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Chukchee-Koryak etymology :

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Proto-Chukchee-Koryak: *'ǝLfe "
Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology: Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology
Meaning (Rus.): олень (дикий)
Chukchee: ǝlvǝ-lú ", ǝlvɛ́-
Koryak: ǝlwe-ǝl, ǝlve-hǝl " (I)
Palan: hǝlwǝl, hǝlwe-hǝl "
Alutor: ǝlwǝl, ǝlwa-
Comments: Имеет деpиват *(e)ɫ́fe-k 'оленья телка' (254).

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Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology :

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Proto-Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'ǝlɣʷẹ
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning (Rus.): олень (дикий)
Proto-Chukchee-Koryak: *'ǝLfe "
Proto-Itelmen: *'lɣʷi "

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Itelmen etymology :

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Proto-Itelmen: *'lɣʷi "
Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology: Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology
Meaning (Rus.): дикий олень
Itelmen: lwilx (lwǝ̆l-'in poss.)
Itelmen meaning: дикий олень
West Itelmen: ĺxo̯ǝjɣo̯ǝk, ĺɣǝjɣǝɣ
West Itelmen meaning: cervus tarandus, femina gregis ductor
West Itelmen meaning (Polish): jeleń, samica, prowadząca stado
South Itelmen: 'ilvaj, 'ilva'i
South Itelmen meaning (Latin): cervus
South Itelmen meaning (Polish): jeleń
Number in Volodin 1976: 13, 168

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ʔelV
Meaning: deer
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *el-n-, *el-k'-
Altaic: *ĕlV(-k`V)
Uralic: *ältV
Kartvelian: Svan ilw, dial. il, hil 'roe'
Dravidian: Mlt. ilaru 'the mouse deer', if not metathesed from *iral- (SDR 427)
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'ǝlɣʷe- (also *'ǝɫɣʷẹ 'deer')
References: ОСНЯ 1, 272-273, Ndr 26 *ʔEl̄i.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *elen-, *lān- <PIH *e->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: deer
Hittite: alija(n)- 'roe(buck)' (from the Hitt.-Hurr. bilingua, Puhvel 1991)
Tokharian: A, B yäl 'gazelle' (Adams 485)
Armenian: eɫn, gen. eɫin `Hirschkuh'
Old Greek: elló-s `Hirschkalb'
Slavic: *elenь, gen. *-e `Hirsch'; *lānь
Baltic: *al̂n-ia- m., *al̂n-ja- m., *áln-iā̃ f.; *lān-ik-[a]- m.
Celtic: Gaul Elembiu Monatsname = Greek Elaphēboliṓn; *elǝn-tī > OIr elit `Reh'; Cymr elain f. `Hirschkuh'; Gael lon `Elentier'
Russ. meaning: скот (олень)
References: WP I 154 f

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *al̂n-ia- m. (2), *al̂n-ja- m., *áln-iā̃ f.; *lān-ik-[a]- m.
Meaning: deer
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: élni-s (gen. -iō), élnia-s `Hirsch', élnē `Hirschkuh, Hindin'; OLith (ME I:68) ellenis, ellinis
Lettish: al̂nis `Elentier (Cervus alces)'
Old Prussian: alne `tyer (? = Hindin')' V. 647; { lonix 'Stier' }

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *ĕlV(-k`V)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: deer
Russian meaning: олень
Turkic: *elik
Mongolian: *ili
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)elkēn
Comments: KW 207, ОСНЯ 1, 273, Лексика 153, 389. A Western isogloss.

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Turkic etymology :

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Proto-Turkic: *elik
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: roebuck, wild goat
Russian meaning: косуля (общее назв. и самка)
Old Turkic: elik (OUygh. - YB)
Karakhanid: elik (KB)
Turkish: elik (dial.)
Middle Turkic: (MKypch.) elik (Houts., AH)
Khakassian: ilǝk
Shor: elik
Oyrat: elik
Yakut: elik 'чубарый олень'
Tuva: elik
Tofalar: elik
Kirghiz: elik
Kazakh: elik
Bashkir: ilek
Karakalpak: elik
Comments: EDT 142, VEWT 40, ЭСТЯ 1, 265-266, Лексика 153.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *ili
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: new-born deer
Russian meaning: новорожденный олененок
Written Mongolian: ili (L 407), eli
Middle Mongolian: ele'ut 'a k. of camel' (SH)
Khalkha: il
Buriat: eli
Kalmuck: ilǝ
Comments: KW 206. Cf. also *il-gi(n) 'goat skin' (KW 207).

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *(x)elkēn
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 wild deer 2 domestic deer
Russian meaning: 1 дикий олень 2 домашний олень
Evenki: elkēn 1
Even: iēlken, elken 2
Comments: ТМС 2, 448.

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 1209
Proto: *ältV
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: female animal: female deer, horse
German meaning: weibliches Tier: Rentierkuh, Stute
Saam (Lapp): al'do 'full-grown reindeer female which has a calf in that year' (N), altō (L), ālta 'alte Reinkuh' (T)
Mordovian: eĺd́e, iĺd́ä (E), äĺd́ä, j äĺd́ä 'mare'
K. Redei's notes: Saam -o is probably a derivative suffixe; Mord. ɛ > i/ _ĺ.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : HVLV
Meaning : deer
Eurasiatic : *ʔelV
Afroasiatic : *ʔayVl-
Sino-Caucasian : Cf. PST *lă(H) 'musk-deer'
Reference : NDr 26.

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔayVl-
Meaning: deer
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʔayyal- 'deer, idex'
Egyptian: *ʔyl 'deer' (<Hbr.)
Low East Cushitic: *ʔVyVl- 'gazelle'
South Cushitic: *ʔil(Vy) 'kudu'
Dahalo (Sanye): *ʔīl- 'hartebeest'
Notes: HSED No. 66: Sem., Eg., Som., Dah.

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1958
Proto-Semitic: *ʔayl-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'ram'
Akkadian: (?) alu (elu) 'a fine breed of sheep' [CAD a1 374], [AHw. 39] (rendered as ālu, jālu). // Extensively commented in the discussion section of the article in [CAD] as well as in [Steinkeller 52]. According to Steinkeller, the earliest attestations of UDU.A.LUM are in Sum. lexicals lists from Abū Salābīh̊ and Ebla. Later on, the term is common in economic texts from Ur III, early OB, Mari and Qatna. Both CAD and Steinkeller assume its identity with aslu, a literary term for 'ram, lamb' found mostly in later texts. Since the phonetic development alu > aslu (or vice versa) is difficult, one tends to agree with Steinkeller that A.LUM is "an abbreivated/defective Akkadogram" to be read aslumx. If this assumption is correct, Akk. alu does not exist and does not form part of the present root ("Once UDU A.LUM is reclassified as aslu, then the lemma alu ... simply disappears" [Steinkeller 66]). // As for the forms a-lu, e-lu appearing as "true" Akkadian words (not logograms) in MA sources, they were expained as resulting from "scribal misunderstanding" in [CAD] which does not look very probable. More likely seems their explanation in [Steinkeller 66] ("the alleged occurrences of *alu in Middle Assyrian sources ... almost certainly involve ayalu/yalu 'stag'"), though, admittedly, no such writings for the relatively common Akk. term for 'stag' are attested.
Ugaritic: ʔal, ʔil 'carnero (de calidad superior)' [DLU 23, 25]. // The term occurs only as ʔal-m/ʔil-m, according to DLU a dual and a plural form respectively (šḳl t_rm wmrʔi ʔilm 'they felled bulls and fattened rams' 1.22 I 13 vs. ...ydbr t_rmt ʔalm '...he says: "my food is two rams"' 1.82:8, v. [Del Olmo Religión 252f.] for the interpretation). Such a morphologically unusual picture appears unlikely (what is expected is quite a reverse, a pl. ʔal-m [ʔālūma] < *ʔayalūma vs. a du. ʔil-m [ʔelāmi] < *ʔaylāmi) and one tends to consider both forms as plural, with an optional syncope of the a-infix (so [Tropper UG 295]). Further information on the term v. in [Del Olmo Sheep 184].
Canaanite: Eg.-Syll. ʔi2=-r=ya, ʔi3=ra=ya /ʔêlya ?, ʔayla ?/ [Hoch 29]. // Hoch provides arguments for distinguishing this term from the word for 'stag' (cf. No. ....). See also [ibid. 17, 28] for other Eg.-Syll. renderings regarded by some authors as reflecting the present root.
Hebrew: ʔayil 'ram' [KB 40], pB. [Ja. 48]. // According to [KB], also 'ruler, mighty'. If this identification is correct, cf. also Pho. ʔl 'chief' [T 19] (but cf. already [BDB 17- 18] where Hbr. ʔayil 'ram' and ʔayil 'ruler' are treated as different lexemes).
Judaic Aramaic: ʔēlā 'ram' [Ja. 48], ʔaylā [Levy WTM I 64] (a Hebraism?).
Epigraphic South Arabian: Min. ʔyl 'bélier, bouquetin' [LM 9]. // In MAFRAY-Darb aṣ-Ṣabī 1/14 (b-tys1 w-ʔyl w-mḥrm nfs1). Most probably belongs to this root rather to *ʔayyal- 'stag' for which v. No. ... (discussion).
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ʔilä 'kind of ram' [TA 544].
Jibbali: @ ayyól 'Steinbock' [Bittner 29] (not in [JJ]) Otherwise from *ʔayyal- 'deer'
Notes: Derivation of the present root (or some of its representations) from the verbal root ʔwl 'to be first, foremost' (as proposed, e.g., in [Hoch 30] and [Firmage 1157]) is hardly tenable. // [DRS 17]: *ʔayl- 'bélier' (Akk., Ugr., Pho., Hbr.); [DLU 23]: Ugr., Akk.; [KB 40]: Hbr., Eg.-Syll., Ugr., Akk.; [Hoch 29]: Eg.-Syll., Hbr., Akk., Ugr., Jud., Syr. (ʔaylā, which, however, means 'stag', not 'ram' and does not belong to the present root).

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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: ỉyr
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'deer'
Demotic: ʔywr
Coptic: *ʔeyul
Bohairic: eoul
Sahidic: (e)eioul
Notes: Borrowed from Sem?

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Low East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *ʔVyVl-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'gazelle'
Somali: eelo 'tipo de gazella (antilope giraffa)' Som-It. 206

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South Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-South Cushitic: *ʔil(Vy)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'kudu'
Alagwa (Wasi): Gorowa eletemo 'bushbuck' Ehr HRSC 285 Tragelapus scriptus (of kudu-type); -mo is a nom. suffix in W.Rift group

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Dahalo etymology :

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Dahalo: ʔèèle
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'hartebeest'
Notes: From *ʔayal-

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