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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 787
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 臻開三平真精
ZIHUI: 3160 2112
Beijing: ćin 11
Jinan: ćiẽ 11
Xi'an: ćiẽ 11
Taiyuan: ćiŋ 1
Hankou: ćin 11
Chengdu: ćin 11
Yangzhou: ćĩ 11
Suzhou: cin 11
Wenzhou: caŋ 11
Changsha: cin 11
Shuangfeng: ćin 11
Nanchang: ćin 11
Meixian: cin 11
Guangzhou: čö_n 11
Xiamen: cin 11 (lit.); tin 11
Chaozhou: ciŋ 11
Fuzhou: ciŋ 11
Shanghai: ciŋ 1
Zhongyuan yinyun: ciǝn 1

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: jīn
Preclassic Old Chinese: cin
Classic Old Chinese: cin
Western Han Chinese: cjǝn
Eastern Han Chinese: cjǝn
Early Postclassic Chinese: cjin
Middle Postclassic Chinese: cjin
Late Postclassic Chinese: cjin
Middle Chinese: cjin
English meaning : a ford; moist
Russian meaning[s]: 1) переправа, брод; перен. путь, способ; 2) слюна; влага; влажный; смачивать; 3) поддерживать деньгами, дать пособие; 4) важный путь сообщений; линия связи; 5) сокр. г. Тяньцзинь
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 85
Four-angle index: 2580
Karlgren code: 0381 g

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ch]ĭŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: moist; soak
Chinese: *cin ford; moist.
Kachin: ciŋ2 be soaked, steeped.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *c̣VwńV?
Meaning: dirt
North Caucasian: *c̣_ĂwnV
Sino-Tibetan: *[ch]ĭŋ ?

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *c̣ĂwnV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dirt, dungwash; urine
Proto-Nakh: *c̣VwVn (~ -b-)
Proto-Tsezian: *cɨmɔ
Proto-Lezghian: *c̣Vm(a)
Proto-West Caucasian: *c̣ʷV
Notes: Correspondences are quite regular, but there is not enough information to reconstruct the vocalism (we can only say that the first vowel was short and back).

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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *c̣VwVn (~ -b-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dungwash
Chechen: c̣ūn
Ingush: c̣un
Comments: 3d class in Chech., 4th class in Ing. We have to suppose a contraction to account for the Chech. vowel length (old long vowels are shortened in a closed syllable).

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *cɨmɔ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: urine
Bezhta: cima (Tlad., Khosh.)
Gunzib: cumo
Comments: PGB *cɨmɔ. In Gunz. also used as a verbal stem (cum- "to urinate").

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *c̣Vm(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 sperm 2 dung (of sheep)
Lezghian: c̣imil (Khl.) 2
Tabasaran: c̣ama 1 (Düb.)
Agul: c̣imil-ar 2 (Fit.)
Comment: The first vowel is impossible to reconstruct, because in all languages it is assimilated to the vowel of the suffix (-il in Lezg., Ag., -a < -aj in Tab.). The semantic variation is well explained by the external evidence (the original meaning of the root was probably "dungwash", "filthy secretion").

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *c̣ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 dirt, dirty; excrements 2 to become dirty
Adyghe: ṣʷa-jǝ 1
Kabardian: f̣e-j 1
Ubykh: q̇́ǝ-c̣ʷ- 2
Comments: PAK *c̣ʷa-jǝ́; Ub. sǝ-q̇́ǝ-c̣ʷǝ́-n. Both PAK and Ub. have compounds: in PAK with the stem *-ja "bad" (see Shagirov 1977, 2, 102); in Ub. the first component goes back to PWC *q̇́ǝ 'dirt, dung' q.v. We should relate here also the Ub. reduplicated stem c̣ʷac̣ʷ- (c̣ʷac̣ʷǝ́-n "cela fait mal", c̣ʷac̣ʷǝ́ "mal, douleur"). For the semantic shift "dirty" > "bad" cf. PAK *ʡa-jV "bad" ( < *q̇́ǝ-ja) where *ʡa = PAT *q̇́ǝ 'dung' and Ub. q̇́ǝ-.

    Shagirov's supposition that PAK *c̣ʷa- here = PAK *c̣ʷǝ "good" is unacceptable.


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