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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *amai- ~ *amar-
Значение: to get close; to join
Тамильский: amar (-v-, -nt-)
Тамильское значение: to get close to, resemble, be suitable, wish, desire, do, perform
Тамильские производные: amai (-v-, -nt-) to crowd together, be close, be attached, connected, joined, suffice, prepare (oneself), be suitable, appropriate, be complete, prepare; (-pp-, -tt-) to effect, accomplish, create, appoint, institute, bring together, prepare, get ready; n. fitness, beauty; amaiti being attached, joined, nature of a thing, abundance, occasion, opportunity, deed, action; amaippu structure, constitution, destiny, fate; amaivu being acceptable, suitable, fitting
Малаялам: amarkka
Малаяльское значение: to press down, subdue
Малаяльские производные: amarttu piṭikka to grasp tightly; amarcca subjection, severity
Каннада: amar (amard-)
Каннада значение: to be closely united, gather in a mass, be connected with, be produced, arise, appear, be fit or agreeable, be nice or becoming, be known or famous, fit, agree with, seize firmly, embrace
Каннада производные: amarike, amarke fitness, agreeing with (as a ring with the size of the finger), state of being closely joined; amarisu, amarcu to cause (a person) to join or stick by, prepare, do fitly, make ready
Тулу: amarige
Тулу значение: heap
Тулу производные: amariyuni, amaryuni to cleave to; amaruni to seize, touch, hold; amāruni to suit, fit, embrace, hold, a plant to twine; amarāvuni to hold fast
Пранильгирийский: *amä-p-
Комментарии: Some of the forms (notably all the Malayalam entries) have been entered a second time or relocated to PSDR *amu- by Burrow & Emeneau.
Номер по DED: 0162

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Нильгирийская этимология :

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Пранильгирийский: *amä-p-
Значение: to perform ceremony of cutting child's hair and giving name (*talay head, hair + *amay- to prepare)
Тода: tes_amf- (tes_amt-)
Номер по DED: 162

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Дравидийская этимология :

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Прадравидийский: *amái-
Значение: to fit together; to be useful; to prepare
Праюжнодравидийский: *amai- ~ *amar-
Прателугу: *amai- ~ *amar-
Комментарии: Outside SDR and Telugu only found in Kuwi (ambrinai 'to suit'), where it is most likely borrowed from Telugu (unless other parallels in Central Dravidian eventually show up). The root is completely homonymous with *amai- 'to be calm, settled', right down to the same opposition of the -ai-stem and the -r-stem; however, it does not seem prudent to join the two under one entry, although occasional semantic contamination may be present. A particular problem is the root's relationship with *sav- (*sam-?) 'to be ready'; I find it hard to trace both variants to a single PDR root and would suggest phonetic contamination (i. e. *sav- > *sam- in many dialects under the influence of *amai-) between two roots with similar meanings. // Present in 2/6 branches.

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Телугу этимология :

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Прателугу: *amai- ~ *amar-
Значение: to be useful or serviceable
Телугу: amayu
Дополнительные формы: Also [1] amaraŋgā, [2] amara(n) properly, fitly, duly, agreeably; amarika fitness, suitability, appropriateness; amaru to suit, be fit, suitable, or agreeable, be prepared or ready; [1] amarincu, [2] amar(u)cu to prepare, make ready, adjust, arrange, provide
Номер по DED: 162

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