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Nakh etymology :
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Proto-Nakh: *nāqa
Meaning: breast
Chechen: nāqa
Ingush: naqa
Comments: 6th class in Chech., Ing. Obl. base *nāqi- (Chech. nēqa-, Ing. näqo).
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North Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-North Caucasian: *mōnqī (~-ē)
Meaning: breast; bosom
Notes: A good common NC root. It is often accompanied by the suffixed *-rV (in PTs, Lak., PD and PL). Lak. quru regularly < *mVquru. The only irregularity is a metathesis in PTs (which is a frequent phenomenon). Note that Khin. maχar 'woman's breast' is a loan from Shakh-Dagh.
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Avar-Andian etymology :
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Protoform: *niqi (~-χ-)
Meaning: 1 breast 2 brisket
Avar: mehéd 2
Chamalal: niχ 1
Tindi: niχi 1
Karata: niχe 1
Botlikh: niχi 1
Bagvalal: nih 1
Godoberi: niχi 1
Comments: Av. paradigm B or C (gen. mahdí-l); -d may be a result of partial contamination with another PEC root (see *qVdV), but as a whole Av. mehed is hard to separate from the Andian and EC root. *n- in PA is obviously secondary (an influence of the former medial *-n-).
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Tsezian etymology :
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Proto-Tsezian: *χɨmV(rV) (~-i-)
Meaning: breast
Tsezi: ħemori
Ginukh: χema
Comments: PTsKh *χ̥1̇ɨmo(RV) (~-i-) (in Tsez. there is a variation ħemori/ħamori). The word is also used in a compound with PTs *rɔḳʷǝ 'heart' (Tsez. ħamo-roḳu, Gin. χemo-roḳe, /Lomtadze/ χema-roḳʷe). In Gin. there also exists a word ʁomoro 'part of beef brisket' (Lomtadze) which must be borrowed from some Bezht.-Gunz. dialect (in PGB a regular correspondence for PTsKh *χ̥1̇ɨmoRV would be *ʁɨmVrV /~-i-).
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Lak etymology :
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Lak root: quru
Meaning: brisket
Lak form: quru
Comments: The old meaning 'breast, chest' is preserved in the compound qara-žip 'breast pocket'. qara- is probably the old obl. stem, preserved also in some adverbs: qara-lu 'under one's arm' (cf. Khosr. qara-lalu 'armpit'), qara-j 'on the shoulder'.
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Dargwa etymology :
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Proto-Dargwa: *miqiri
Meaning: breast, chest
Akusha: miqir
Chiragh: miqire
Comments: Cf. also Ur. miqiri, Kub. muqaj
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Lezghian etymology :
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Proto-Lezghian: *moχor
Meaning: 1 breast 2 female breast 3 breast meat, brisket
Lezghian: χur 1
Tabasaran: muχur 1
Agul: muχur 1
Rutul: mɨχɨr 1
Tsakhur: muχu 2
Kryz: maχar 1
Budukh: maχar 1
Archi: moχor 3
Comment: 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages. Not quite clear is the -a-vocalism in Shakhdagh. See Талибов 1960а, 296; Лексика 1971, 107; Гигинейшвили 1977, 68.
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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :
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Proto-West-Caucasian: *mVq́:a
Meaning: 1 arm 2 bosom
Abaza: maqa 1
Ubykh: mǝq́á 2
Comments: Somewhat problematic (semantically) is the position of Abkh. á-maχa 'hip, thigh' (which phonetically is a perfect match for Abaz. maqa).
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Sino-Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *nōmqī́
Meaning: breast; heart, mind
Comments and references : Somewhat different in NSC 59 *nVmHV; the relationship to PST *ńV̆m `think' is, however, not quite clear. Do we deal with archaic derivation: *nōmV 'think' > *nōm-qī́ 'organ of thinking, mind / heart / breast'? sccet-meaning,sccet-prnum,sccet-cauc,sccet-stib,sccet-yen,sccet-notes,
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Sino-Tibetan etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *niŋ ( ~ -iǝ-) (s-)
Meaning: heart
Tibetan: sńiŋ the heart.
Burmese: hnać the heart, LB *sni(k).
Lushai: KC *niŋ.
Comments: Ngente niŋ; Mikir niŋ heart; Garo tǝniŋ brains; Kanauri stiŋ; Rawang ǝniŋ brains. Sh. 134; Ben. 79. Since the meanings 'heart, soul' and 'calm, tranquil' are often related, it seems possible to compare also OCh. 寧 *nēŋ be tranquil, at ease; cf. also Lush. niŋ (nin) to get weary, tired [but cf. for the latter PAN *qeneŋ 'quiet, still, at rest'].
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Kiranti etymology :
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Proto-Kiranti: *niŋ
Meaning: mind
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Limbu dictionary :
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Entry: niN
Grammar: n.
Meaning: 1) mind, inclination; 2) in the expression niN lɛʔmaʔ: ire, wrath, gall, spleen
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Dumi dictionary :
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Entry: niN
Grammar: n.
Meaning: fear, awe
Comments: [< Tibeto-Burman *s-niN 'heart, mind' (Benedict 1972: 79)]; cf. lɨknɨ. dumet-prnum,dumet-pspeech,dumet-meaning,dumet-comments,
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Kulung dictionary :
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Entry: niwa
Grammar: n.
Meaning: mind
Nepali: man.
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Yamphu dictionary :
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Entry: niŋa
Grammar: n.
Meaning: mind, heart, faculty of thinking and feeling.
Nepali: man
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Yenisseian etymology :
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Proto-Yenisseian: *ʔan[ɨ]ŋ
Meaning: to think
Ket: aniŋbɛt6 / ańbɛt5,6 'think', anun6 'mind'
Yug: anɨŋbɛt́6 'think', anɨŋ5 'mind'
Kottish: anaŋaj, pl. anaŋajaŋ "thinking, mind"; anaŋaja "clever"; anaŋajākŋ "think", praet. anaŋajolōkŋ, imp. anaŋajālćek; anaŋaithākŋ "think", praet. -tholōkŋ, imp. -thālćek, pass. -tholāʔuki; (Бол.) angajak "I think"
Arin: anɨpänun (Лоск.) "I think"
Comments: ССЕ 181. Werner 1, 38 *anǝŋ-.
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Long-range etymologies :
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Borean (approx.) : MVNV
Meaning : front, breast
Austric : ? PAA *mɛ:ŋ 'forehead; mouth'
Reference : ND 1448, 1449 (arbitrarily divided). globet-meaning,globet-nostr,globet-afas,globet-scc,globet-austr,globet-reference,
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Nostratic etymology :
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Eurasiatic: *mVńV
Meaning: front, breast
Uralic: Sam. *m[u]ńV 'belly'
References: ND 1425 *mEn̄V 'front' (Drav. + IE *men- 'protrude' + some Cush., Chad.). It seems that IE *men- is a single root after all, uniting *men- 'protrude' (Lat. -mineō etc., *mon(t)- 'mountain' and *ment- 'chin'; here also Hitt. meni-, mena- 'face, cheek', menahhanda 'before, in front'). The reconstruction ND 1448 *mowE[ń]V 'intestines, belly' is based on a non-existing Alt. root. (Sam. + TM *mōmańa + Cush.), and arbitrarily separated from ND 1449 *mEʔawuńV 'breast, chest, heart' (based on an incorrect TM reconstruction)... nostret-meaning,nostret-prnum,nostret-ier,nostret-alt,nostret-ura,nostret-drav,nostret-reference,
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Indo-European etymology :
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Proto-IE: *mon-
Meaning: mountain
Latin: mōns, -tis m. `Berg, Gebirge'
Celtic: *monijo- > OIr -monid; Cymr mynydd, Corn meneth, Bret menez 'Berg'
Russ. meaning: гора
References: WP II 263
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Altaic etymology :
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Proto-Altaic: *mi̯óńù
Meaning: heart; breast
Russian meaning: сердце; грудь
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. See SKE 136, EAS 79, Whitman 1985, 202, 237, АПиПЯЯ 48, 290, Robbeets 2000, 103. The MKor. variant njǝm- in njǝ̀m-thòŋ 'heart' (which Lee 1958, 115 attempts to compare separately with Manchu ńaman), is most probably just a contraction in a compound < *mằńằm-thòŋ. {If the original meaning was 'front, protruding point', cf. perhaps Mong. mondaɣa, monduɣ 'high ground, mountains, peaks', Bur. mundarga 'woodless rocky summit', whence Manchu muŋGa 'hill, burial mound' ?} altet-prnum,altet-meaning,altet-rusmean,altet-tung,altet-kor,altet-jap,altet-reference,
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Tungus etymology :
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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *miańam
Meaning: heart
Russian meaning: сердце
Evenki: mē̂wan
Negidal: mē̂wan
Spoken Manchu: ńamǝn (86)
Literary Manchu: ńaman
Ulcha: mē̂wa(n)
Orok: mē̂wa(n)
Nanai: m'ǟwa(n)
Oroch: mǟwa(n)
Udighe: meäwa(n-)
Solon: ḿēɣã, mīɣã
Comments: ТМС 1, 533-534. All languages except Manchu underwent an assimilative change *miańam > *miawan; however, Manchu ńaman speaks strongly in favour of the original palatal *ń, corresponding well to the external data. tunget-prnum,tunget-meaning,tunget-rusmean,tunget-evk,tunget-neg,tunget-sib,tunget-man,tunget-ulc,tunget-ork,tunget-nan,tunget-orc,tunget-ude,tunget-sol,tunget-reference,
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Korean etymology :
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Proto-Korean: *mằńằm
Meaning: heart
Russian meaning: сердце
Modern Korean: maɨm
Middle Korean: mằńằm
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Japanese etymology :
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Proto-Japanese: *múnà-i
Meaning: breast
Russian meaning: грудь
Old Japanese: mune
Middle Japanese: múnè
Tokyo: muné
Kyoto: múnè
Kagoshima: múne
Comments: JLTT 488. muna- in OJ compounds (muna-saka etc.). japet-prnum,japet-meaning,japet-rusmean,japet-ajp,japet-mjp,japet-tok,japet-kyo,japet-kag,japet-comments,
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Dravidian etymology :
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Proto-Dravidian : *mun-
Meaning : front
Proto-South Dravidian: *mun- Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *mun- Proto-North Dravidian : *mund dravet-meaning,dravet-prnum,dravet-sdr,dravet-tel,dravet-koga,dravet-gnd,dravet-ndr,dravet-bra,
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South Dravidian etymology :
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Proto-South Dravidian : *mun-
Meaning : front
Tamil : mun_
Tamil meaning : in front, previous, prior; antiquity, eminence; sign of the locative
Tamil derivates : mun_pu former time, front, antiquity; bodily strength, greatness; before, in front of, formerly; mun_pan_ powerful man, leader, master; mun_r_-il front of a house, space; mun_n_am in front; mun_n_ar before, in advance, in front of, in former times; mun_n_avan_ the first being, Śiva, elder brother; mun_n_avaḷ elder sister; goddess of misfortune; mun_n_u (mun_n_i-) to meet, reach, join, precede; mun_n_ē before, in the presence of; mun_n_ai former times, antiquity; elder sister, elder brother; mun_n_ōr predecessors, ancestors, the ancients, chief ministers; mun_n_ōn_ Gaṇeśa, god, predecessor, ancestor, father, elder brother; mun_ātu that which is in front, that which is earlier; mun_ai front, face, appearance, superiority, eminence, point, sharpened end, edge, cape, headland; mun_aiñar commander of an army; mun_aivan_ God, as the first being, saint, chief, Arhat, the Buddha; mur_r_ai formerly, before; muttai front; munti front, outer edge of cloth; some time before; muntu (munti-) to come in front, advance, meet, be prior in time or place, take precedence, take the lead, be first, surpass, excel, be old, of long standing; n. antiquity, priority, beginning; muntai antiquity, the past, former time; ancestor; in front of
Malayalam : mun, munnam
Malayalam meaning : priority in space and time; first, former; before
Malayalam derivates : munnamē before; munnar forepart of animals; munnal presence; munni cape, headland; munnil, munnē before; munnēyavan, munnēvan the former; munti the edge, skirt of cloth; muntuka to overtake; muntiyatu previous; mumpu the front, presence; mumpan the foremost, principal; mumpināl formerly; mumpil in front; mumpē before; muna a sharp point, sharpness, promontory; munampu headland, tip; munakka to go before
Kannada : mun (muṃ), munnu
Kannada meaning : that which is before, in front of, or preceding in space, that which is preceding in time, that which is towards a place (etc.), in front or onward, that which is following
Kannada derivates : muñcu to be or go before or first, precede, outgo, go beyond, exceed, outdo, surpass, excel; n. state of preceding or being before in time or position, state of being previous or prior, former time; muñcita state of being before in time, beforehand, previous or prior; muñca a man of the front, chief, leader; muñce in advance, in the first place, previously, formerly, first, beforehand, before, earlier than; muntu, munda, mundu the front part or side, front, state of being in front of anything that is behind, state of being advanced in position, that of being first, state of being before or previous, state of being future; mundu to precede; munna, munnam, munnal the front, etc.; in front, before; formerly, previously; first, prior to, preceding; following, henceforth; munne even the front, etc.; mumbiga a man of the front; mumbu forepart, front, the direction of the front, state of being previous; mone point, extremity, end; sharpness; state of being before
Kodagu : miñña
Kodagu meaning : in front, further
Kodagu derivates : muppoḍe previous; mumbāra the fore; mumbɨ predominance; muŋ gay forearm; mone sharp point; (Kar.) mund- (mundi-) to go ahead
Tulu : mundaṇa
Tulu meaning : priority; first, prior; future
Tulu derivates : mundaripuni, mundarisuni, munderiyuni, munderuni, mundersuni to advance, march, continue, carry on; mundilụ courtyard of a house; mundè before, in front; munni tip, lappet; munnigè hem of a dressing garment; munè, munnè, moṇè, monè point, end, extremity; moṇepu small piece of land stretching into a river
Number in DED : 5020
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Nilgiri etymology :
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Proto-Nilgiri : *mun(d)-
Meaning : front
Kota : mun-, mu- "front, fore"
Toda : mudk "in front; next year (? -k dative suffix)"
Additional forms : Also Kota mund, mind previous time, state of being before in space; mundal, mindal being first or before; mund- (mundy-), mind- (mindy-) to go in front, act first; mundy [gerund] before; mon point; muŋgār forward, in front, early; Toda mudāl first; mubōy fas_ front teeth; mun in front (MBE 1974b, p. 64, K78); former (mun gōs_tk in former times, < *mun gōs_m, DBIA, no. 97); mɨn sharp point, top of hill; mɨnp sharp end of horn
Number in DED : 5020
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Telugu etymology :
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Proto-Telugu : *mun-
Meaning : first, former, previous, front
Telugu : muni
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : munucu "to go or appear before"
Additional forms : Also munimuŋgala the very front; [1] munu-konu, [2] munu-paḍu to come to the front, lead; munupaṭi former, previous; munupu the past, a former period in time; formerly, of old, previously; munumu the front or van of an army; [1] munumunu, [2] munumunnu first of all, in the very beginning; (K) munupu to cause to appear, show; (K) muncu to increase, excel; munnā̆ḍi first; munnu former period of time; formerly, first; muŋgali front, foremost; muŋgili courtyard; mundaṭa(n) in front, before; mundaṭi first, former, prior; front; mundara the front, former or past time; in front, before, first; in the last instance; previously, formerly; hereafter, in the future; mundu the front, state of being first or early; priority, past time, the past; first, front, earlier, prior, previous; adv. first, early, to begin with, in former times; mona point, extremity, tip, the front; monakā̃ḍu general, leader, chief; monakonu to begin, commence; monayu id., prevail
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Kolami-Gadba etymology :
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Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *mun-
Meaning : front
Kolami : mut "before"
Naikri : mund "before"
Naiki : muṛ "in front of"
Parji : mundi "in front"
Salur Gadba : mundēl "the front"
Poya Gadba : mundel "the front"
Additional forms : Also Kolami mutta sāl next year; (Pat.) muttung next year; muni sting of scorpion; Naiki muṛta sāl coming year; murtun next year; Parji muna vanda forefinger; munni before; munnited first, the one in front; mundel in front, before; mund kekol front part of ear; mūni, (S) mona tip, point
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Gondwan etymology :
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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *mun-
Meaning : front; tip
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Gondi etymology :
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Proto-Gondi : *mun-e
Meaning : before, in front of
Betul Gondi : munnē "before, in front; next year"
Mandla Gondi (Williamson) : munnē
Mandla Gondi (Phailbus) : munnē
Gommu Gondi : mune
Muria Gondi : munne "in front of, previously"
Maria Gondi : munne "in front of, previously"
Seoni Gondi : munne "in front of, previously"
Koya Gondi : munne "in front of, previously"
Yeotmal Gondi : munne "in front of, previously"
Maria Gondi (Mitchell) : mūne "ahead"
Adilabad Gondi : munnevāl "(SR) leader"
Durg Gondi : mune
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Konda etymology :
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Konda : muŋgal
Meaning: in front
Konda (Burrow/Bhattacharya) : mundala
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Kui-Kuwi etymology :
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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *mun-
Meaning : point (of needle, etc.)
Kuwi (Israel) : munu
Additional forms : Also Kuwi_Isr munu kut- to bow head
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North Dravidian etymology :
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Proto-North-Dravidian : *mund
Meaning : first; former
Kurukh : munddh, mund "first, ahead of, previous to, before that time, ago"
Malto : mundi "formerly, in ancient times"
Additional forms : Also KUR muńjā the extremity, beginning, headpoint, end; MLT mundoti ancient.
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Brahui etymology :
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Brahui : mōn
Meaning : front
Additional forms : Also BRA mōnī being in front; must before, formerly
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Afroasiatic etymology :
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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *mun-
Meaning: heart, liver
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Central Chadic etymology :
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Proto-CChadic: *mu/in-
Meaning: 'liver' 1, 'intestines' 2, 'womb' 3
Tera: mɨnà 2 [Kr N 69]
Gaanda: mǝ̀nǝ̀-tta 1 [Kr]
Hwona: mǝ̄na-̀rā 1[Kr N 70]
Higi Nkafa: m̀nɛ̀ 1 {Kr N 70], m̀ni 2 [Kr N69]
Fali Gili: mini 1 [Kr N 70]
Kapsiki=Higi Kamale: m̀unɛ̀ 1 {Kr N 70],
Mafa=Matakam: mǝ̀na-ḍ 1[Kr N 70]
Gude: múunǝ́-nǝ 3 [Hs]
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South Cushitic etymology :
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Proto-South Cushitic: *mun-
Meaning: 'heart'
Iraqw (Mbulu): muna
Burunge (Mbulungi): muna
Asa-Aramanic: mon-ok
Qwadza (Ngomvia): mun-ako
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Dahalo etymology :
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Dahalo: muna
Meaning: 'heart'
Notes: Cf. mani 'large intestine'.
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