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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 524
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 遇合一平模見
ZIHUI: 1196 0907
Beijing: ku 11
Jinan: ku 11
Xi'an: ku 11
Taiyuan: ku 1
Hankou: ku 11
Chengdu: ku 11
Yangzhou: ku 11
Suzhou: kǝu 11
Wenzhou: ku 11
Changsha: ku 11
Shuangfeng: kǝu 11
Nanchang: ku 11
Meixian: ku 11
Guangzhou: ku 11
Xiamen: kɔ 11
Chaozhou: kou 11
Fuzhou: ku 11
Shanghai: ku 3
Zhongyuan yinyun: ku 1

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Modern (Beijing) reading: gū
Preclassic Old Chinese:
Classic Old Chinese:
Western Han Chinese:
Eastern Han Chinese:
Early Postclassic Chinese:
Middle Postclassic Chinese:
Late Postclassic Chinese:
Middle Chinese: ko
English meaning : father's sister, aunt, mother-in-law
Russian meaning[s]: 1) тетка; свекровь; сестра мужа; 2) женщина; девушка; 3) пока, временно
Shuowen gloss: 夫母也.從女.古聲. [615]

    The original meaning is present already in early inscriptions (see
Schüssler 203); in the classics, however, the character is used only as a loan for a homonymous *kā 'for a time, meanwhile'.

    The OC *kā 'father's sister' seems to have no connections in Sino-Tibetan languages. It resembles the PA kinship term *äk`a, but the resemblance may be purely coincidental ("children's word").

    The etymology of *kā 'meanwhile, for a time' is also not quite clear. The closest existing parallel is Tib. ãga 'some, something, somebody', used also in the meaning 'sometimes' (but considered in this meaning to be a contraction of lan-ãga). It seems probable that both the Chinese and the Tibetan words are derived from the common ST demonstrative stem *kă (see under 其), but the details are yet to be found out.

Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 38
Four-angle index: 1283
Karlgren code: 0049 g-h
Vietnamese reading: cô
Jianchuan Bai: -ku4
Dali Bai: -ku5
Bijiang Bai: -qü4
Shijing occurrences: 3.3, 3.4, 39.2

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