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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ʁu
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thou (2d p. pr.)
Rutul: ʁu (Shin.)
Tsakhur: ʁu
Udi: hu-n (Nidzh.)
Comment: This is a rare, but archaic pronominal stem, nearly completely superseded in most languages by PL *u_o(-n) q.v. The stem *ʁu(-n) is used as a direct stem in the Nidzh dialect of Udi, in several Rutul dialects (Shinaz, Khnov, Ikhrek) and in Tsakhur (interchanging with the normal wu < *u_o(-n)). Most important, however, is the regular use of this stem as genitive in Tsakhur: jɨʁ-na (1-2 class), jɨʁɨ-n (3 class) < PL *-oʁ(ʷ)-. Other languages have not preserved this usage, but it is very close to the situation in Khinalugh, and allows to reconstruct the stem *-oʁ(ʷ)- as the original oblique stem of this pronoun. See Aлексеев 1985, 72.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *ʁwV̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thou (obl. base)
Proto-Nakh: *ħō
Proto-Dargwa: *ħu
Proto-Lezghian: *ʁu(-n)
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The stem originally formed part of the suppletive paradigm of the 2d person pronoun. We can securely reconstruct the oblique stem *ʔŏʁwV, reflected in PN erg. *ʔaħ, Tsakh. gen. j-ɨʁ- and Khin. dat. oχ. It was probably used in the ergative case (the shift to genitive in Tsakhur must be secondary, because the original 2d person genitive is more or less securely reconstructed as *ʔeu_V- or *ʔiu_V, see under *u_ō). As for the stem *ʁwV̄- itself, it was either used as ergative or (interchanging with *uō) also as nominative.

    The complete paradigm of the second person pronoun in PEC can thus be reconstructed as *u_ō (nom., perhaps interchanging with *ʁwV̄), *ʔŏʁwV (erg.), *ʔeu_V-/*ʔiu_V- (gen.), *du- (dat.). There is, however, no guarantee that this situation reflects the common NC state of things, because Western Caucasian languages do not reveal any traces of the stems *ʁwV̄ and *du- (reflecting only *u_ō).


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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *ħō
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thou (2d
Chechen: ħo
Ingush: ħo
Batsbi: ħo
Comments: PN paradigm: nom. *ħō (shortened already in PN; length is preserved in forms like Chech. dat. ħū-na < *ħō-nu), obl. *ħa- (Chech., Ing., Bacb. ħa-), erg. *ʔaħ (Chech. aħ, Ing. ʕa < *aʕ with secondary voicing, Bacb. aħ).

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *ħu
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thou (2d
Akusha: ħu
Chiragh: ʕu
Comments: Cf. also Ur. ħu, Tsud. ʕuI, Kub. uI, Kait. i; note also an interesting form (with inexplicable g-) Sirg. gu.

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Khinalug etymology :

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Khinalug root:
North Caucasian etymology: 2286
Meaning: thou (2d p. pr., dative case)
Khinalug form:

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *xGwV
Meaning: thou
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *ʁwV̄
Sino-Tibetan: *Kʷa-
Yenisseian: *kV- / *ʔVk- (~g-,-g-)
Burushaski: *gu- / *go-
Basque: *hi / *-ga-
Comments and references : HGC 22, DCE 35. [PNC *ʁwV probably < *GwV in an auxiliary morpheme].

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Kʷa-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thou, you
Tibetan: khjid, khjod thou, you.
Burmese: kwaj you; khaŋ thou.
Lepcha: hó thou
Comments: PG *kjàŋL thou.

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *kV- / *ʔVk- (~g-,-g-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: your (attr.); morpheme of the 2d person
Ket: ūk / uk (South.), North. ūk 'your'; k- / ku- 'morpheme of the 2d p. sing. in the verb', kɛŋ- 'morpheme of the 2d plur. in the verb', ъ̄k, ъ̄kŋ 'you' (plur.)
Yug: uk 'your'; k- / ku- 'morpheme of the 2d sing. in the verb', kɛŋ- 'morpheme of the 2d plur. in the verb', ъkŋ / kъkŋ 'you' (plur.)
Pumpokol: ajaŋ 'you' ( = Ket. ъ̄kŋ)
Comments: ССЕ 242. On Kott. auoŋ, Ar. aŋ 'you' see КС 206 (these forms can reflect *ʔǝk(ǝ)ŋ, but they may as well reflect a new formation *ʔawVŋ from *ʔaw 'thou' q.v.). Werner 2, 327 *ukǝ (on his faulty attribution of *ʔVk- to *ʔaw 'thou' see under *ʔaw).

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *gu- / *go-
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: thou, thine (obl.)
Yasin: gu- / go-
Hunza: gu- / go-
Nagar: gu- / go-

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *hi
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thou (familiar)
Araban: i
Bizkaian: i
Gipuzkoan: i
High Navarrese: i
Low Navarrese: hi
Salazarese: i
Lapurdian: hi
Baztanese: i
Aezkoan: i
Zuberoan: hi
Roncalese: i, (Vidángoz) yi
Comments: The root also exists as the verbal affix (initial) *h-, (medial) *-ga-, (final) *-k (second person singular familiar). The medial and final affixes are specifically masculine, opposed to feminine *-na-, *-n. This is the only instance of grammatical sex marking in Bsq.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : HV
Meaning : thou (obl. forms?) [2nd p. pronoun]
Eurasiatic : *χwV
Afroasiatic : ? *kV thou
Sino-Caucasian : *xGwV
Austric : PAN *kaw, MY *gaɨ thou
Amerind (misc.) : *a- 'thou' (R 753), *hi 'thou' (R 756) [+ A K]; *ka 'thou' (R 754) [+ A]; *kai 'we inclusive; thou' (R 840)
Reference : Here also Ainu *e 'thou'?

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *χwV
Meaning: 2nd person pronoun
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *we-, *wō- (perh. also *i̯ū-s)
Kartvelian: *χ- pref. of the 2d p. subj.
References: ND 755a *Hiʔu.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *we-, *wō-
Meaning: pron. pers., 2 pl./du.
Old Indian: vaḥ, acc., gen., dat., du. vām `you'
Slavic: *vɨ̄, *vāsъ, *vāmī
Baltic: *wV-
Latin: vōs; vester
Other Italic: Paelign vus 'vos, vobis'; Umbr uestra 'vestrā'
Russ. meaning: 2 мн.
References: WP I 209 f

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: вы
Near etymology: -- 2 л. мн. ч., укр. ви, др.-русск., ст.-слав. вы ὑμεῖς, vos (Супр.), болг. ви, вие, сербохорв. ви̑, словен. vȋ, др.-чеш. vy, польск. wy.
Further etymology: Родственно др. -прусск. wans -- вин. п. мн. ч. "вас", лат. vōs, авест. vō, др.-инд. vas -- энклит. вин. п. дв. ч., род. п. мн. ч., далее, греч. ὑμᾶς, лесб. ὕμμε и т. д. Древняя форма им. мн. и.-е. *i̯ūs (ср. др.-прусск. ious, лит., лтш. jūs "вы", авест. yužǝm, yūš, др.-инд. yūyám, гот. jus) была вытеснена новой под влиянием косвенных падежей в слав.; см. Траутман, BSW 110; Apr. Sprd. 451; Мейе, MSL 21, 209. Причину исчезновения и.-е. *i̯ū̆s в праслав. можно, пожалуй, видеть в том, что благодаря изменению -jy-, jъ > -ji-, -jь- местоимение 2 л. мн. ч. не отличалось в звуковом отношении от местоимения 3 л.
Pages: 1,366

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *wV-
Meaning: you
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Old Prussian: wans acc. 'euch'

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 1295
Root: mer-4, merǝ-
English meaning: to die
German meaning: `sterben'
General comments: (= mer-5 `aufgerieben werden')
Material: Ai. marati, máratē `stirbt', arm. meṙanim `sterbe', gr. ἔμορτεν `starb' Hes. (vgl. lit. mèris m., mìre f. `Tod', mérdėti `im Sterben liegen'); Kausat. ai. māráyati `tötet', osset. māryn `töten', lit. marìnti, serb. mòriti ds., usw.; schwundstuf. ai. mriyátē `stirbt', av. miryeite (= iryei) ds., apers. a-mariyatā `er starb', lat. morior (*mr̥-i̯ōr) `ich sterbe'; baltoslav. *mirē- in lit.mìrštu, mir̃ti `sterben', lett. mir̃stu, mir̃t ds. (dazu lit. mìrė `der Tote', lett. mirējs m. `Sterbender'); aksl. mьrǫ, mrěti und -mьrěti ds., hitt. me-ir-ta (mert) `starb'.

    Partiz. mr̥-tó- `tot' in ai. mr̥tá- = av. mǝrǝta- `gestorben', arm. mard `Mensch' (`Sterblicher'), lat. Morta, Todesgöttin, baltoslav. *mirta- `tot' in lit. mirtóji dienà `Todestag', aksl. u-mrъtije n. `Tod', usw.; n̥-mr̥-to- `unsterblich, lebendig' in ai. amŕ̥ta-, av.amǝšа-, gr. ἄμβροτος (äol. ρο für ρα), davon ἀμβρόσιος `zu den Unsterblichen gehörig'; ausἄμβροτος abstrahiert βροτός `sterblich' und βρότος `Blut' (M. Leumann, Homer. Wörter 126 ff.).

    mr̥-tó-m `Tod' in ai. mr̥tá- n. `Tod', ahd. mord, ags. aisl. morð n. `Mord' (daneben *mr̥-tro-m in got. maurþr n., ags. morðor n. `Mord').

    mr̥-ti- `Tod' in ai. mr̥ti-, av. mǝrǝti-, lat. mors, -tis, lit. mirtìs, aksl. sъ-mrъtь (aus *-mrьtь), serb. smȑt, usw.

    mr̥-tú `Tod' in arm. mah, älter marh; mit -ti- kontaminiert: ai. mr̥tyú-, av. mǝrǝɵyu- ds.

    mór-to- `sterblich' in ai. márta-, av. maša- `Mensch', mit Tonwechsel marǝta- `sterblich, Sterblicher', gr. μορτός `Mensch, Sterblicher' Hes. (für *μόρτος); abgeleitet *mor-ti̯o- in ai. martya-, av. mašya-, apers. martiya- `sterblich, Sterblicher'.

    mr̥-u̯ó- `tot' in air. marb, cymr. usw. marw, gall. *marvos (M.-L. 5387a); unklar gall. (?) Mori-marusa `mortuum mare'; durch Einfluß von mr̥-tu- zu *mr̥-tu̯-o- in lat. mortuus `tot', aksl. mrьtvъ (mrъtvъ) ds.

    móro-s `Tod' in ai. mā̆ra- `Tod', lit. mãras `Pest', aksl. morъ ds.

    Nach Thieme Studien 55 hierher (?) gr. μάρτυς (*-ρς), -ρος, hom. μάρτυρος `Zeuge' (`Schwörender') aus *mr̥t-tur- (??) `den Tod ergreifend' (Wurzel tu̯er- `fassen').

References: WP. II 276, WH. 112 f., Trautmann 186 f., Thieme Studien 15 ff.
Pages: 735
PIE database: PIE database

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *kVw
Meaning: thou
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Miao-Yao parallels: *gaɨA thou
Austronesian meaning: *kaw
Austronesian code: thou

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