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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: xì
Preclassic Old Chinese: hajs
Classic Old Chinese: hajh
Western Han Chinese: hajh
Eastern Han Chinese: heh
Early Postclassic Chinese: hè
Middle Postclassic Chinese: hè
Late Postclassic Chinese: hè
Middle Chinese: xè
English meaning : to joke, play
Russian meaning[s]: 1) игра, забава, шутка, развлечение; шутить, разыграть (кого-л.); насмехаться; забавляться; шутя; 2) театр; спектакль, представление; пьеса; играть (на сцене); 3) Си (фамилия); [hū] вм.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 62
Four-angle index: 6741
Karlgren code: 0022 b
Shijing occurrences: 55.3

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *xjā̆l
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: play, joke
Chinese: *xajs to sport, joke, jest.
Tibetan: kjal-ka joke, jest, dkjal to talk nonsense.
Lushai: khāl to play with.
Comments: Trung a3-găl2 to play. Coblin 99.

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 2255
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 止開三去寘曉
ZIHUI: 2070 0704
Beijing: śi 3
Jinan: śi 3
Xi'an: śi 3
Taiyuan: śi 3
Hankou: śi 3
Chengdu: śi 3
Yangzhou: śi 3
Suzhou: śi 31
Wenzhou: si_ 31
Changsha: śi 31
Shuangfeng: śi 31
Nanchang: śi 31
Meixian: hi 3
Guangzhou: hei 31
Xiamen: hi 31
Chaozhou: hi 31
Fuzhou: xie 31
Zhongyuan yinyun: xi 3

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *=HíqVɫ-
Meaning: to laugh, joke
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *=HilVq_Vr ( ~ *=Hiq_VlVr)
Sino-Tibetan: *xjā̆l

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *=HilVq_Vr
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to laugh, rejoice
Proto-Lak: =aIlaqa-
Proto-Dargwa: *d-aqIala
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔilqIar
Notes: The root is expressive (it has a unique root structure: HVRVCVR) and spread only in the Eastern Dagestan area. The irregular development in PD (we would rather expect *q:I) is probably due to the root's expressive nature.

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: =aIlaqa-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to rejoice, have a good time
Lak form: =aIlaqa-n
Comments: G. pr. =aIla=qu-n. Cf. also, with Anlaut reduction, dur. qIa-n 'to laugh' (Khosr. qIa-n).

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *d-aqIala
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: laugh
Chiragh: daqIala

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔilqIar
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to laugh
Lezghian: qüre-
Tabasaran: alqI-
Agul: ilqI-
Kryz: qur-
Archi: χIar-
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. pret. qüre-na, Ag. Bursh. alqIan-, reduplicated forms: Kryz. dur. quqari, Arch. term. χIuraχIu; derivates: Lezg. qʷer (with secondary labialization), Rut. jaqI, Tsakh. aqIana, Bud. qur 'laugh', perhaps also Ud. muqI 'merry, glad' (< *w-ilqIVn < *w-ilqIVr).

    See Хайдаков 1973, 140.


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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : KVLV
Meaning : laugh
Eurasiatic : *gUlV
Sino-Caucasian : *=Hi(x)q_Vl
Amerind (misc.) : *kal(i) 'laugh' (R 420)

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *gUlV
Meaning: laugh, merry
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ghlew-
Altaic: Turk. *gül- 'laugh'
References: ND 707 *gUǯl̄U 'to laugh, amuse' (+ very dub. SH).

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *ghlew-
Meaning: to joke, to enjoy
Old Greek: khléu̯ǟ f. `Scherz, Spott, Hohn'
Slavic: *glūmъ, *glūmītī
Baltic: *glaûd-a- c., *glaûd-ā̂ f.
Germanic: *gliw-a- n.; *glau-m-a- m., *glu-m-a- m., *glu-m-ja- m.
Russ. meaning: шутить, веселиться
References: WP I 660 f

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: глум,
Near etymology: род. п. -а "шутка, насмешка", глуми́ться, укр. глум, глуми́ти, блр. глум, глумíць, ст.-слав. глоумъ (Супр.), болг. глум "шутка", сербохорв. глу́мити се "шутить", глу́ма "шутка, игра", словен. glúmiti se "сыграть шутку", др.-чеш. hluma "histrio", польск. gɫum "жестокое обращение, пытка, унижение", gɫumić "дразнить, жестоко обращаться".
Further etymology: Родственно др.-исл. glaumr "шумное веселье", др.-исл. gleyma "быть веселым, мешкать, забывать", далее, греч. χλεύη "шутка, насмешка", χλευάζω "шучу", лит. glaudas "забава", glauda ж. -- то же (Даукша), gláudoti "шутить", лтш. glaudât -- то же; см. Цупица, GG 174; Бернекер 1, 308; Торп 149; Траутман, BSW 91; М. -- Э. 1, 621 и сл.; Младенов, AfslPh 36, 120 и сл.; Сольмсен, Beitr. 246 и сл. Неприемлема мысль о заимствовании из герм.; см. Уленбек, AfslPh 15, 486 и сл.; против -- см. Кипарский 66, с литер.
Pages: 1,416

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *glaûd-a- c., *glaûd-ā̂ f.
Meaning: joke
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Old Lithuanian: glauda-s 'Kurzweil'
Lithuanian: gláuda 'Scherz', gláudōti 'scherzen'
Lettish: glaudât 'scherzen'

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *gliwa-n; *glauma-z, *gluma-z, *glumja-z
Meaning: shout, noise
IE etymology: IE etymology
Old Norse: glǖ n. `Freude'; glaum-r m. `Lärm, Getöse, Jubel'; glum-r m. `Lärm'; glümja wk. `dröhen, lärmen'
Norwegian: glöym; glum `dumpfer Laut'; glümja `lärmen'; glüm-r m. `Krach, Lärm'
Old Swedish: glömber
Swedish: dial. glomma `Schelle'
Old English: glēo, glīw, glīg n. `fröhliche Unterhaltung, gesellige Lust, Freude'; glēam `Jubel, Freude'
English: glee

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 679
Root: ghleu-
English meaning: to be joyful, to joke
German meaning: `fröhlich sein, scherzen'
General comments: Erweiterung von ghel- `schreien' oder ghel- `glänzen'?
Material: Gr. χλεύη f. `Scherz, Spott';

    aisl. glȳ n. `Freude', ags. glēo, glieg, glīw n. `Spiel, Freude'.

    Mit dentaler Erweiterung:

    alit. glaudas m., glauda f. `Kurzweil', gláudoti `scherzen', lett. glaudât ds. [glaudas `Liebkosungen' gehört aber ursprünglich zu glaũsti, lett. glaũst `anschmiegen, streicheln, liebkosen', lit. glaudùs `sich anschmiegend, einschmeichlerisch'; s. unter gel-1, Erweiterung gl-eu-].

    Mit m-Ableitung (Nominalbildung ghloumos):

    aisl. glaumr `lärmender Jubel', gleyma `vergessen, fröhlichen Lärm machen', ags. glēam `Jubel, Freude'; ablaut. aisl. glymr `Krach, Lärm', glymja `tönen', mhd. glumen `dröhnen';

    aksl. bezъ gluma `constans', glamiti sę `ἀδολεσχει̃ν', russ. gɫum `Scherz, Spott', gɫumitь sja `spotten, sich lustig machen über', bulg. glúma `Spaß, Scherz, Spott', glumjá se `scherzen, spaßen', skr. glúma f. `Scherz, Lustspiel', čech. (alt) hluma `histrio', poln. dial. w gɫum `in Nichts', eigtl. `im Scherze'.

    Mit p-Ableitung:

    slav. *glupъ, russ. gɫúpyj `dumm, albern', Specht KZ. 68, 123.

References: WP. I 660 f., Trautmann 91.
Pages: 451
PIE database: PIE database

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