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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *cɦōḳal
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox
Chechen: cħōgal
Ingush: cogal
Batsbi: coḳal
Comments: 3d class in all languages.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *chwōlĕ (~ -ă)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox, jackal
Proto-Nakh: *cɦōḳal
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *sori
Proto-Tsezian: *zǝr(V)
Proto-Lak: culč̣a
Proto-Lezghian: *s:oIla
Proto-Khinalug: pšlä
Proto-West Caucasian: *š́ʷV
Notes: Correspondences between EC and WC are regular except for unpredicted palatalisation in PWC (*šʷV would be expected). This may be explained either by vocalic metathesis (*chwōlĕ / *chwēlŏ) or, perhaps, by the original trisyllabic root structure (*chwōlĕ < earlier *cEhwōlĕ, cf. the probably connected - as a loan or as a common heritage from an earlier source - Semitic form *čuʕāl 'fox').

    PN, Lak and part of the Lezgian languages reflect an old diminutive derivate *chwōlV-ḳV (in PN and some Lezgian languages with metathesis *chwōḳVlV).


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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *sori
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox
Avar: cer
Chadakolob: šer
Andian language: sor
Akhvakh: šari
Tindi: sari
Karata: sare
Botlikh: sari
Bagvalal: sar
Godoberi: sari
Comments: Av. paradigm C (cará-l, céra-l/cúr-dul, Chad. šará-l, šúr-dul).

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *zǝr(V)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox
Tsezi: ziru
Ginukh: zeru
Khvarshi: zaru
Inkhokvari: zor (zoru-)
Bezhta: sora
Gunzib: sǝ (sǝro-)
Comments: PTsKh *zǝR(u), PGB *sǝrV (the direct base sǝ in Gunz. is a result of reanalysis of -ro as the oblique stem marker).

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: culč̣a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox
Lak form: culč̣a
Comments: Gen. culḳ-lul. Cf. also Khosr. sulč̣a, sulḳ-lul id.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *s:oIla
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox
Lezghian: siḳ
Tabasaran: sul
Agul: sul
Rutul: siḳ
Tsakhur: sɨIwa
Kryz: sakul
Budukh: sokul
Archi: s:ol
Udi: šul
Comment: The Tab., Ag. (cf. also Bursh. s:ul), Tsakh., Arch. and Ud. forms go back to the simple stem PL *s:oIla (obl. base *s:oIlä- > Tab. sula-, Ag. sule-). The Lezg. and Rut. forms reflect a derivate *s:oIl-ḳ, while the Shakhdagh languages reflect *s:oIl-Vk > *s:oIkVl (probably with secondary deglottalisation of *-ḳ). Cf. similar derivates in Lak. and in Nakh. 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages.

    See Бокарев 1961, 70; Лексика 1971, 154; Гигинейшвили 1977, 69, 134; Талибов 1980, 295.


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Khinalug etymology :

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Khinalug root: pšlä
North Caucasian etymology: 1149
Meaning: fox
Khinalug form: pšlä

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *š́ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 red fox 2 jackal
Abkhaz: á-š̌a-bga (Bz)
Adyghe: baǯ́a-ś 2
Ubykh: bIaǵá-šʷ 2
Comments: The root is attested only within a compound with PWC *bIaga 'fox' (q.v.). Shagirov (1977, 72) supposed that the Ad. word was borrowed from Ubykh, which is hardly credible (we do not know of other loans in this direction). His reason was that the Ub. word can be analysed as bIaga 'fox' + šʷǝ 'diminutive suffix', but the external evidence (cf. especially Abkh. á-š̌a-bga) shows that this is a folk etymology, and šʷǝ here is an independent root.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *chwōlĕ́
Meaning: fox
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *chwōlĕ (~ -ă)
Sino-Tibetan: *Criǝ̄
Burushaski: *hal
Basque: *ɦaseri / *a=seɦari
Comments and references : DCE 15, BCD 11.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *chi(ǝ)k
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: leopard
Tibetan: gzig leopard; porcupine.
Burmese: (kjah)-sać leopard, LB *[z]ikx.
Kachin: dumsi1 a porcupine (?).
Kiranti: *sík-ba
Comments: Rawang khaŋ-zi leopard; Trung dzǝ̆ʔ1 wolf, kaŋ2-dži2 leopard. Sh. 52; Ben.27. Forms showing a zero reflex in the final position (Jnp. dumsi1, Rawang khaŋ-zi, Trung kaŋ2-dži2) should perhaps be rather compared with OCh. 豺 *ʒ́_rǝ̄ wolf < PST *ʒ́(r)iǝ̄.

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *sík-ba
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: tiger, leopard
Tulung: 'saw (<*sakwa <*sǝk-ba)
Kaling: 'sɔ (<*súk <*síkwV <*síkbV) tiger
Limbu: sigebā lion
Yamphu: si:gumba 'fox'

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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: si:gumba
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: fox.

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *hal
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: fox
Yasin: hal
Hunza: hal
Nagar: hal

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *ɦaseri / *a=seɦari
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fox
Bizkaian: azagari, azeri, azari, (arc) azebari, azeari, (Arratia, Orozko, Txorierri) azegari
Gipuzkoan: azeri, azari
High Navarrese: azeri, (Larraun) azari
Low Navarrese: hazeri, (Baigorri) azeri
Salazarese: axari
Lapurdian: hazeri, (Ainhoa) axari
Baztanese: azari
Zuberoan: axéri, exéri
Roncalese: axeri, axari
Comments: Trask (1995, 1997) following Michelena (1961) derives this word from a personal name, Acenari. In this analysis that proposal is considered semantically and historically improbable, since nothing is known about the character or personality of the person designated as Acenari, that would lead to his name becoming the Bsq word for 'fox', as there is for the fictional Reynard > French renard.; furthermore the diversity of the Bsq forms indicates ancient origin, thus, in this analysis, this ancient word comes from PSC *c(V)hwōlĕ́ 'fox'.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : CVLV
Meaning : fox
Eurasiatic : *[čw]VlɣV
Afroasiatic : *čaʕlib-/*čuʕlib- (?)
Sino-Caucasian : *chwōlĕ́
Austric : PAA *sar 'cat, fox'
Reference : ND 391 (SH + Saam.).

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *[čw]VlɣV
Meaning: fox, weasel
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *čĕ́lV
Uralic: *śijele ?
Kartvelian: Georg. ǯilɣao 'red fox'
Comments: Expected *č- in Kartv. (assimilation?)
References: ND 2776 *ǯEɣl̄V ~ *ǯEl̄ɣV 'fox, weasel' ( + Arab.). [(AD) cf. also Drav. *źaḷ- 'pangolin'].

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *čĕ́lV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of small animal
Russian meaning: вид небольшого животного
Tungus-Manchu: *ǯele-kī
Korean: *čār
Japanese: *tái ( ~ -ia)
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. The Jpn. form reflects a suffixed formation *čĕl(V)-gV.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *ǯele-kī
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: ermine
Russian meaning: горностай
Evenki: ǯelekī
Even: ǯiliki
Negidal: ǯelexī
Literary Manchu: ǯelken
Ulcha: ǯieli(n)
Orok: ǯeĺei
Nanai: ǯeli
Oroch: ǯeleki
Udighe: ǯelexi
Comments: ТМС 1, 284.

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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *čār
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: sable
Russian meaning: соболь
Modern Korean: čāl
Comments: KED 1392.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *tái ( ~ -ia)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: marten
Russian meaning: куница
Middle Japanese: té
Tokyo: ten
Comments: The source of -n in the modern form is not quite clear; MJ has explicitly no second syllable.

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 975
Proto: *śije-le
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: hedgehog
German meaning: Igel; Erinaceus europaeus
Finnish: siili 'Igel'
Estonian: siil (gen. siili, siilu)
Mordovian: śejeĺ (E M)
Mari (Cheremis): šülǝ (KB), šulo (B)
Mansi (Vogul): soule
Hungarian: sün (dial. sül-disznó, sün-disznó, altung. szül, zeul, zwel)
Sammalahti's version: *s'ijili

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *čaʕlib-/*čuʕlib- (?)
Meaning: fox, jackal
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *t_VʕVl- ~ *t_aʕlab-
Central Chadic: *či-čVlVb- 'jackal'
East Chadic: *sullib- 'wolf'
Notes: Scarce data. Cf. HSED *čaʕlib-/*čuʕlib- 464 (Sem, Ch) and 490 *čuʕal- 'beast' (Sem. unconvincingly comp. to Dah t_eele 'lion'); Stolb 1996 46 (Sem, Ch); Dolg ND 391 (Sem, Ch).

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2543
Proto-Semitic: *t_VʕVl- ~ *t_aʕlab-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: fox
Akkadian: šēlebu (šellebu, šēlabu, šālibu) 'fox; a star; a fish; a bird or locust' OAkk. on [CAD š2 268], [AHw. 1210]. In OAkk. as a personal name only. More details on later attestations see in [Salonen Jagd 202f., 262f.]. The existence of a fem. parallel to š. is questionable. In [CAD š2 270] šēlebūtu (šīlibūtu) 'vixen' (OB on) is quoted whereas in [AHw. 1210] the respective attestations are listed under šeleppūtu 'turtle'. The only pertinent passage (YOS 10 56 III 12, OB izbu) šumma izbum kīma ši-li-bu-ti is indeed ambiguous (though, admittedly, KA5.A ūlid in the SB version might favour CAD's rendering). On the other hand, šēlebtu 'Füchsin' (SB) in [AHw. 1210] is poorly documented: the reading of the logogram MÍKA5.A is unknown whereas on hesitates to agree with von Soden's in assuming that the Akk. word for 'vixen' was used as a designation of an agricultural tool (cf. the reading šelliptu in [CAD š2 273]).
Ugaritic: t_ʕlb ?
Hebrew: šūʕāl 'fox; jackal' [KB 1445] (with zoological discussion), pB. [Ja. 1538]. A form going back to *t_aʕlab- is thought to be attested in the toponym šaʕalb_īm and related [KB 1611-2].
Aramaic: Anc. šʕl 'fox, jackal' [HJ 1179]. Hapax in KAI 222 A 33 (among animals inhabiting ruins), v. [Fitzmyer 90]. D.-Alla š[ʕl] 'fox' [Hackett 134]. In combination gry š[ʕl] 'cubs of a fox' (v. [ibid. 51] for arguments in favour of this reconstruction). Off. tʔlh, tʔrh [HJ 1179]. In Farh IX 6 (tʔlh, = rōpāh) and 8 (tʔrh k_zbʔ 'false fox', i.e. 'jackal', = tōrak), v. [Nyberg 73-4].
Judaic Aramaic: taʕal, taʕălā, tǝʕālā 'jackal, fox' [Ja. 1683], [Levy WT II 548], [Levy WTM IV 657]; tʕl (taʕălā) 'fox' [Sok. 587].
Syrian Aramaic: taʕlā 'vulpes' [Brock. 830], [PS 4474].
Mandaic Aramaic: tala 'fox' [DM 478] (taʕlab [ibid. 480] is an obvious Arabism).
Arabic: t_uʕāl- 'renard', t_uʕāl-at- 'renard femelle' [BK 1 225], [Fr. I 218], [Lane 237] (in [LA XI 84] only t_uʕālat- and t_uʕal-, both interpreted as 'vixen', with discussion); t_aʕlab- (pl. t_aʕālin) 'renard', t_aʕlab-at- 'renard femelle' [BK 1 225], [Fr. I 218], [Lane 338], [LA I 237].
Mehri: yǝt_áyl 'fox' [JM 462].
Jibbali: it_ʕél id. [JJ 282].
Harsusi: yet_áyl id. [HJ 148].
Notes: Cf. Amh. šäla 'marten, ferret (fig. cunning and devious per- son)' [K 602], šälan id. [ibid. 607], Gog. selä 'kind of wild animal (it eats chicken)' [LGur. 542]. Of interest is Ebl. ba-ti-um = KA5.A [MEE 4 1249], tentatively compared to Akk. šēlebu in [Civil Ebla 91]. While the lack of -l in the cuneiform rendering of /baʕtilum/ is unproblematic, T-sign for an etymological t_ is highly unusual. [Fron. 293]: *t_aʕlab-, *t_uʕāl- 'volpe' (Mhr., Jib., Arb., Syr., Hbr., Akk.); [KB 1445]: Hbr., Arm., Arb., Akk.; [Brock. 830]: Syr., Jud., Hbr., Arb., Akk.; [Hommel 310]: Arb., Hbr., Akk., Syr. (with discussion on possible relatonship with Pers. šaɣāl, Sanskr. srigāla); [Firmage 1153]: Akk., Hbr., Arm., Arb.

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *či-čVlVb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'jackal'
Musgu: čičèlebe {LMsg]

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *sullib-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'wolf'
Mokilko: sùllíbè [JMkk]

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *sVr ( ~ -ʔl)
Meaning: cat, fox
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Proto-Austroasiatic: *sar
Austroasiatic meaning: cat, fox
Proto-Thai: sɨa.A tiger

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: *sar
Meaning: cat, fox
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: sɨa.A tiger
Proto-Palaungic: Pr sua < TAI
Proto-Khmu: *sar
Khasi: ksar fox
References: Kh 733

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