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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : HV
Meaning : that, this
Eurasiatic : *ʔu
Afroasiatic : *ʔu (*hu) [here probably also *wV- 'one']
Sino-Caucasian : *ʔu ( ~ *hu)
Austric : ? MY *ʔV 'one'; *u / *wV that
Amerind (misc.) : *hu 'one' (R 531); *wi 'this' (R 747) [+ A]; *wi ~ *wa 'two (actually 'other')' (R 792) [+ A K]
Reference : ND 754.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ʔu
Meaning: that, this
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ou-, *u- 'that' (very sparsely represented)
Altaic: *ó
Uralic: *o ~ *u
Kartvelian: u- 'for him' (object. prefix)
Dravidian: *ū-
Eskimo-Aleut: *u-, *u-a, *m-ani
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *ɣʷu-č-, *ɣʷaj- (?)
References: ND 754 *hu.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *aw-, *we-
Meaning: pron. dem., conj.
Hittite: u-ni- 'jener, der da, iste' (Friedrich 234)
Old Indian: u 'and, also, further'; du. gen. avóḥ; u-tá 'and, also, even'; vā 'or'; iva 'as', evá 'so, thus', evám 'so'
Avestan: ava 'jener', uta 'und, auch'; uiti, gath. ūitī 'so'; vā 'oder'
Other Iranian: OPers ava 'jener', utā 'und, auch'; vā 'oder'
Old Greek: pán-ü 'gar sehr'; ēǘte 'ebenso wie', hom eû̯te 'hóte'; aû̯ 'anderseits, wiederum', ion. aû̯tis, gort. aû̯tin 'wiederum', au̯tíka 'sogleich', aû̯thi 'daselbst', aû̯te 'wieder, auch, ferner'; deû̯ro, deû̯rō 'hierher, wohlan'; ē-(w)e, ḕ 'oder'
Slavic: *ovъ
Baltic: *au-r=
Germanic: Got -u Fragepart.; OSax thar-od, OHG thar-ot 'dorthin, dort', OSax her-od, OHG her-ot 'hierhin', OSax hwarod 'wohin, wo', OHG warot 'wohin'; Got auk 'denn, aber', usw.
Latin: ut, uti-nam, -que, utī, OLat utei; aut 'oder', autem 'aber'; -ve 'oder', ceu, sīve, seu, nēve, neu
Other Italic: Osk avt, auti 'aut; autem', Umbr ote 'aut', uru 'illo', uraku 'ad illam', ures 'illis'
Celtic: MIr ūt 'illic, dort', OIr ucut 'dort', ocut 'bei dir'; Ir no, Obret nou' oder'
Russ. meaning: тот
References: WP I 187 f

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: овый
Near etymology: "этот, тот", др.-русск., ст.-слав. овъ...овъ ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ (Супр.), болг. о́ви "этот" (Младенов 371), сербохорв. òва̑j, òвā, òвō "этот", словен. óv "этот, тот", чеш. оv, оvа, оvо, польск. ów, оwа, оwо "тот, та, то", н.-луж. hоw "здесь, сюда".
Further etymology: Родственно др.-перс., авест. аvа- "тот", др.-инд. avṓṣ, род. п. дв. "тех двоих"; см. Розвадовский, RО 1, 102; Траутман, ВSW 20; Уленбек, Aind. Wb. 15.
Pages: 3,116-117

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *au-r=
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: aurè 'siehe da'

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 131
Root: au-4, u- (: u̯ē̆-, u̯o-)
English meaning: that; other
German meaning: Pronominalstamm `jener', auch gegenüberstellend `alter, alius', `andrerseits, hinwiederum', in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Satzgliedern gesetzt `dér einerseits - dér andrerseits', `einerseits - andrerseits'.
Material: au̯o-: Ai. av. apers. ava- `jener'; aksl. aruss. ovъ- - ovъ- `dér einerseits - dér andrerseits, der eine - der andere', ovogda - ovogda `das eine Mal - das andere Mal' (aus diesem korrelativen Gebrauche erst scheint das jener-deiktische poln. ów und das ich-deiktische serb. òvaj, ebenso nbulg. -v [*u̯o-s] entwickelt).

    u-: Ai. amú- (Akk. Sg. amúm usw.) `jener', erwachsen aus Akk. Sg. m. *am (= idg. *e-m `eum') + *um (Akk. Sg. unseres St. u); s. Wackernagel-Debrunner III 550 f.

    Toch. A ok, В uk `noch', A oki `wie, und', A okāk `bis zu', vielleicht nur *u-g (Schwundstufe zu got. auk); ob dazu В om(p)ne, omte `da'?

    Partikel ai. u `auch, andrerseits, hinwiederum, dagegen', hervorhebend bes. nach Verbalformen, Pron. und Partikeln ( `und nicht, nicht' = ná́ u, athō = atha u), gr. -υ in πάν-υ `gar sehr', got. -u Fragepartikel (auch die Enklitika -uh aus -u-qʷe, s. Brugmann IF. 33, 173); dieses u auch in ai. a-sāú m. f. `jener', av. hāu m. f., ap. hauv m. `jener', Wackernagel-Debrunner III 529, 541.

    Partikel ai. u-, in beiden Gliedern `einerseits - andrerseits, bald - bald, sowohl - als auch', oder nur im zweiten Glied, etwas entgegensetzend `und, auch' (nachved. in ity-uta, kim-uta, praty-uta), av. uta, ap. utā `und, und auch'; griech. ἠύτε `ebenso wie' aus *ἠF(ε) + υτε (ursprüngl. `wie andrerseits', `wie auch'), aber hom. εὖτε `ὅτε' aus εὖ + τε nach Debrunner IF. 45, 185 ff.; δευ̃τε ist zugebildet zu δευ̃ρο; auch οὗτος, αὕτη, του̃το am wahrscheinlichsten aus ὁ, ἁ, το + υτε mit nachträglicher Endflexion; wgerm. -od in as. thar-od, ahd. thar-ot `dorthin, dort', as. her-od, ahd. her-ot `hierhin', wonach auch as. hwarod `wohin, wo', ahd. warot `wohin' (aus *ute? oder aus *utā̆? Auch *aute, *auti, siehe unten, wäre mögliche Grundform).

    Hierher av. uiti, gthav. ūitī `so', nicht aber lat. ut und utī, alat. utei.

    Neben u, utā usw. steht mit der Ablautstufe idg. au-:

    gr. αὖ `andrerseits, wiederum', *αὖτι `wiederum' (erweitert zu ion. αὖτις, gort. αὖτιν, nach antiken Grammatikern für `auf der Stelle, dort', woher αὐτίκα `im Augenblick, sogleich', αὖ-θι `daselbst', αὖτε `wieder, auch, ferner'; lat. aut (*auti) `oder', autem `aber' (zur Form s. WH. I 87), osk. aut, auti `aut' und `autem' (zur Bed. s. v. Planta II 465), umbr. ute, ote `aut'; vielleicht auch got. auk `denn, aber', anord. auk `auch, und', ags. ēac, as. ōk `auch', ahd. ouh `und, auch, aber', nhd. auch = gr. αὖ-γε `wiederum'.

    Pedersen Pron. dém. 315 vermutet eine dem gr. αὖ entsprechende Form im Anlaut von alb.a-që `so viel'. - Brugmann BSGW. 60, 23 a 2 reiht auch gr. αὐ-τός als `von ihm aus' an; andere Deutungen s. bei Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 613 f.

    Mit r-Formans airan. avar `hier', lit. aurè `siehe da!', tiefstufig umbr. uru `illo', ura-ku `ad illam', ures `illis' (orer ose eher mit = als = lit. au); vielleicht δευ̃ρο `hierher, wohlan' (δεύρω nach ὀπίσσω u. dgl., inschr. δευ̃ρε nach ἄγε) aus *δέ-υρο (δε `hier'+ αὐρο `her'), Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 612, 632.

    u̯ḗ-, u̯o-: Die Bed. `oder' (= `andrerseits') bes. in ai. `oder' (auch `selbst, sogar; indessen; wohl, etwa'; ebenso bekräftigend vāi), av. ap. `oder' (auch Partikel der Hervorhebung und Versicherung), ai. av. - `entweder - oder', gr. ἠ-(F)έ, ἤ (mit Proklisenbetonung für ἦ-()ε, wie noch im 2. Glied der Doppelfrage), lat. -vĕ `oder' (auch in ceu, sīve, seu, nēve, neu), auch wohl ir. nó, abret. nou `oder' (wenn aus *ne-u̯e `oder nicht' mit Verblassen der Negativbedeutung ursprüngl. in negativen Sätzen, Thurneysen Grammar 551; nicht wahrscheinlicher nach Pedersen KG. I 441 ein erstarrter Imperativ *neu̯e des Verbums ir. at-nói `er vertraut ihn an', gr. νεύω); toch. В wa-t `wo'.

    Vgl. auch ai. i-vá (: va = ἰ-δέ: δέ) `gleichwie, geradeso', ē-vá `so, geradeso, eben, nur', ēvám `so' (verhält sich zu bekräftigendem vāi und - wie ē-na- `dieser' zu - `auf verschiedene Weise', ursprüngl. `so und so'; mit ē-vá deckt sich gr. οἶ()ος `allein' (`*gerade nur dér'), av. aēva-, apers. aiva- `ein' (vgl. mit dem no-Demonstrativ idg. *oi-no-s `ein').

References: S. bes. Brugmann Dem. 96 f., Grundr. II2 2, 341-343, 350, 731 f. m. Lit. II2 3, 987,

   Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 629, 632, 804, Boisacq s. v. αὖ, usw.

    WP. I 187 f., WH. I 87, 209, Van Windekens Lexique 78, 80.

Pages: 73-75
PIE database: PIE database

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *ó
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: this, that (deictic particle)
Russian meaning: этот,тот (дейктическая основа)
Turkic: *o(-l)
Mongolian: *on-
Tungus-Manchu: *u-
Japanese: *ǝ́-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 280. A Korean match (dubious) see in SKE 176.

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Turkic etymology :

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Proto-Turkic: *o(-l)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: that
Russian meaning: тот
Old Turkic: o-l (Orkh., OUygh.)
Karakhanid: o-l (MK)
Turkish: o
Tatar: u-l
Middle Turkic: o-l (AH)
Uighur: u
Sary-Yughur: o-l, o
Azerbaidzhan: o
Turkmen: ol
Khakassian: ol
Oyrat: o-l
Halaj: ọ̄, o̯, ụọ̄́-ra
Chuvash: vъʷ-l
Yakut: ol
Dolgan: ol
Tuva: ol
Tofalar: ol
Kirghiz: o-šo
Kazakh: o-l
Noghai: o-l
Bashkir: o-šo, u
Balkar: o-l
Gagauz: o
Karaim: o
Karakalpak: o-l, u-sɨ 'this'
Salar: u
Kumyk: o-l
Comments: VEWT 360, ЭСТЯ 1, 444-445, 456, 492-494, TMN 2, 93, EDT 123-4, Stachowski 191. The form o is attested later than ol, but it certainly does not mean that it was absent in PT (despite Clauson).

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *on-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: other, different
Russian meaning: другой
Written Mongolian: ondu, ončuɣui (L 612, 613)
Khalkha: ondō
Buriat: ondō
Ordos: ondōn
Dongxian: doniǝ
Dagur: enčū (Тод. Даг. 140) 'other', ondolō- 'to change' (Тод. Даг. 159)
Shary-Yoghur: ondōn
Comments: MGCD 529.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *u-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 this 2 that
Russian meaning: 1 этот 2 тот
Spoken Manchu: evā (2620, 2884) 1
Literary Manchu: u-ba 1
Udighe: u-ti 2
Comments: ТМС 2, 293-294.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *ǝ́-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: a deictic root (this)
Russian meaning: дейктическая основа (этот)
Nase: ú-Ǹ
Shuri: ú-nù
Hateruma: ù-nù
Yonakuni: ù-nú
Comments: A Ryukyu root: Nase ú-N, Shuri ú-nù, Hateruma ù-nù, Yonaguni ù-nú etc. The form o-re is attested in OJ as 'thou' with a pejorative meaning, whence some modern dialectal forms (Kagoshima wáí, Shuri ú-nǯú, ʔjā, Nase ʔjá, Hateruma Dā̀, Yonakuni ùdà). It is not quite clear whether it is the same root as Ryukyu *o- 'this'.

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 664
Proto: *o ~ *u
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: that
German meaning: jener, -e, -es
Mordovian: ombo, omboće, omoće (E), omba, oma, omboćä (M) 'anderer, zweiter'
Mari (Cheremis): umpal (B) 'jene Seite, andere Seite'
Udmurt (Votyak): oti̮n (S), o.tị̑n (G) 'dort', oti̮ś (S), otiś (K), otị̑ś (G) 'von dort, daher', oti (S), ot́i (K) 'dorthin', oǯ́i̮ (S), oʒ́ǝ̑ (K), oź, oźi (G) 'so'
Komi (Zyrian): ata (Ud.) 'hier, siehe hier', ati̮ 'siehe dort'
Hungarian: az, a 'jener, der', addig 'soweit', amaz 'jener', azon 'derselbe'; oda 'dahin, dort', oly 'solcher', ott 'dort', úgy 'so'
Nenets (Yurak): ŋawe (O) 'was, etwas', ŋamī (Lj.) 'was, etwas', amkī (ō) 'was, warum, etwas'
Enets (Yen): awuo 'was'
Nganasan (Tawgi): ŋamaŋ 'hierher, dieser her'
Selkup: aame (Ta.), āu, aau (N) 'ein anderer'
Kamass: āmi
Addenda: Einige Sam (<Tung)

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Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-Dravidian : *ū-
Meaning : that (intermediate)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *ū̆-
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *ū̆-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *ū-
Proto-North Dravidian :

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South Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-South Dravidian : *ū̆-
Meaning : that (neither far nor near)
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : u
Tamil meaning : demonstr. base expressing a person, place, or thing occupying an intermediate position, neither far nor near, and meaning yonder or occupying a position near the person or persons spoken to; demonstr. part. before nouns, expr. intermediate position or position near the person or persons spoken to [u before consonant, uvv before vowel]
Tamil derivates : uvan_, uvaḷ, uvar, utu, uv/uvai that male person, that female person, those persons, that thing, those things; adj. unta; ū̆ŋkaṇ, ū̆ŋku yonder, where the person spoken to is; uŋŋan_, uŋŋan_am in the way you do, in the place where you are; u-ppāl the side near the person addressed, that (intermediate) side, upper or further region, back; umpar elevated spot, height, sky, celestial world, celestials, gods; adv. yonder, aloft; umparār celestials; ummai birth previous to the present one; existence after the present life; uvaṇ upper place, place above; uvaṇam height; uvaṇai the celestial region
Malayalam : u
Malayalam meaning : (L. V. Ramaswami Aiyar, The Evolution of Malayalam Morphology 32, finds no forms); umpar gods
Kannada : u-
Kannada meaning : base indicating intermediate place, quantity, and time
Kannada derivates : adj. ū; uva/ūta, uvaḷ/ūke, uvar, udu, uvu this male, this female, these persons, this thing, these things (intermediate); unitu so much as this (in the middle); untu this, or in this, intermediate, manner; undu this, or at this, intermediate, time; unne this intermediate time or space; ulli in this intermediate place, here
Tulu : undu, undekuḷu
Tulu meaning : this thing, these things (forms of the nearer demonstr.)
Proto-Nilgiri : *ū-
Number in DED : 0557

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Nilgiri etymology :

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Proto-Nilgiri : *ū-
Meaning : he, she, they (persons) (= nearer demonstr. stem i-, see 410)
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : ūn, ūḷ, ūr
Number in DED : 557

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Kolami-Gadba etymology :

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Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *ū̆-
Meaning : this, that
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Parji : ūd, ūr "this male, these males"
Additional forms : Also Parji ut in that direction
Notes : A flimsy remnant of the deictic base *u- which is almost completely lost in PKG.
Number in DED : 557

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Gondwan etymology :

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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *ū-
Meaning : that (intermediate)
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Proto-Gondi : *ū-ṛ
Konda : unda
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *ū-

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Gondi etymology :

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Proto-Gondi : *ū-ṛ
Meaning : they
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Adilabad Gondi : ūr (SR)
Number in DED : 557
Number in CVOTGD : 320

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Konda etymology :

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Konda : unda
Meaning: here! take this! (imperative 2sg.)
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Additional forms : Also Konda undaṭ id. (2pl.); unzar take! (addressing gods and ancestors while offering fowl, food, etc.)
Number in DED : 557

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Kui-Kuwi etymology :

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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *ū-
Meaning : that
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Kui : oanju, oaru, ōri, ōvi "that male, those males, that female or thing, those females or things (at the greatest distance)"
Kuwi (Fitzgerald) : ūasi, ūari, ūdi, ūati "that male, those males, that female or thing, those females or things"
Kuwi (Schulze) : hūvasi, hūvari, hūdi, hūvi/hūaska "that male, those males or females, that female or thing, those females or things"
Additional forms : Also Kui adj. ō; oko adj., adv. distant, far away; okoki to a distance away; okoṭi from a distance; omba there, yonder; one adv. that way, that side; ōse that size; Kuwi_F ū adj. that (intermediate); ūceka that amount, so much; ūmba, ūmba'a there; ūtala thither; ūlaki in that way; Kuwi_S adj. that (at the greatest distance); hūmbaa, hūnaki there
Number in DED : 923

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North Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-North-Dravidian :
Meaning : this (intermediate)
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kurukh : hūs, hūr/hubṛar, hūd, hubṛā "this male, these persons, this female or thing, these things (intermediate between near and far, or close to the person addressed)"
Malto : uthi "look there!"
Additional forms : Also KUR this; hū̃rā, hū̃dā, hū̃rū, hurū that much of (shown from some distance), that much (i.e. as much as is with you, or as much as you said); hudā, huiyyā, husan there (in the centre, or close to you); hujgō in that (intermediate) direction; hunnū by that way; huttrā towards that quarter, on that side (previously mentioned), on your side, in your village or country.
Number in DED : 557

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *u-, *u-a, *m-ani
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: this near, here it is
Russian meaning: этот рядом, здесь, вот
Proto-Yupik: *u-na (-kurǝ, -rumǝ-, *u-ani, *m-ani), *u-a
Proto-Inupik: *ụ-nạ (*u-kua, *u-uma, *uv-ani), *uvva
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 480

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *u-na (-kurǝ, -rumǝ-, *u-ani, *m-ani), *u-a
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: this near speaker 1, here it is 2, now, right now, promptly 2
Russian Meaning: этот рядом 1, здесь, вот 2, сейчас, именно теперь, сразу 3
Sirenik: ú-na (mǝ́ni loc., wáɣan abl.) 1, (x)wá predic. 2, 3
Chaplino: u-ná (u-kut pl., ūm rel., xwaní loc., xwakǝ́n abl., xwaɣún all.) 1, xwá predic. 2, 3
Naukan: ú-na (ú-kut, wáni loc., hwákǝn abl.) 1, wa predic. 2
Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik: u-na (u-kut pl., ūm rel., w_ani loc.) 1, w_ani-w_a predic. 2
Chugach (AAY): w_a predic. 2
Koniag (AAY): w_a-i predic. 2
Chugach (Birket-Smith): u-na (u-kut pl., ūm rel., w_ani loc.) 1, ~ sva 'owner'
Chevak (Peripheral): wani loc. 1
Nunivak (Peripheral): kʷani loc. 1
Norton Sound (Peripheral): wani loc. 1
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 480

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *ụ-nạ (*u-kua, *u-uma, *uv-ani), *uvva
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: this near speaker (restricted) 1, here it is 2
Russian meaning: этот рядом 1, здесь, вот 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: u-na (u-ɣua pl., ūma rel., u-ani loc.) 1, uvvā (predic.) 2
SPI Dialects: Imaq (u-ɣō pl., ōni loc., óʔŋa abl.) 1, uvawa 2, W una*, uma* (ukwak, ukwa) 1
North Alaskan Inupik: u-na (u-kua pl., ūma rel., uv-ani loc.) 1, uvva (predic.) 2
NAI Dialects: B, Ingl una* 1
Western Canadian Inupik: u-na (u-kuat pl., ūma rel., uv-ani pl.) 1, uvva (predic.) 2
WCI Dialects: Cor, M una* 1
Eastern Canadian Inupik: u-na (u-kua pl., ūma rel., uv-ani loc.) 1, uvva (predic.) 2
Greenlandic Inupik: u-na (una*) (u-ku(a) pl., ūma rel., u-ani loc.) 1, uffa, uxxa (predic.) 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 480, 385

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Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology :

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Proto-Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *ɣʷuč-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning (Rus.): этот, здесь
Proto-Chukchee-Koryak: *fuš
Proto-Itelmen: ̣*xʷŏt-

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Chukchee-Koryak etymology :

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Proto-Chukchee-Koryak: *fuš
Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology: Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology
Meaning (Rus.): этот (ближний)
Koryak: wut-ku loc., wùccin, wutine-
Palan: ɣut-ku loc., ɣùttin, ɣutine-, w- poss., ɣut-ke-kin adj.
Alutor: wut, ɣut, wùttǝ-, wut-ku loc., ɣut-ka-kin* adj.

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Itelmen etymology :

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Proto-Itelmen: *xʷŏt-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology: Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology
Meaning (Rus.): этот
Itelmen: wot (t-ke adr., t-x'al abl.) 1, ftew-ank loc. (седанк.)2
Itelmen meaning: находящийся здесь 1, здесь 2
West Itelmen: tǝ'a (tǝ-xal abl.)
West Itelmen meaning: hic, hoc, loco (inde ex hoc loco)
West Itelmen meaning (Polish): tu, tutaj (ztąd, z tego miejsca)
Number in Volodin 1976: 339, 54
Stebnitsky reference: 93
Comments: Ср. *ti'-nwǝ 'этот' (876).

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ʔu ( ~ *hu)
Meaning: that, this
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *ʔu ( ~ *hu)
Sino-Tibetan: *wV (*ʔu)
Basque: *ho-ri (+ *hu-ra)

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *ʔu ( ~ *hu)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: demonstrative pronoun (that)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ħu
Proto-Tsezian: *wa-
Proto-Lak: wa
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔu- / *uV-
Proto-Khinalug: hu
Proto-West Caucasian: *wV
Notes: This stem should be probably kept apart from PEC *ʔŏ 'demonstrative pronoun', since they are opposed in some languages; however, contaminations were certainly possible. In some Eastern languages (Lezg. and Khin.) the root tends to mean 'that (above the speaker)'. See Абдоков 1983, 139-140.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *ħu-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: that
Andian language: hu-du-
Akhvakh: hu-
Chamalal: u-da-
Tindi: o-,o-ja-
Karata: ho-
Bagvalal: o-
Godoberi: ho-
Comments: In Kar. besides ho- there exists a synonymous variant wu- (wu-ʎu-b, wu-gu-b, wu-du-b). The stem *ħu- 'that' is opposed to PA *ħo-/*ħi- 'this' (q.v.), although they sometimes get contaminated. It is often used in conjunction with another PA deictic rood *dV- q.v. Some languages reveal here (as also in the case of *ħo-/*ħi- ) a loss of initial *ħ-: it is possible that a combination of deictic (emphatic) *ħV- + deictic *ʔu- is reflected.

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *wa-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: deictic particle
Bezhta: wa-
Comments: Attested in Bezht. in wā-ƛ̣oʔ 'here', wa-hgiʔ 'there' (a compound with hugiʔ id.). Cf. perhaps also -w- in Tsez. ho-w-da, ho-w-du 'this', ho-w-si, ho-w-ʎa 'that', Khvarsh. a-we-d 'this' etc.

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: wa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: this
Lak form: wa
Comments: Cf. also wi-w, Khosr. 'inside'.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔu- / *uV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 that 2 above, there (above the speaker)
Lezghian: wi-nel 2
Kryz: wa-rä 2
Budukh: u-d 1,wo-rǝ-n 2
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. wa-ne 'there (above the speaker)'. Just as *ʔi /*jV- the root has variants *ʔu- (Bud. u-d) and *uV- (other forms).

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Khinalug etymology :

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Khinalug root: hu
North Caucasian etymology: 2310
Meaning: that
Khinalug form: hu, hä
Comments: Cf. also the adverb wa 'there (above the speaker)'.

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *wV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: that
Abkhaz: wi
Abaza: awi
Adyghe: wǝ (Shaps.)
Ubykh: wa-
Comments: PAT *wǝ-jǝ (a compound with another deictic stem); PAK *wǝ (cf. also Bzhed. id.).

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *wV (*ʔu)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: demonstrative pronoun
Kachin: wo.33 ʒa.31 that
Lepcha: o that
Comments: Cf. also Bodo *u, Chepang ʔowʔ, ʔuʔ, Sichuan *ʔu, Jiarong wu etc.

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *ho-ri
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: that (mesial)
Bizkaian: ori
Gipuzkoan: ori
High Navarrese: ori, (Elkano) goi
Low Navarrese: hori
Salazarese: kori
Lapurdian: hori
Baztanese: ori
Aezkoan: gori, goi
Zuberoan: hori, hoi
Roncalese: kori
Comments: As with some other Bsq demonstratives, there are anomalies: Pyrenean forms kori, gori.

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