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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: jú
Preclassic Old Chinese: kok
Classic Old Chinese: kok
Western Han Chinese: kok
Eastern Han Chinese: kok
Early Postclassic Chinese: kok
Middle Postclassic Chinese: kok
Late Postclassic Chinese: kok
Middle Chinese: köuk
English meaning : barrow
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Radical: 0
Four-angle index: 0
Karlgren code: 1214 c

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *guăk ( ~ *G-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a k. of receptacle
Chinese: *kok barrow, 梮 *kok tray.
Tibetan: khug-ma pouch, little bag.
Burmese: khwak be concave, deep as cup, cup, bowl.
Lepcha: kóm ba-gŭk purse (kom silver, money)
Comments: BG: Garo khok basket, Dimasa baiŋ-kho basket carried on a load, bokho recetacle; Mikir hok ( < *khok) small hanging basket; Trung kɔ̆ʔ1 basket. Ben. 82. STEDT 336-337 *kuk 'pouch, basket, scrotum' (without the Chin. and Burm. forms).

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *qwăqwV̄́ ( ~ χ)
Meaning: ladle, vessel
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *qwăqwV̄ ( ~ χ)
Sino-Tibetan: *guăk ( ~ *G-)
Yenisseian: *qǝk- (~χ-)
Basque: *kaiku
Comments and references : HGC 32, LV Cb5, LDC 32, BCD 26.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *qwăqwV̄ ( ~ χ)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: trough; basket
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *χ(ʷ)Vχ(ʷ)V (~q)
Proto-Lezghian: *χʷaχ(ʷa)
Notes: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *χ(ʷ)Vχ(ʷ)V (~q)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: basket
Avar: heh
Chadakolob: heh
Comments: Av. paradigm B (hahí-l, hahá-l; Chad. hohó-l / hihí-l, hahá-l/hih-bí).

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *χʷaχ(ʷa)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: trough
Lezghian: χʷaχ
Tabasaran: χʷaχʷ (Khiv.)
Agul: χaχʷ (U.)
Rutul: χuχuj (Khniukh.)
Comment: 3d class in Rut. (the Rut. form contains a productive suffix *-Vj).

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝk- (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: spoon
Ket: qъ̄kt// qъ̄ktǝ1 , pl. qʌktǝŋ5 (Werner 2, 149: qʌ́ktaq / qʌ́ktaqŋ)
Yug: xъkči1, pl. xʌkčakŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 259. Werner 2, 149 *qǝk-t'ak (altes Kompositum). The word may indeed be an old compound, but the second component should be rather reconstructed as *čaq, and is probably the same as in *čaq-pǝm q.v.

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *kaiku
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: wooden bowl (used for milking sheep)
Bizkaian: kaiku
Gipuzkoan: kaiku
High Navarrese: (Esteribar) kaiku
Lapurdian: (Ainhoa) kaiku
Baztanese: kaiku
Comments: Michelena (1961) and Trask (1995) try to derive this word from an obscure Latin word caucu-, which seems historically unlikely for this lowly shepherd's implement. Furthermore, the development of Lat /au/ > Bsq /ai/ is only eastern (e.g. ZBR, RNC gáiza ‘thing’ < causa, which is gauza in the West), and kaiku is attested mainly in the West.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : KVKV
Meaning : a k. of vessel
Eurasiatic : *ḳVwKV
Sino-Caucasian : *qwăqwV̄́ ( ~ χ)
Austric : *kuk
Reference : Peiros 1989, 129.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ḳVwKV
Meaning: vessel
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *kauk'-
Uralic: *kawka

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *kauk'-
Meaning: a k. of vessel
Old Indian: kóśa- 'cask, vessel, pail, bucket, sheath', kośaka- m. (L.) `egg, testicle'
Baltic: *kaûš-a- (2) c., *kaũš- vb. tr., *kauš-ia- (2) c., *keûš-ia- c., -iā̃ f.
Latin: caucum, -ī n. `Becher'
Russ. meaning: вид сосуда
References: WP II 546 f, WH (different in Pok.)
Comments: Cf. (for Balt) *kawǝs- 609.

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *kaûš-a- (2) c., *kaũš- vb. tr., *kauš-ia- (2) c., *keûš-ia- c., -iā̃ f.
Meaning: skull, vessel
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: káuša-s `Hirnschädel, Schöpflöffel, Muschelschale, Schneckenhäuschen', kaũšti `aushöhlen, kiáuša-s, kiáušē `Hirnschädel', pakáušis, gen. -iō `(Hinter)kopf, Schädel'; kiaũši-s `Ei'
Lettish: kaûss (/ kàuss2 Mar. n. RKr. XVII, 104) `Schädel, Hirnschale; grösseres Gefäss, Trinkgefäss; Schale, Napf, Becken; Kochlöffel, Löffel', pakaûsis (/ pakàusis2 Heidenfeld), pakause `Nacken, Genick; Schädel'

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 1290
Proto: *kawka
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: trough
German meaning: Trog
Finnish: kaukalo 'Trog, Mulde' ? (> lapp. N gaw'gel ~ gaw'ger, L kau'kāl)
Mordovian: kovi̥l 'Trog' (M) (Ahlqv.)
K. Redei's notes: Finn. lo und, wenn die Zusammenstellung richtig ist, auch mord. / sind Ableitungssuffixe. Die Etymologie ist wegen der geringen Belege im Mord. unsicher. Mord. o ist möglicherweise unter dem Einfluß von v aus *a entstanden. Das finn. Wort ist möglicherweise eine Ableitung von kauka 'das Ferne' (-> *'lang'): 'längliches Gefäß' -> 'Trog'.
References: Ahlqvist, MMdGr. 159; VglWb. 7; Toivonen: Vir. 1945:403; E. Itkonen: FUF 29:331; SKES.

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *kuk
Meaning: a k. of vessel
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Proto-Austronesian: *maŋkuk
Austronesian meaning: barrow (not in B)
Proto-Thai: ZhT *ko:k (Ben.)
Thai meaning: cup
References: Ben 262, Peiros 1998, 90, 220 - with some confusion of this root and ST *Ghʷāk)

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