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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 2344
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 通合一平東從
ZIHUI: 0654 2652
Beijing: chuŋ 12
Jinan: chuŋ 12
Xi'an: choŋ 12
Taiyuan: chuŋ 1
Hankou: choŋ 12
Chengdu: choŋ 12
Yangzhou: chɔuŋ 12
Suzhou: zoŋ 12
Wenzhou: zoŋ 12
Changsha: c̣oŋ 12
Shuangfeng: ʒǝŋ 12; ʒǝn 12
Nanchang: chuŋ 12
Meixian: chuŋ 12
Guangzhou: čhuŋ 12
Xiamen: cɔŋ 12
Chaozhou: caŋ 12
Fuzhou: cuŋ 12
Shanghai: zoŋ 32
Zhongyuan yinyun: chuŋ 12

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: cóng
Preclassic Old Chinese: ʒ́ōŋ
Classic Old Chinese: ʒōŋ
Western Han Chinese: ʒōŋ
Eastern Han Chinese: ʒōŋ
Early Postclassic Chinese: ʒōŋ
Middle Postclassic Chinese: ʒōŋ
Late Postclassic Chinese: ʒwōŋ
Middle Chinese: ʒuŋ
English meaning : to collect; thicket, grove
Comments: For *ʒ́- cf. Min forms: Xiamen cɔŋ2, Chaozhou caŋ2, Fuzhou cuŋ2, Jianou coŋ2.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 0
Four-angle index: 0
Karlgren code: 1178 a-b

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ćōm (~ ʒ́-,-ū-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thicket
Chinese: *ʒ́ōŋ thicket.
Burmese: ćum pleasant grove, wood, wilderness.
Comments: May be in fact the same root as *ʒ́ōm 'collect' ('grove' = 'collection of trees').

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ǯɦV̆mV
Meaning: bushes; a k. of fruit, berry
North Caucasian: *ǯɦŭmV
Sino-Tibetan: *ćōm (~ ʒ́-,-ū-)
Yenisseian: *[ǯ]a(ʔ)m-
Burushaski: *śumulū
Basque: *sumh-
Comments and references : WFR 89, MCGD 6. [The PEC compound *ǯɦŭmV-qHǖre seems to correspond to Bur. śuɣurí `pear', Bsq. *śagar̄ 'apple' (497), but details are not clear]

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *ǯɦŭmV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bush, grass; a k. of fruit
Proto-Nakh: *ǯʡŏlVm ( ~ -ă-)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *žumi / *žimi
Proto-Tsezian: *žumal ( ~ š-, š:-)
Proto-Lak: žunaw
Proto-Dargwa: *č:unab
Proto-Lezghian: *ǯuIm ( ~ -o-)
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Several subgroups reflect a PEC derivate *ǯɦŭmV-ɫV (sometimes, with metathesis > *ǯɦŭɫVmV). Because of a specific and identical metathesis of nasality, it is highly probable that either the Darg. forms are borrowed from Lak., or vice versa - although it is difficult now to establish the direction of loan. The form *ǯɦŭɫVmV (or *ǯɦŭɫVm-bV, with a plural suffix) is attested already in Hurr. zilumba 'date of the Phoenix dactylifera' (whence it was borrowed into Sum. zulum(m)a, Akkad. suluppu, see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 41).

    Despite Khaidakov 1973, Kum. čum 'berry, cornel' can not be the source of Caucasian forms (although it is a probable source of the isolated And. (cited from ibid.) čum 'cornel'). Within Turkic the root is known only in modern Kumyk, Balkar and Turkmani, thus with high probability is itself borrowed from some Caucasian (or closely related) language. Caucasian origin is also quite probable for Osset. cɨm / cumä 'cornel' (see Abayev 1958, 321).


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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *ǯʡŏlVm ( ~ -ă-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: small bushes, shrubs
Chechen: žʕolam
Comments: Attested only in Chech., but having probable external parallels.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *žumi / *žimi
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 cornel 2 grass; powder
Avar: žulám/žulán 1
Akhvakh: žomi 2
Tindi: žimi 2
Karata: žimi 2
Bagvalal: žim 2
Comments: Av. gen. žulámu-l. Cf. also Akhv. Tseg., Tlan. žumi, Kar. Tok. žumi. Av. žulam is a reflex of the old derivate *žum-Vl < *ǯɦŭmV-ɫV.

    In Akhv. and Tind. the word for 'green' is derived from 'grass' (Akhv. žomo-ƛ:i, Tind. žimi-ƛ:a).


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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *žumal ( ~ š-, š:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bushes, shrubs
Gunzib: šumal
Comments: Attested only in Gunz., but having probable external parallels.

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: žunaw
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: cornel
Lak form: žunaw
Comments: Cf. also Khosr. č:unaw id.

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *č:unab
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: cornel
Akusha: žunab
Comments: Cf. also Kait. č:imbe (plur. tant.), Tsud. č:unab. Chir. žunaw is obviously a loan (either from another Darg. dialect, or from Lak.).

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ǯuIm ( ~ -o-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 quince 2 cornel
Lezghian: žum 1, č:umal 2
Tabasaran: čimil 2
Agul: žimil 2
Rutul: žim 1
Tsakhur: šum 1
Kryz: ǯum 1, ǯimel 2
Budukh: ǯumǝl 2
Comment: Lezghian languages reflect a suffixless *ǯuIm 'quince' and a suffixed form *ǯuIm-al 'cornel' (both forms have parallels in other EC languages). Forms with voiced ž- (ǯ-) in Lezg., Tab. and Ag. dialects must be due to interdialectal borrowing (cf. also Lezg. Kur. žumal, Kuba č:umal id., Tab. Düb. čimil, Ag. Burk. ǯimil, Bursh. čumel, K. čimaIl 'cornel'). 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages.

    See Talibov 1980, 271.


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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *[ǯ]am-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: berry
Ket: baŋ-sama (КРС)
Yug: samma5
Kottish: čamar šulpi "Preiselbeere"; thum čamar šulpi "Schwarzbeere"
Comments: ССЕ 308-309. Pump. sammɨ (Срсл.) "grape" is evidently a recording of the Yug form. The Anlaut s- in Ket and Yug is irregular (on analogy with *sǝ̄n- "rowan berry"?). Werner 1, 106, 163 (without comments and reconstruction).

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *śumulū
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: eine Johannisbeerenart
Hunza: śumulū́
Nagar: śumulū́

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *sumhV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 a kind of elm tree 2 grove 3 a kind of willow or osier 4 a kind of oak (kermes)
Bizkaian: zumar 1, zumetz 3, zumalakar 3, zumel 4
Gipuzkoan: zumar 1, zumaldi 2, zumalikar, zumalakar 3,
High Navarrese: zumar 1, zumalakar 3, (Narbarte) zuar 1, zumarika 3
Low Navarrese: zuhar 1, zumarika 3
Salazarese: zugar 1, basa-zume 3, ur-zume 3
Lapurdian: zuhar 1, zumarika, zumelika, zumalakar 3, (Ainhoa) basa-zume 3
Baztanese: zuar 1
Zuberoan: zǘnhar 1, zume 3
Roncalese: basa-zume 3, ur-zume 3

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