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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 104
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 止開三上止章
ZIHUI: 2972 0461
Beijing: c̣î_ 2
Jinan: c̣î_ 2
Xi'an: ci_ 2
Taiyuan: ci_ 2
Hankou: ci_ 2
Chengdu: ci_ 2
Yangzhou: ci_ 2
Suzhou: cü 2
Wenzhou: ci_ 21
Changsha: c̣î_ 2
Shuangfeng: c̣î_ 2
Nanchang: ci_ 2
Meixian: ci_ 2
Guangzhou: či 21
Xiamen: ci 2
Chaozhou: ci 21
Fuzhou: ci 2
Shanghai: ci_ 3
Zhongyuan yinyun: či_ 2

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Modern (Beijing) reading: zhǐ
Preclassic Old Chinese: tǝʔ
Classic Old Chinese: tǝ́
Western Han Chinese: tǝ́
Eastern Han Chinese: ćǝ́
Early Postclassic Chinese: ćɨ́
Middle Postclassic Chinese: ćɨ́
Late Postclassic Chinese: ćɨ́
Middle Chinese: ćɨ́
English meaning : to stop, settle
Russian meaning[s]: 1) остановить(ся); стой!, стоп!; стоячий (о воде); останавливаться (на постой); обитать, пребывать; 2) прекратить(ся), перестать; воздерживаться от...; 3) запретить, пресечь; бороться с...; 4) дойти до конца (предела); 5) вести себя; поведение; 6) только, вм. 只; 7) стопа, вм.
Comments: In Early Zhou used also for a homonymous *tǝʔ 'hammer for a sounding box', as well as for the homonymous final particle *tǝʔ - which can be both enclytic and stressed (rhyming) (Schüssler writes about the non-enclytic one: "perhaps it marks the situation of the verb it follows as contemporaneous with the situation of the following verb: while, when, and") and is probably historically the same word as *tǝʔ 'to stop, settle'. The word may be somehow related to 遮 *tia 'to stop, prevent, intercept' (although the morphological derivation pattern is not quite clear) q. v., with further ST parallels.
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 77
Four-angle index: 467
Karlgren code: 0961 a-f
Shijing occurrences: 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 52.2_

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