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North Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-North-Dravidian : *nuḍ-
Meaning : to hide, conceal, screen from sight, veil, mask off
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kurukh : nuṛnā (nuḍḍas)
Malto : nuḍe
Additional forms : Also KUR nūxrnā to hide oneself, be kept secret; nulUgnā to insert a thing into another by a sliding push, thrust or slip into or under lengthwise; nulgUrnā to enter into or under, head foremost, creep into; MLT nuḍg̣re to hide (intr.), disappear; lulqe to thrust in; lulqre to disappear (as in a crowd or jungle); lulg̣re to hide oneself
Number in DED : 3714

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Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-Dravidian : *nūẓ-[ug-]
Meaning : to hide
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *nūẓ-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *ṛug-
Proto-North Dravidian : *nuḍ-

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South Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-South Dravidian : *nūẓ-
Meaning : to creep inside, penetrate
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : nuẓai (-v-, -nt-)
Tamil meaning : to creep through a narrow passage, penetrate, be impressed into one's mind, get into, take up as an office, be interpolated
Tamil derivates : (-pp-, -tt-) to put, insert, interpolate; n. narrow way, window, opening, aperture, cave; nuẓuntu (nuẓunti-), nuẓutu (nuẓuti-) to insert, stick in, tuck in, tie (as a coil of hair), keep in a place not easily found, carry away by stealth; skulk, slink or sneak away, slip out of sight as one among many, crawl, creep as reptiles; nuẓunti one who shirks responsibility; nuẓuvu (nuẓuvi-) to creep along (as reptiles); nuẓaval anything slippery; nūẓai postern, chink, hole, bore, a kind of lattice window, cave; noẓuntu (noẓunti-) to insert, thrust
Malayalam : nuẓayuka
Malayalam meaning : to creep in, squeeze through
Malayalam derivates : nuẓa-vātil a small door; nūẓuka, nūḷuka to creep in, squeeze through, enter slily or with difficulty; ? nūṭṭa gap in a fence; ? nokkuka to pass through, pierce, bore through
Kannada : noẓe
Kannada meaning : to creep in, etc.
Kannada derivates : nurgu, nuggu to pass by pressing, squeeze through, force oneself into, enter without permission (as a door, a house), creep into (as a hole); nuggisu to cause to creep or squeeze through; nugicu to get out of (the hand, etc.) by wriggling (as a bird), slip (from the hand, as a rope); nuguḷ to enter a door or a small narrow passage or opening, go in with difficulty, squeeze through, creep in, enter; nuṇ(u)cu, nuṇacu to slip, slide as out of the hand, slip away, glide or move off, escape; (???) nusi to enter a door, etc.; nusuḷ to enter a door or narrow opening, retreat, hide oneself, slink, go; n. entering a door or small, narrow opening; an artful play in not directly naming an object; evasion, subterfuge, falsehood; nusuḷisu to cause to enter a door; nūḷ falsehood, lie
Kodagu : nugg- (nuggi-)
Kodagu meaning : to enter by force or without permission, go through (into cave)
Tulu : nurumpè
Tulu meaning : hole
Tulu derivates : nuripāvuni to press into a hole; nurguni to pass over; nūruni to creep in, enter with difficulty
Notes : Kannada forms with -s- hardly belong here.
Number in DED : 3714

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Gondwan etymology :

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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *ṛug-
Meaning : to hide
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Konda : ṛug- (-it-)
Proto-Pengo-Manda : *ṛug- (caus. *ṛuk-)
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *ṛuŋ- (caus. *ṛuk-)

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Konda etymology :

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Konda : ṛug- (-it-)
Meaning: to enter, steal in, get into, enter through a passage
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Number in DED : 3714

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Pengo-Manda etymology :

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Proto-Pengo-Manda : *ṛug- (caus. *ṛuk-)
Meaning : to hide (intr.)
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Pengo : ṛug- (ṛukt-)
Manda : ṛug-
Additional Forms : Also Pengo ṛuk- (-t-) to hide (tr.); Manda ṛuk- to hide (tr.)
Number in DED : 3714

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Kui-Kuwi etymology :

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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *ṛuŋ- (caus. *ṛuk-)
Meaning : to hide; to insert
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Kui : ṛupka (< ṛuk-p-; ṛukt-) "to thrust in between, fit in something between two surfaces, twist something into a cloth, insert"
Kuwi (Fitzgerald) : rūgali "to hide oneself"
Kuwi (Schulze) : lugnai "to hide oneself"
Sunkarametta Kuwi : ṛug- (-it-) "to hide (intr.)"
Kuwi (Israel) : ṛug- (-it-) "to hide (intr.)"
Additional forms : Also Kui rūḍa (rūḍi-) to crawl under, creep under or through; ṛonda (ṛondi-) to slip through; pl. action ṛotka (ṛotki-); Kuwi_Su, Kuwi_Isr ṛuk- (-h-) to hide (tr.); Kuwi_F rūga secretly; rūkhali to hide (tr.)
Number in DED : 3714

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *nVrV ?
Meaning: penetrate
Indo-European: *nĕrʌ-
Altaic: ? Ewk. nirū̆ 'small hollow, pit'
Dravidian: *nūṛ-[ug-]
Comments: Perhaps = *ńorV.
References: МССНЯ 357. ND 1564 *n̄uŕV 'to penetrate' (hardly convincingly separated from 1563 *n̄iXRV 'hollow, cave, pit').

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *(e)ner(ǝ)-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: lower, bottom; to sink, to shrivel
Tokharian: B ñor 'below, beneath' (Adams 272)
Old Indian: náraka- m. `hell'
Armenian: nerkhin `unterer'
Old Greek: (e)nértero- `unterer', nérthen, énerthe(n), énertha `(von) unten, unterhalb', nei̯ró- 'lowest'; nértos = hiéraks, hoi dè eîdos ornéou Hsch.
Slavic: *nertī, *nьrǭ; *norā́; *nértā, *nerto, *nortъ
Baltic: *ner̂- (*1) vb. tr., *nar-a- c., *ner-i- c., *nir̂- (1) vb. intr.
Germanic: *núr-ɵr-a- n., *narr=
Other Italic: Umbr nertru `sinistru'
Russ. meaning: нижний, низ; погружать(ся), сворачивать(ся), съеживаться
References: WP II 333 f, 699 f (different in Pok.)

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: нора́,
Near etymology: диал. норь, воронежск., нор "яма в воде, омут", сиб. (Даль), укр. нора́, др.-русск. нора, чеш. nоrа, слвц. nоrit᾽(sа) "погружаться, нырять", польск. nоrа, nurа "нора"; с др. вокализмом: русск.-цслав. вънрѣти, въньрѫ παρεισδύεσθαι, словен. pondréti, pondrèm "окунаться, нырять", pónor, род. п. роnórа, "понижение, пропасть", болг. но́рвам "бросаюсь вниз головой (в воду)" (Младенов 360).
Further etymology: Родственно лит. neriù, nérti, nė́riau "нырять", nìrti, nyrù "вывихнуться (о суставах)", nãras "нырять", лтш. nirt, nirstu "нырять", nirа "нырок, лысуха", др.-сакс. naro "узкий", англ. narrow -- то же, др.-исл. nór ср. р. "перешеек, пролив, узкий залив"; см. М.--Э. 2, 745; Траутман, ВSW 196 и сл.; Мейе, МSL 14, 378. Дальнейшие сравнения см. у Шефтеловица (Zschr. Ind. Ir. 2, 272). См. также ныря́ть.
Pages: 3,82-83

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Baltic etymology :

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *núrɵra-n, *narr=
Meaning: north
IE etymology: IE etymology
Old Norse: norδr n. `Norden', norδr adv. `nordwärts'; norδan `von Norden her'
Norwegian: nord; nordan
Swedish: norr; nordan
Danish: nord; norden adv.
Old English: norɵerra `mehr nördlich'; norɵan adv.
English: north
Old Frisian: north sbs., adv.
Old Saxon: north adv. 'im Norden, nordwärts'; northan adv. 'von Norden'
Middle Dutch: nort, noort `in of naar het Noorden; het Norden'; norden, noorden
Dutch: noord n., f.; adv.; noorden n.
Middle Low German: nort, nōrt n. `het noorden'; nōrden n. 'Norden'
Old High German: nord n. `het noorden, noordenwind' (um 1000); nordrōni `nördlich'; norden; nordana adv. (9.Jh.); nordan n. 'Norden, Nordwind' (11.Jh.)
Middle High German: nort (-d) st. n. 'Norden'; norden st. n. 'Norden'; norden(t) adv.
German: Norden, Nord m., ? bair. der-narren `starr werden (bes. vor Frost)', narr `missratene verschrumpfte Frucht', schweiz. narr `krampartige Spannung', narrennagel `unförmig suagewachsener Nagel'

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