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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 1353
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 遇合三去遇以
ZIHUI: 0827 1018
Beijing: y 3
Jinan: y 3
Xi'an: y 3
Taiyuan: y 3
Hankou: y 3
Chengdu: y 3
Yangzhou: y 3
Suzhou: y 32
Wenzhou: ɦu 32
Changsha: y 31
Shuangfeng: y 12
Nanchang: y 32
Meixian: ji 3
Guangzhou: jy 32
Xiamen: lu 32
Chaozhou: zu 22
Fuzhou: y 32
Shanghai: y 32

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: yù
Preclassic Old Chinese: los
Classic Old Chinese: loh
Western Han Chinese: lwah
Eastern Han Chinese: źwah
Early Postclassic Chinese: źwò
Middle Postclassic Chinese: jwò
Late Postclassic Chinese: jwò
Middle Chinese: jǜ
English meaning : to compare; comparison, metaphor, explanation [L.Zhou]
Russian meaning[s]: 1) метафора, аллегория; иносказательный; говорить метафорами; намекать; 2) сравнивать; сравнение; 3) уяснить, понять; быть сведущим; быть сильным в...; знать толк в (чем-л.); 4) Юй (фамилия)
Comments: Standard Sino-Viet. is dụ; for the nasalisation cf. Chinese dialectal forms: Xiamen lu6, Chaozhou zu4 (pointing to *ń-).
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 30
Four-angle index: 8770
Karlgren code: 0125 c
Vietnamese reading: nhu`

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *lǝ̆w
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: understand, be able
Chinese: *los understand; instruct, enlighten.
Tibetan: blo mind, intellect; be able.
Kachin: lu2-na3 can, (H) lu, thu be able, can.
Kiranti: *lù
Comments: The Chinese form may also reflect PST *jǝ̆w 'understand, consider' q.v.

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *lù
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: feel
Tulung: lü- feel, be affected
Kaling: lünä (lüŋɔ)
Dumi: lɨnɨ
Kulung: lǝma
Yamphu: lu:ma 'to be present, to be experienceable'

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Dumi dictionary :

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Entry: lɨnɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vi-4 lo:-lɨ-lu
Meaning: 1) (inceptive pseudo-aspectivizer with infinitive) to commence, to begin, to start; 2) (conjugated impersonally) be felt unto someone, make itself felt unto someone; (conjugated personally) feel like, feel: 2a) so:ʔwa lɨnɨ be hungry unto someone; 2b) kɨmin lɨnɨ be thirsty unto someone; 2c) so:ʔyǝmbɨ ('famine') lɨnɨ be in effect, be going on (of a famine); 2d) di:r lɨnɨ feel pleasure, enjoy, like; 2e) minnɨ lɨnɨ to remember; 2g) dzuʔu lɨnɨ feel cold 2h) khǝtn lɨnɨ feel ashamed, be put to shame 3) perform, do (in lexicalized combinations): 3a) bele lɨnɨ goof around, loaf off 3b) le: lɨnɨ sing 3c) mintǝlǝlǝ lɨnɨ be deeply engrossed in thought, be pensive 3d) (with ghɨmɨ spinning) twirl about, rotate along an axis
Nepali: 2) lāgnu
Derivation: 1) vide 6.3.12; setnɨ luyi They began to kill; Nyetnɨ lo: It began to ache; 2d) O:ʔimsi di:r lo: I like to sleep; 2e) Aminnɨ lo: You remembered; O:minnɨ lo:ta I shall remember; cf. minnɨ vt-2a (2); 2f) AN wǝm lo:ta I'm hot; cf. wǝm; 2h) cf. ya:tnsinɨ; 3d) ghɨmi lo:ta It's starting to spin; cf. ranta, rantam, ri:nɨ vi-1.
Comments: Nep. 2d) man lāgnu 2h) lāj lāgnu; 3) barālnu; 3c) socāī garnu, vicār garnu. For lɨnɨ 'start' cf. perhaps Yamphu li:ma id.

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Kulung dictionary :

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Entry: lǝma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi-7 [1: lɔi- 2: lɔ- 3: lǝi- 4: lǝ-]
Meaning: feel itself, play
Nepali: lāgnu, khelnu
Comments: cuN lǝi-e 'it is cold' ɔ:-im lǝi-e 'I feel sleepy.' cham lǝi-ya We'll sing a song., an-a di nǝtt-ǝ tɔN lɔi-ɔ: 'I think you like millet beer'.

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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: lu:ma I
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Stem: <lu:d- ; lu:->
Grammar: v.intr.
Meaning: to be present, to be attached, to be there in such a manner as to be experienceable
Comments: nam lu:.ʔu. (sun be.NP) The sun's shining. yum (salt be.FCT.ISF) Is there salt in it?; (fear.too be.FCT) You'll be scared.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ʔolʁwA
Meaning: to think
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *ʔolʁwA
Sino-Tibetan: *lǝ̆w
Comments and references : Cf. alternatively PST *Guaɫ `think, consider'; ?Bur. khīl `to see'.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *ʔolʁwA
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to think
Proto-Nakh: *ʔoHV-la ( ~ -ō-)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ʔurʁV-
Proto-Dargwa: *ʔarʁʷ- / *ʔirʁʷ-
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔalʁV-
Proto-West Caucasian: *ʁʷa
Notes: Semantically and phonetically all the listed forms match each other very well.

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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *ʔoHV-la ( ~ -ō-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thought
Chechen: ojla
Ingush: ujla
Comments: Reconstruction of Inlaut uncertain because of the absence of Bacbi parallels (*-g- also possible). The word is an exact parallel to Av. úrʁe-l 'thought'.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *ʔurʁV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: think
Avar: urʁ-
Tindi: urʁ-iji-
Karata: urʁ-
Godoberi: urʁĩ-
Comments: Andian forms may be loaned from Av.; certainly an Av. loanword is Cham. urʁī-la 'think'. Av. úrʁel 'thought, anxiety' > Lak. urʁil id.

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *ʔarʁʷ- / *ʔirʁʷ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to hear 2 to understand
Akusha: arʁ- / irʁ- 1,2
Chiragh: č-arʁʷ- 2
Comments: Cf. also Ur. arʁ-/irʁ- 'to hear'.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔalʁV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to think 2 to understand
Tabasaran: ʁawri š- 2
Agul: ʁaʔur-di arx- 2
Archi: arha-s
Comment: The Tab. and Ag. compound verbs contain the old deverbal noun from the stem *ʔilʁV- > *ʁV- (with contraction). Cf. also Ag. Bursh. ʁawur-di arki-s 'to understand'.

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to seem 2 to think, suppose
Abaza: ʕʷa-rá 1
Adyghe: gʷǝ-ʁa-n 2
Kabardian: gʷǝ-ʁa-n 2
Ubykh: ʁʷa- 2
Comments: Ub. a-z-ʁʷá-n. The Abaz. verb is used in expressions like sgʷǝ ʕʷ-iṭ "it seems to me" (lit. "my heart thinks"). The PAK form *gʷǝ-ʁa- has a delabialised *ʁ as a result of contamination with another PWC stem, *ǵʷǝ-Ga- 'to hope' q.v. (PAK *gʷǝ-ʁa- means both 'to think, suppose' and 'to hope'). See Shagirov 1, 115.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : LVWV
Meaning : think
Sino-Caucasian : *ʔolʁwA
Austric : PAN *ilaw 'look, see, watch'
Notes : PAN may be < ST.

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