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Афразийская этимология :

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PROTO: *ʕigʷal-
семитский: *ʕigl- 'calf'
египетский: ʕgn <*ʕgl 'cow' (?)
западночадский: *gal- 'cow'
бедауйе (беджа): guláah 'she-antelope' (?)
дахало (санье): ngólome (*ʕVgul-?) 'male buffalo'
омотские: *gal- 'calf'
NOTES: Metathetic of *ʕVlag- ~ *lVgʕ- 'calf, bull; (young of small cattle?)' .Cf. HSED No. 1100: Sem., Bura; Ometo

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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 1962
PROTO: *ʕigl-
MEANING: 'calf'
эблаитский: ù-gi-l[um] = ALI[M?] [MEE 4 1192] (compared to Hbr. ʕēgäl in [Civil Ebla 90]).
угаритский: ʕgl 'ternero, novillo' [DLU 75], ʕglt 'novilla' [ibid.]. // Well attested in mytho-poetical texts (e.g. ʔarh̊ tzɣ lʕglh 'the cow lows for its calf' 1.15 I 5); in the administrative context in 4.783.2 (ʔrbʕ ʕglm 'four calves'). The fem. form is found only in 1.5 V 18-19 (yʔuhb ʕglt bdbr 'he loved a heifer in the steppe').
финикийский: ʕgl 'calf' [T 238], [Krah. 359]. // In KAI 69:5 (bʕgl ʔš ḳrny lmbmḥsr 'for a calf whose horns are lacking').
еврейский (иврит): ʕēgäl 'young bull, ox' [KB 784], ʕäglā 'heifer, young cow' [ibid.]; pB. [Ja. 1041].
арамейские: Anc. ʕgl 'calf' [HJ 824]. // In KAI 222A:23, TF 20 and Bukan 6 (cf. references in No. ... under ...).
иудейский арамейский: ʕēgal (det. ʕiglā, ʕäglā) 'calf' [Ja. 1067], [Levy WTM III 618], ʕäglǝtā, ʕēglǝtā, ʕiglǝtā, ʕäglā, ʕăgaltā 'heifer' [Ja. 1041], [Levy WTM III 618], ʕgl 'calf' [Sok. 395], ʕglh (det. ʕglth) 'heifer' [ibid.], ʕglgwl 'small calf' [ibid.]. // Sam. ʕgl 'calf', ʕglth 'heifer' [Tal 622].
сирийский арамейский: ʕeglā 'vitulus', ʕǝgeltā 'vitula' [Brock. 509], [PS 2794].
мандейский арамейский: anglia prob. 'calves' [DM 25].
арабский: ʕiǯl- 'veau', ʕiǯlat- 'génisse', ʕuǯǯāl-, ʕiǯǯawl- 'veau' [BK 2 181], [Fr. III 114], [Lane 1964], [LA XI 49]. See further [Hommel 226].
геэз (древнеэфиопский): @ ʔǝgʷǝl (ʕǝgʷal, ʕǝgʷl) 'the young of any animal or fowl' [LGz. 11], ʔǝgʷalt, ʔǝgʷǝlt 'claf, heifer' [ibid.], ʔǝgʷāl 'the young of any animal, fowl, or human child, offspring, pro- geny' [ibid.]
тигре: ʔǝgal 'calf' [LH 386] @
NOTES: Sab. ʕglt 'calf' quoted in [Biella 351] is very uncertain (presupposing an emendation ʕgmt > ʕglt in R 3167/1); left without translation in [SD 14]. Hrs. ʔáyyel 'calf' [JH 13] is no doubt an Arabism. // Almost certainly related are Gez. ʔǝgʷǝl (ʕǝgʷal, ʕǝgʷl) 'the young of any animal or fowl' [LGz. 11], ʔǝgʷalt, ʔǝgʷǝlt 'claf, heifer' [ibid.], ʔǝgʷāl 'the young of any animal, fowl, or human child, offspring, progeny' [ibid.] and Tgr. ʔǝgal 'calf' [LH 386] though ʔ- instead of the expected ʕ- in most Gez. forms and especially in Tgr. requires an explanation. Note also a considerably wider scope of meanings in Gez. // Cf. further reduplicated forms with no ʕ- attested throughout Eth.: Tgr. gǝlgäl 'foal (mule, horse)' [LH 564], Tna. gǝlgǝl 'puledro di cavallo o mulo non ancora domato' [Bass. 815], Amh. gǝlgäl 'the young of domestic animals (goat, cheep, horse, donkey)' [K 1898], Har. gīgi 'young of animals' [LHar. 70], Gog. Sod. Sel. Wol. gǝlgǝl Msq. gǝlagǝl Gog. Sod. Sel. gilgil Cha. Eža End. Enm. Gyt. grangǝr End. Enm. gängär Muh. giyangi, gege 'the young of an animal, lamb' [LGur. 273]. // According to many scholars, Akk. agālu, agallu 'an equid' OAkk. on [CAD a1 141], 'Reitesel' [AHw. 15] (now also Ebl. ag-lum = ANS̆E.NITA.KUR [MEE 4 039] and monolingual [MEE 4 003]), is related to the present root (cf. references below and, from recent works, [Sjöberg 10]). This comparison seems to us semantically improbable (note in particular that in Ebl. an exact phonetic and semantic parallel is actually attested, cf. above). The following parallels somewhat irregular phonetically (metathesis, loss of ʕ- etc.) are of interest: // - Arb. ʕulǯūm- 'taureau vieux' [BK 2 339], [TA old VIII 408]; // - Mhr. ʔēlīg 'camel-calf about two years old' [JM 21], Jib. ʕiźɔ́g, dim. ʕálgɛn '2-4 year old camel' [JJ 12]; // - Tgr. läga 'male calf (from it's first year until it is tamed), bullock' [LH 48]. // [Fron. 30]: *ʕigl- 'vitello' (Gez., Arb., Syr., Hbr., Ugr.); [DLU 75]: Ugr., Pho., Hbr., Arm., Ebl., Arb.; [KB 784]: Hbr., Arm., Ugr., Pho., Arb., Gez., Tgr.; [Brock. 509]: Syr., Arm., Hbr., Gez., Akk.; [LGz. 11]: Gez., Eth. (also reduplicated), Hbr., Arm., Arb., Ugr., "perhaps also Akk. agalu 'donkey')"; [Firmage 1152]: Akk. (agalu), Hbr., Ugr., Arm., Gez. (ʔǝgʷǝlt), Arb.; [Hommel 226]: Arb., Gez. (ʕǝgʷǝl, ʕǝgʷǝlt), Sab., Hbr., Pho., Akk. (agalu), Arm.

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Египетская этимология :

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PROTO: ʕgn <*ʕgl (?)
MEANING: 'cow'

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Западно-чадская этимология :

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PROTO: *gal-
MEANING: 'cow'
Сайанчи: gaal [Cs N 223]

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Бедауйе (беджа) этимология :

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PROTO: (?) guláah
MEANING: 'she-antelope'

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Дахало этимология :

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PROTO: ngólome
MEANING: 'buffalo'
NOTES: prefix *nV-

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Омотская этимология :

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PROTO: *gal-
MEANING: 'calf'
омето: gallua

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