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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *jobq̇
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Chechen: juq̇
Ingush: joq̇
Batsbi: joṗq̇
Comments: Obl. base *ʔabq̇u-r-, cf. Chech. ʔovq̇ara-n, Ing. ʔovq̇aro, Bacb. ʔaṗq̇ajr-i. 4th class in all languages.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *jǝmg_e ( ~ -i)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Proto-Nakh: *jobq̇
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ƛ̣:iʔi
Proto-Tsezian: *jɔ̃ƛu A
Proto-West Caucasian: *jaɣ́a
Notes: PN *-q̇ in this case reflects a secondarily labialised *-Ł_w- < *-g_w- (the original velar nature of the root stop is suggested by the WC reflex), where labialisation was induced by medial *-m-. PA *ƛ̣:iʔi ( = *ƛ̣:iji) is obviously a metathesis < *jiƛ̣:i. With the exception of these secondary processes (quite common in NC languages), correspondences are regular, and the etymology seems quite plausible. See Abdokov 1983, 93.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *ƛ̣:iʔi
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Andian language: ƛ̣:e
Akhvakh: ƛ̣:e (Gudava)
Chamalal: ƛ̣:ē
Tindi: ƛ̣:ē
Karata: ƛ̣:ej
Botlikh: ƛ̣:e(j)
Bagvalal: ƛ̣:e
Godoberi: ƛ̣:eji
Comments: Cf. also Cham. Gig. ƛ̣:ej.

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *jɔ̃ƛu A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Tsezi: noIƛu
Ginukh: noƛu
Khvarshi: jũƛu
Inkhokvari: jõƛu
Bezhta: jaƛo
Gunzib: jɔƛu
Comments: PTsKh *jõƛu (with shift of nasalisation in Tsez. and Gin.), PGB *jɔ̃ƛu (for nasalisation cf. Gunz. (Gunz.) jɔ̃ƛu).

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *jaɣ́a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Adyghe: jāž́a
Kabardian: jāźa
Comments: PAK *jaž́á. The word has no PAT or Ub. parallels, but reliable correspondences in PEC - thus the inner PAK etymology proposed in Шагиров 1, 169 (ja- - same as in *jaṭa 'clay, dirt', -ž́a - related to PAK *ž́ǝ 'wind, air') seems less convincing.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *HV́mgV
Meaning: coal, ashes
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *jǝmg_e ( ~ -i)
Yenisseian: *kuʔw-
Burushaski: *gu
Comments and references : One of the cases of initial reduction in PY. LDC 26.

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *kuʔw-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: coal
Ket: kuʔ 'coal', kūɣuĺ1, pl. -ǝŋ1, South. kūĺt, pl. -ǝŋ1 'fire-brand'
Yug: kufɨl1,5, pl. -ɨŋ1; kufɨlči1, pl. kufɨlčaŋ1 'coal, fire-brand'; kū 'rust' (Werner 1, 458)
Kottish: hupōi, pl. hupōjaŋ "coal"; Ass. (М., Сл.) kuvulán "burning coal"
Arin: kuburuŋ (Кл.) "heat"; kuburúŋ (М., Сл.) "burning coal"
Comments: ССЕ 241. The stem *kuʔw- is directly reflected in Ket. kuʔ and Kott. hupōi; the other forms reflect a not quite clear compound *kuʔw-bVĺ (with secondary devoicing > *kuʔw-pVĺ > Ket kūɣuĺ, Yug kufɨl). The second component is perhaps PY *bVʔĺ 'thick' ("thick place of coal" = "fire-brand"?). Werner 1, 457 reconstructs <*kuʔ> and <*kuphǝʎ>, suggesting that the second component of the latter can be = Kott. fal, phal 'hot' (see *ʔapV).

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *gu
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: a mixture of dust and rust
Yasin: gu
Hunza: gu
Nagar: gu

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : HVMGV
Meaning : dirt, earth ?
Eurasiatic : *magV
Sino-Caucasian : *HV́mgV
Amerind (misc.) : *ama(k) 'earth; dirt, dust' (R 206)
Reference : GE 89 *mak (+ IP).

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *magV
Meaning: earth
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *mag(')h-
Uralic: *maɣe
References: МССНЯ 342; ND 1374 *magE 'earth, land'.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *mag(')h-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: earth
Old Indian: mahī́ f. `earth'
Celtic: *mag- > Gaul Arganto-magus; OIr mag `Ebene, das freie Feld'; Cymr mā `Ort'
Russ. meaning: земля
References: WP II 257 f

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 524
Proto: *maɣe
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: land, earth
German meaning: Land, Erde
Finnish: maa 'Land; Acker; Erde, Boden' ( > Saam. N mā 'Land, Erde', L mādja 'Gegend', K Not. māvă 'Welt')
Estonian: maa
Mari (Cheremis): mu-nö 'auf der Erde', muɣö 'auf die Erde', müjän id. (M), mülänδǝ (KB), mǝ̑lanδe (U B), melanδe (B) 'Erde, Erdboden, Land'
Udmurt (Votyak): mu (S G) 'Erde'
Komi (Zyrian): mu (SP PO) 'Erde, Acker, Land'
Khanty (Ostyak): mĕɣ (V), mĕχ (DN), muw (O) 'Land, Erde'
Mansi (Vogul): mɛ̮̄ (TJ), mā (Kū Sö.), mē̮ (P) 'Erde, Stelle, Platz'
Nganasan (Tawgi): mou, ma-maru 'Erde'
Selkup: ma-š qula 'земляные люди, селькупы'
Sammalahti's version: FU *mi6xi

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