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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *gʷay-
Meaning: body; corps; belly
Semitic: *gaw(w)iʔ- or *gʷay(y)aʔ- 'body; corps; chest, belly; interior'
Egyptian: d_.t (pyr) 'body' (<*gV-t?), ngꜣyy 'belly'
Western Chadic: *gaw- 'corpse, carcass'
East Chadic: *gway- 'breast' 1, 'corpse' 2
Omotic: *gaw(w)- 'belly'
Notes: CF. EDE I 250; Bla Review 502.

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2608
Proto-Semitic: *gaw(w)iʔ- or *gʷay(y)aʔ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: body; corps; chest, belly; interior
Akkadian: (?) gattu 'figure, shape' MARI, SB, NB [CAD g 58], [AHw 283].

    Contextually may rather be translated as 'body' (e.g. emūḳī lā šanān ušaršû gatti 'they endowed my body with unequalled power'). Double -tt- is difficult to explain (<*gaʔ-t-?)

Hebrew: gǝwiyyā 'body; corpse' [KB 193]; gaw, gēw 'back' [ibid. 182] (note a meaning shift unattested in other languages)
Judaic Aramaic: gēw, gaw, gawwā (constr. gō) 'belly, innermost' [Ja 116]; gǝwiytā, giwyǝtā 'body' [Ja 220]; cf. gwyyh 'euph. for male sexual organ' [Sok 123]
Syrian Aramaic: gawā 'pars interna corporis, venter, viscera' [Brock 107]; gǝwāyā 'intestina, viscera' [ibid.]
Modern Aramaic: MAL ɣauwa 'Leib, Magen, Mutterleib' [Berg 29] TUR gāwo 'interior' [R Ṭūrōyo 114] MLH *gayo 'Bauch': c. suff. gayi 'mein Bauch' [J Mlah 174] NASS gçyßǟvä 'interior, inner part' [Tser 040] MMND gu, st. emph. guwwa 'inside, inner' [M MND 507]
Mandaic Aramaic: giuta 'body, entrails' [DM 89]
Arabic: ǧuʔǧuʔ- 'poitrine' [BK 1 244] (redupl.); cf. ǧwy 'avoir une maladie de poitrine' [ibid. 360]
Amharic: gʷǝyya (guyya) 'area between the thighs, lap; space between the body and one's garments' [K 2032] (or to be placed under *gaw(w)- 'inside', etc.? See above)
Gurage: CHA EŽA ENN GYE MUH MSQ GOG gäg 'body' [LGur 267].

    According to Leslau, from CUSH, but rather a reduplication of the present root. Cf. also CHA EŽA MUH gämʷäǧä, GYE gäwäǧä, ENN gō̃ǧä 'body; skin of body; gut; sinew' [ibid. 277] (<*gawgaw-? On a possibility of ǧ < *g in GUR see in the comments to *gišm- 'body', No. ). Note EŽA MUH MSQ GOG SOD gäggäbät, CHA GYE gäkäbät, ENN gäk_äbäd, END gäkkǟd 'chest of an animal' which has no convincing etymology, but may represent a compound of *gaʔ- + *kabid- (the SEM word for 'liver' which came to mean 'belly' in most of ETH)

Jibbali: gɛ́hɛʔ (ɛghét) 'chest, breast' [JJ 73]
Soqotri: gehe 'poitrine' [LS 103]; NOGED gɛ́hɛʔ do., et al. [SSL LS 1457]
Notes: A very tentative vocalic reconstruction.

    Meanings rather diverse, 'body' and 'chest' appearing to be the primary ones.

    Cf. a non-anatomic term 'insides', very likely derived from the present one, but rather to be reconstructed as a separate SEM *gaw(w)-: PHO gw 'midst' [T 63]; ARM: BIB gō 'Inneres' [KB deutsch 1685-6], OLD OFF NAB PLM HTR gw 'interior' [HJ 217], JUD gw 'inside, in, on' [Sok 121], SYR gawwā 'intra, intus' [Brock 107], MND gaua 'inside, interior, inner part' [DM 74] (also giuta 'interior, inside' [ibid. 89]); ARB ǧaww- 'intérieur, fond (d'une maison, etc.)', EGP DIAL 'dans' [BK 1 348]; ESA: MIN gw-n 'partie intérieure d'une construction'; ETH: TGR go 'to, at, near' [LH 558].

    Sometimes compared to phonetically similar terms meaning 'depression, hole' in various SEM languages, which in fact make a different root *gay/wVʔ- 'valley, depression, lowland': HBR gay(ʔ) 'valley' [KB 188]; ARB ǧaww-, pl. ǧiwāʔ- 'terrain déprimé, encaissé, fond de la vallée; champ, plaine'; ESA: MIN gwʔ 'carrière' [LM 37]; MSA: JIB gɔ̄t, pl. gói 'deep hole, depression' [JJ 80].

    [DRS 106]: HBR, ARM, SOQ, AMH (incl. SEM 'inside' and 'valley, depression'); [Brock 107]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB (incl. 'inside' and 'valley'), ESA (gw, untranslated); [KB 182-3]: HBR (gaw, gǝwiyyā), ARM (also 'inside'), ARB, PUN (both 'inside'), SOQ


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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: d_.t (pyr)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'body'
Bohairic: nēc-e <ngꜣyy [Vyc 153] 'belly'

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *gaw-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'corpse, carcass'
Hausa: gā́wā́

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *gway-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breast' 1, 'corpse' 2
Tumak: gàu 1 [CLR]
Ndam: gàwu 1 [CLR]
Kera: gàw 1 [Eb]
Sokoro: goi 2 [Lk: 46]

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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *gaw(w)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'belly'
Ometo: Koyra gawwo, Kačama, Zergulla, Zaisse gawo, Haruro gawō, Dorze gawo, Gidico gau

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