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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ṭalV
Meaning: level ground
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *telǝ-
Altaic: *t`āle
Kartvelian: Georg. ṭala 'layer'; ? ṭol-, Megr. ṭol- 'equal'
References: МССНЯ 355; ND 2360 *ṭal̄ħV 'flat'.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *tal- (/-e-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: earth, ground
Old Indian: talima- n. `ground prepared for the site of a dwelling'
Armenian: thaɫ Gegend, Distrikt thaɫar irden, irdener Gefäss;
Slavic: *tъlo
Baltic: *tal-u- c.
Latin: tellūs, gen. -ūris f. `Erde'
Celtic: OIr talam, gen. talman `Erde'
Russ. meaning: земля
References: WP I 740

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: тло
Near etymology: "основание, дно": до тла, укр. тло, др.-русск. тьло, тьля ж. -- то же, сербохорв. тле̏ мн., род. п. мн. ч. та́лā "почва, земля", словен. tlà, род. п. мн. ч. tál, чеш. tlа ж. "потолок", польск., в.-луж., н.-луж. tɫо.
Further etymology: Праслав. *tьlo родственно лит. tìlės ж. р. мн. ч. "дощатый настил на дне лодки", др.-прусск. talus "пол", лит. рãtаlаs "доска, половица", лтш. tals, tale "белильня (льна)", др.-инд. tаlаm ср. р. "плоскость, равнина", греч. τηλίᾱ "игральная доска", лат. tellūs, род. п. -ūris ж. "земля", др.-исл. þеl ср. р. "почва, основание", д.-в.-н. dilla, dili "половица", др.-ирл. tаlаm "земля"; см. Педерсен, Kelt. Gr. I, 132, 380; KZ 39, 373 и сл.; Траутман, ВSW 321; Арr. Sprd. 445; М. -- Э. 4, 127, 189; Мейе -- Вайан 78; Мейе -- Эрну 1199; Уленбек, Aind. Wb. 110; Вальде--Гофм. 2, 655 и сл.; Зубатый, AfslPh 16, 417; Торп 183 и сл. Далее сюда же относится лит. tìltas "мост", лтш. til̃ts, ср. также стелю́, стлать.
Pages: 4,65

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *tal-u- c.
Meaning: floor, underground
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Old Lithuanian: Patulas 'Gott des unterirdischen Reiches'
Old Prussian: talus `Fussboden des Zimmers' V. 207; Patollus od. Potollos 'Gott des unterirdischen Reiches'

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *t`ā̀lV ( ~ -ĺ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: open place, open sea
Russian meaning: открытое место, открытое море
Mongolian: *tala, *tal-b-
Tungus-Manchu: *tālgi-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *tala, *tal-b-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 steppe, open place 2 quiet, peaceful
Russian meaning: 1 степь, открытое место 2 мирный, спокойный
Written Mongolian: tala 1 (L 771), talbiɣun 2 (L 773)
Middle Mongolian: tala 'face' (SH)
Khalkha: tal 1, talbiu(n) 2, talbaj 'square'
Buriat: tala 1, taĺān 'meadow; small lake', talmaj 'meadow, square'
Kalmuck: talǝ
Ordos: tala
Dagur: tal (Тод. Даг. 165), tale (MD 220) 1
Shary-Yoghur: tala
Monguor: talā
Comments: KW 375, MGCD 622. Mong. > MTurk. tala, Yak. tāla etc. (VEWT 458); > Man. talfa, Nan. talbon (Doerfer MT 145, Rozycki 200).

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *tālgi-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 far from the shore, open sea 2 bay 3 quiet sea surface 4 to become quiet (of wind, weather)
Russian meaning: 1 далеко от берега, в открытом море 2 залив 3 гладкая поверхность моря 4 стихать (о ветре)
Evenki: tālgu- 4
Even: talargъ̣n- 4, talgịn 2, 3
Literary Manchu: talGan 3
Ulcha: talǯị 1
Orok: talda 1
Nanai: talgịa 1, talGa 2, talị-talị 3
Oroch: tagga-la, tagga-si 1
Udighe: tagä 1
Comments: ТМС 2, 150, 157. Nan. has probably a secondary vowel shortening; but cf. also *tala 'well', with a possibility of contaminations.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : TVLV
Meaning : flat, plain
Eurasiatic : *ṭalV
Afroasiatic : *ṭVlħ- 'flat, plain' (Sem., Omot.)
Sino-Caucasian : ? *=iƛ̣ɨ̆lV́

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *=iƛ̣ǝ̆lV́
Meaning: thin
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *=iƛ̣ɨ̆lV
Sino-Tibetan: *ral
Burushaski: *tharé- ?
Basque: *lirai-n / *lerde-n
Comments and references : WFR 116, DCE 30, BCD 21.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *=iƛ̣ɨ̆lV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *=iƛ̣ora
Proto-Lak: ḳuIla-
Proto-Dargwa: *=uḳul-
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ̣ɨlä-
Proto-Khinalug: ḳɨr
Proto-West Caucasian: *ƛ̣́ʷa
Notes: A common NC root with regular correspondences. Class prefixation is retained in Andian languages and Darg.; labialisation in PWC is probably also a vestige of class prefixation (*ƛ̣́ʷa < *w-iƛ̣ilV with vocalic assimilation). However, a prefixless variant *ƛ̣ɨ̆lV (reflected in Av., Lak. and PL) may also have existed already in PNC or PEC.

    The Lak. form has a pharyngealized vowel, which may reflect some lost laryngeal; but since other languages do not reflect it (see above about the secondary nature of pharyngealization in Tsakh.), it is probably new (expressive).

    See Абдоков 1983, 141.


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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *=iƛ̣ora
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin
Avar: ṭeréna-b
Chadakolob: ṭeréna-b
Andian language: =elora
Akhvakh: =aƛ̣ara-da
Chamalal: =ela-b
Tindi: =erala-b
Karata: =eƛ̣ara-b
Botlikh: =eʔera
Bagvalal: =ela-b
Godoberi: =elera-
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg., Tl. =aṭara-b, Cham. Gig. =ellara-b, Kar. Rach., Anch. =elʔara-b, Chab. =eṭara-b, Tok. =ilʔara-b.

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: ḳuIla-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin
Lak form: ḳuIla-

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *=uḳul-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin
Akusha: b-uḳula
Chiragh: uḳuli-ze
Comments: Cf. also Ur. uḳu-.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ̣ɨlä-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin
Lezghian: q̇eleč̣
Tabasaran: č̣illi
Agul: ḳille-f
Rutul: q̇ɨldɨ
Tsakhur: ḳɨIwaIn
Kryz: q̇ɨl
Archi: ḳalat:ut
Comment: Pharyngealization in Tsakh. is secondary (cf. Gelm. q̇ɨwa-n without it), possibly expressive.

    Cf. Лексика 1971, 227; Гигинейшвили 1977, 103; Талибов 1980, 310.


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Khinalug etymology :

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Khinalug root: ḳɨr
North Caucasian etymology: 121
Meaning: thin
Khinalug form: ḳɨr
Comments: Not quite clear is the interrelationship of Khin. ḳɨr 'thin' and loḳ 'thin, narrow' (perhaps one of them is a loanword?).

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *ƛ̣́ʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin
Abkhaz: a-ṗá
Abaza: c̣a
Adyghe: ṗʷāč̣́a
Kabardian: ṗās.́a
Ubykh: ṗc̣a
Comments: PAT *č̣ʷa (cf. also Abaz. Ashkh. f̣a). PAK *ṗʡʷa-č̣́á. Only the second part of the PAK word corresponds to PAT *č̣ʷa and Ub. ṗc̣a (this peculiar correspondence - note that this is the only word with it, and likewise the only word in PAT with *č̣ʷ and in Abaz. with f̣!- points unambiguously to the PWC lateral *ƛ̣́ʷ). The first component is not quite clear (perhaps it's PAK *ṗʡʷa 'place' - 'having thin places'?).

    PAK *-č̣́a is contained also in *psǝ-n-č̣́á 'light', *za-n-č̣́á 'straight' (originally *'light and thin', 'straight and thin').


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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ral
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin, watery
Chinese: *r_aj thin wine.
Burmese: krajh thin, not thick (of fluid).
Lushai: rīl watery, thin.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: lí
Preclassic Old Chinese: r(h)aj
Classic Old Chinese: r(h)aj
Western Han Chinese: r(h)aj
Eastern Han Chinese: r(h)e
Early Postclassic Chinese: l(h)e
Middle Postclassic Chinese: l(h)e
Late Postclassic Chinese: l(h)e
Middle Chinese: le
English meaning : thin wine [L.Zhou]
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Radical: 0
Four-angle index: 0
Karlgren code: 0023 e

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *tharé-
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: narrow
Hunza: tharénum
Nagar: tharénum

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *lirai-n / *lerde-n
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: slender, svelte, lithe
Bizkaian: lirain
Gipuzkoan: lirain
High Navarrese: lerden
Low Navarrese: lerden
Lapurdian: lirain
Zuberoan: lérdẽn
Comments: The extent of *lerde-n is uncertain: Azkue cites it as (c) (= common Bsq). The two variants seem to be the results of metathesis: *lirai-n < *ƛ̣ǝ̆lV́-, *lerde-n < *lǝ̆ƛ̣V́-, or the like. Larrasquet emphasizes that the ZBR word means 'standing upright' ('personne qui se tient droit').

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