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Lezghian etymology :
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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔiš:ä-
Meaning: 1 to be, become 2 to come
Lezghian: že- 1
Tabasaran: š- 1
Agul: ša-w 2 (imp.)
Rutul: w-išir 1 (term.)
Kryz: še-ri 1 (dur.)
Budukh: ʕa-š-χar 2
Archi: bat:-eš:a- 1
Comment: In Kryz. the root is used as present durative (še-ri 'is') and in the paradigm of the verbs 'to come', 'to go down' (imper. ʕu-šä, pres. ʕu-š-χä-ri 'come', imper. ʕa-š, pres. ʕa-š-χä-ri 'to go down' = Bud. imper. ʕa-š, pres. ʕa-š-χa-ri 'to come'). In Bud. cf. perhaps also q:-i=š- 'to mount (a horse)'. The meanings 'come' and 'become, be' are obviously related.
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North Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-North Caucasian: *=iš_A
Meaning: to move, come
Notes: One of the common NC verbs of motion. Labialisation in Av. š:ʷe- (reflecting Av.-And. stem II) is probably secondary ( < *š:uʔ- ~ *š:oʔ-), since other languages do not reflect it. Cf. perhaps also Urart. aš- 'to flee, to leave' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 38).
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Avar-Andian etymology :
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Protoform: *š:ʷV-
Meaning: to come, reach
Avar: š:ʷe-
Chadakolob: sʷe(l)-
Comments: Isolated in Av., but having some probable external parallels.
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Lak etymology :
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Lak root: =aj-š:u-
Meaning: retreat, go away
Lak form: =aj-š:u-
Comments: G. pr. =ajš:u-nu.
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Dargwa etymology :
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Proto-Dargwa: *=aš(:)-
Meaning: come
Akusha: =aš-es
Comments: Cf. Ur. dur. =aš- 'come'. With some preverbs the stem means also 'to go away'.
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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :
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Proto-West-Caucasian: *šǝ ( ~ *ś-)
Meaning: 1 to move, pass 2 to come, reach
Abkhaz: -s(ǝ)- 1
Abaza: -s(ǝ)- 1
Adyghe: na-sǝ-n 2
Kabardian: na-sǝ-n 2
Comments: PAT *śǝ, attested only with preverbs, cf. Abkh. ája-s-ra 'to pass', a-ḳǝ́l-s-ra 'to pass through, crawl through', a-bž́ǝ́-s-ra 'to pass by'; Abaz. ḳǝl-s-ra, bž́ǝ-s-ra id.; Bzyb. ā́-ś-ḳ́a-ra 'to move (here), come (here)', a-na-ś-ḳ́a-ra 'to move (there), get away'. PAK *na-sǝ- 'come, reach (there)', *q:a-sǝ- (Ad., Kab. q:a-sǝ-n) 'come, reach (here)'. We must notice that in PAK probably a contamination of two PWC roots took place: on one hand, PAK *na-sǝ- and *q:a-sǝ- are exact formal matches of Bzyb. a-na-ś- and ā-ś- (see above); on the other hand, semantically they also match perfectly Abkh. a-na-ʒa- 'to reach (there)' and ā-ʒa- 'to reach (here)' (see under PWC *ʒV). The derived postposition PAK *-nasǝ 'until' is also exactly matching Abkh. -nʒa and Ub. -ōnʒa. See Dumézil 1932, 75, 250-251; Shagirov 1, 279-280.
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