in the compound č̣a-ṭaraḳ 'arrow'. [The component -ṭaraḳ is probably assimilated from -t:arak: and may be borrowed from Darg.: cf. forms like Kait. derek:a 'bow', for which the genuine Lak. parallel is k:urt:a 'arc, bow' q.v.].

    It is probable that the Lak. word was borrowed into Darg. dialects: cf. Chir. č̣aIħa, Tsud., Kub. č̣iħaI, Ak., Ur. č̣iʕaI 'reed, cane'.


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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ć̣ăʡV
MEANING: reed, cane; arrow
NAKH: *c̣a-ḳ
CEZ: *c̣aʔ(a)
LAK: č̣aħa
LEZG: *č̣aʔI
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.

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Нахская этимология :

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Протонахский: *c̣a-ḳ ( ~ -ā-)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: arrow
Бацбийский: c̣aḳ
Комментарии: The stem includes a diminutive *-ḳ (*c̣aḳ < *c̣aH-Vḳ). Attested only in Bacb., but having reliable external parallels.

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Цезская этимология :

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Працезский: *c̣aʔ(a)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 bow
Цезский: c̣eru-c̣a
Гинухский: c̣eru-c̣a
Бежтинский: c̣aʔa (Tlad.)
Гунзибский: c̣aʔa
Комментарии: PTsKh *c̣ɨRu-c̣a ( ~ *c̣üRu-); PGB *c̣aʔa (cf. also Bezht. Khosh. c̣aʔ). In the PTsKh compound (which has an exact match in PGB: *c̣ulu-c̣aʔa > Bezht. c̣uluc̣a, Gunz. Nakh. c̣uluc̣aʔa 'bow') the first component goes back to PTs *c̣ulu B 'arrow' q.v.

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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *č̣aʔI
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: reed, cane; arrow
Табасаранский: č̣eʔ
Комментарий: Cf. also Düb. č̣eʔe id. The word is attested only in Tab., but has reliable external parallels.

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Сино-кавказская этимология :

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Прасинокавказский: *ć̣VʡV́
Значение: bow, arrow, bow-string
Севернокавказский: *ć̣ăʡV
Синотибетский: *śVj
Енисейский: *cu(ʔ)
Комментарии и ссылки: HGC 33. [Cf. also PNC *rʔēć̣_wV̆ / *ć̣_wVrʔV `string, bow-string'; ? PST *r-sǝ̆ `sinew, tendon']

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Синотибетская этимология :

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Прасинотибетский: *śVj
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: shoot, flash
Качинский: gǝšoi3 to fly, as sparks; to flash, as lightning; to shoot, as an arrow.
Лушей: sai to shoot with a pellet.
Лепча: ǯă, ǯá to fix arrow on the string, to prepare to fire off

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Енисейская этимология :

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Праенисейский: *tu(ʔ) ( ~ *c-)
Значение: bow-string
Кетский: qʌ́q-tut (Werner 2, 145)
Югский: tut́, pl. tuŋ (Кастр.)
Коттский: gij-tu (Бол.)
Аринский: kej-tu (Лоск.)
Примечания: ССЕ 214. Kott. and Arin reflect a compound with *χɨʔǯ "bow" (q.v.) as the first component. The Yug form was explained in КС 222 as a reduplication, with a regular dissimilation tut́ < *t́ut́, with a resulting reconstruction *cu(ʔ) / *cuc. Other explanations are, however, possible: a) Werner (2, 293) suggests a compound *thu-t'ǝ, with the second component = Ket. tiʔ 'rope'; this does not seem quite convincing, basically because Yug -t' is unexplained (the corresponding Yug form is tiʔ, see Werner 2, 267 and *tiʔ); b) if the Yug form is in reality tu:(h)t́ (assuming Castren's recording is incorrect), we can think of a contracted compound *tu(ʔ)-χɨʔǯ, with the same χɨʔǯ, but as the second element of compound in Ket and Yug. qʌ́q- ( = qʌʔq-) in the Ket form recorded by Werner is interpreted by him as qʌʔq 'corner, angle'.

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