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Gondwan etymology :

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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *nil-i-
Meaning : to stand
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Proto-Gondi : *nil-
Konda : nil- (niR-)
Proto-Pengo-Manda : *nli-
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *nilc-/*nlic-

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Gondi etymology :

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Proto-Gondi : *nil-
Meaning : to stand
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Betul Gondi : nittānā, nillānā
Mandla Gondi (Williamson) : nitānā
Mandla Gondi (Phailbus) : nittānā (2sg. imper. nillā)
Muria Gondi : nit-
Seoni Gondi : nil- (nitt-)
Koya Gondi : nil- (nitt-)
Maria Gondi (Mitchell) : nitānā, nilānā
Additional forms : Also caus. Gondi_Tr nilehtānā to make to stand, set up (a tent); Gondi_W nilahtānā, Gondi_Ph niccahtānā, Gondi_Mu nitih-, Gondi_S nipcah-, Gondi_Ko nilsp- to make to stand
Number in DED : 3675
Number in CVOTGD : 1977

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Konda etymology :

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Konda : nil- (niR-)
Meaning: to stand; cease or stop
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Additional forms : Also Konda nilp- to let stand; let stay, rest
Number in DED : 3675

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Pengo-Manda etymology :

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Proto-Pengo-Manda : *nli-
Meaning : to stand
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Pengo : nil- (-t-)
Manda : li- (-t-)
Number in DED : 3675

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Kui-Kuwi etymology :

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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *nilc-/*nlic-
Meaning : to stand
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Kui : nisa (nisi-) "to stand, stand still, be set; n. act of standing still"
Kuwi (Fitzgerald) : nīcali
Kuwi (Schulze) : nīnai
Sunkarametta Kuwi : ni'- (nit-)
Dongriya Kuwi : li- (-t-)
Kuwi (Israel) : niʔ-/liʔ- (nit-/lit-) "to stand up"
Additional forms : Also Kui_P nilpa (nilt-) to stand, be set up; Kuwi_F niphali, Kuwi_S niph'nai to cause to stand; Kuwi_Isr caus. nip- (-h-)
Notes : The seemingly unexplainable mess of correspondences eventually can be satisfactorily explained by the cluster *-lc-. In Kui *-lc- > *-c-, which regularly > *-s-. The causative form *nilc-p- > *nil-p-. In Proto-Kuwi the causative form has taken over the simple one, which explains the t-conjugation. Besides that, the following changes have happened: a) the final cluster *-lc- was lost in all dialects, so that the root has received a vocalic auslaut; b) in some dialects traces of this cluster were preserved in the reduced variant *nilc-p- > *nīl-p- > *nlī-p- > *lī-. On the external level this cluster is proved by forms like Gondi nilsp- 'to make to stand' and, more significant, by NDR.
Number in DED : 3675

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Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-Dravidian : *ńil-
Meaning : to stand
Proto-South Dravidian: *nil-
Proto-Telugu : *nil-
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *ńil-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *nil-i-
Proto-North Dravidian : *il-

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South Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-South Dravidian : *nil-
Meaning : to stand
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : nil (nirp-, nin_r_-)
Tamil meaning : to stand, stop, halt, be steadfast, stay, continue, cease, be stopped, remain, wait, delay
Tamil derivates : nilavu (nilavi-) to be permanent, fixed, stay, exist, be in use, be extant; nilāvu (nilāvi-) to be permanent, fixed; niluvai standing, staying, balance, arrears; nilai standing, staying, firmness, stability, permanence, condition, state, place, stopping place, residence, depth of water allowing one to stand in, usage, custom; (prob. -v-, -nt-) to remain permanent, stay; (-pp-, -tt-) to obtain a footing, be settled, lasting, delay, be just deep enough to allow a man to stand (as a river); nilaippu permanence, continuance, durability, perseverance, persistence; nilaimai condition, state (as of affairs), standing posture, firmness, truth, probity; nir_patu the immovables, as the vegetable kingdom; nin_r_u always, permanently; nir_r_al standing, staying; nir_uttu (nir_utti-), nir_uvu (nir_uvi-) to set up, raise, erect, fix on a firm basis, determine, stop (as a person), defer, put an end to; nir_ai bringing to a stand, stopping, fixed position, strength of mind, self-control; nir_u (-pp-, -tt-) to put, set, place, create, construct, weigh, balance, decide; nir_uppān_ a balance
Malayalam : nilkka
Malayalam meaning : to stand, remain, last, stop, cease
Malayalam derivates : nilpu standing, arrears, balance; nilpikka to make to stand, appoint; nila standing, place, position, a stop, station in life, custom; nilama quality, state; nilekka to come to a stand, cease, get a footing, remain; nilavu balance, arrears; nir_uttuka to make to stand, stop; nir_uttu pause, stop; nir_uttikka to arrest; nir_ukka to weigh
Kannada : nil (nilt-/nind-), nilu, nillu
Kannada meaning : to stand still, stand, stand up, stop, stay, wait, remain, be left, last, remain fixed, cease, rest, endure
Kannada derivates : nila, nilu standing, that stands upright, remainder, balance, arrears; nilavu, niluvu standing, position, condition, height, that stands upright, cessation, leisure, resting place, place of abode; nilisu, nillisu to cause to stand, stop, cease, stay, etc.; niluvike, nilluvike standing, height; nillisuvike placing, etc.; nele standing, standing place, abode, place, basis, firmness, certainty, certain knowledge; nelasu to become established, stay, stand, obtain; nir_isu to put down, place, (PhB.) establish
Kodagu : nill- (nipp-, nind-)
Kodagu meaning : to stand
Kodagu derivates : nele halting place
Tulu : nilpuni, nilipuni
Tulu meaning : to stay, cease, become quiet
Tulu derivates : nilagaḍè, nilgaḍè settlement, conclusion, cessation; nilavu, nilāvu, nilevu balance, arrears, standing, residence; nilè, nelè firm, fast, abiding, quiet, still, calm; nileppu state, posture, station; nilevuni to be steadfast; nilpu pause, stop, interruption, stay, duration; nilpuḍuni to put a stop, cause to stop, make stand
Proto-Nilgiri : *nil-
Notes : The forms with alveolar -r_- are either old derivates or do not belong here.
Number in DED : 3675

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Nilgiri etymology :

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Proto-Nilgiri : *nil-
Meaning : to stand, stand still, stop (kar_ nɨl- [buffalo] stands to be milked, has in negative optionally kar_ nɨs_-, e. g. kar_ nɨs_o ɨr buffalo which does not stand to be milked)
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : nil-/nin- (nind_-)
Toda : nɨl- (nɨd_-)
Additional forms : Also Kota nilc- (nilc-), ninc- (ninc-) to make to stand; ? nel truth; Toda nilc- (nilč-) to stop (tr.), erect; nɨs_ a place; nɨs_ muxuḷm mist on hills in morning (in song; see 4892); nelp site of house
Number in DED : 3675

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Telugu etymology :

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Proto-Telugu : *nil-
Meaning : to stand, rise, get up, last, continue, remain, exist, stop, stay, halt, cease, endure, be preserved or saved, survive
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Telugu : nilucu
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : nelayu "to be established, stay"
Additional forms : Also nilupu to cause to stand, fix, place, stop, interrupt, restrain, save, preserve, adjourn, keep back, detain; n. standing, halting, cessation, stopping, a halt, stop, pause, rest; nilaka standing, halting; [1] nilukaḍa, [2] nilkaḍa id., remaining, staying, steadiness, firmness, permanence; [1] nilava, [2] niluva, [3] nilva remainder, balance, standing, duration, continuance; old, long-standing; niluvu standing, stature, height, standing crop; upright, erect, high, tall; nela place; nela konu to become firm, stay, be stand; nelavu place, abode, home, native country; neppu place, home, abode; neppu-konu to become firm
Number in DED : 3675

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Kolami-Gadba etymology :

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Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *ńil-
Meaning : to stand
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kolami : il- (ilt-)
Naikri : il-
Naiki : il-
Parji : nilp- (nilt-)
Ollari Gadba : nil-
Salur Gadba : nil- (nilt-)
Kondekor Gadba : niṇup- "to make to stand"
Additional forms : Also Naiki ilup-/ilp- to make to stand; Parji nitip- (nitit-) to make to stand
Number in DED : 3675

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North Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-North-Dravidian : *il-
Meaning : to stand up
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kurukh : ilnā (ilcas/illas) "to get up, rise to one's feet"
Malto : ile (ij-) "to stand"
Notes : The protoform of the infinitive was *ilcnā (maybe *iljnā).
Additional forms : Also KUR ijnā (ijjas) to be stationary in an upright position, rise to one's feet, stand on end, stop, halt, pause, maintain a fixed or steady attitude, persist, persevere; ildnā, ildaʔānā, iltaʔānā, ijtaʔānā to erect, set up, rest against; MLT ilde to make to stand.
Number in DED : 3675

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