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Central Cushitic (Agaw) etymology :

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Proto-Agaw: *fa/ir(i)s-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Qwara: farsā 'Pferd' Rein. Quara, 59
Awiya (Aungi): firisi 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *para/is-
Meaning: horse
Semitic: *paraš- 'horse'
Western Chadic: *pi/ur(i)s- 'horse'
Central Chadic: *pVrs- 'horse'
East Chadic: *firs- 'horse'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *fa/ir(i)s- 'horse'
Saho-Afar: *faras- 'horse'
Low East Cushitic: *faras- 'horse'
High East Cushitic: *faraš- 'horse'
Warazi (Dullay): *paras- 'horse'
Omotic: *par(a)š- 'horse'
Notes: Cf. Sokoro, Dan., Jegu forms of the *piss- 'type' Jung. CLR II, 195; <*pirs-? Cf., however, ECu: Kamb. faash-sho, Alaba faash-shu 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355 (<*farš-)? The Cush. and Omot. forms, though widely spread in Cush., may in principle be Eth. loans, esp. in view of their phonetic uniformity; the Chad. forms, on the contrary, are not necessarily Arabisms considering diversity in their patterns and the fact that the term is not attested in Hausa, the main source language in spreading Arabisms in other Chadic languages.

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 210
Proto-Semitic: *paraš-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: horse
Hebrew: pārāš 'team of horses, horses for a chariot; horseman' [KB 977]. According to [KB], all the textual attestations of p. belong to one lexeme whereas in [BDB 832] two lexemes are postulated: a primary noun (< *paraš-) and a derived nomen professionis (< *parrā̆š-). In the pl., only pārāšīm (< *parrā̆šīma) and not (*pǝrāšīm < *parā̆šīma) is attested which means that *paraš- was ousted by *parraš- at least by the epoque of the Massoretic vocalization (note that only the meaning 'horseman, knight' is attested in Hbr. pB. according to [Ja. 1243]). The meaning 'horse' for p. is postulated in a limited number of passages where it is paralleled by the main Hbr. term for (sūs), e.g. Jo 2.4: kǝmarʔē sūsīm marʔēhū // ūkǝpārāšīm kēn yǝrūṣūn 'they look like horses // and like p. they run'. See further [TDAT VI 782ff.].
Aramaic: Anc. prš 'horseman, cavalry-man' [HJ 945]. Hapax in KAI 202B 2 (lrkb [w]lprš, context fragmentary). Off. prš id. [ibid.]. Nab. prš id. [ibid.]. Plm. prš id. [ibid.] (v. [PAT 401]).
Judaic Aramaic: pārāš, det. pārāšā 'horseman, knight' [Ja. 1243], prš 'rider' [Sok. 451].
Syrian Aramaic: parrāšā 'eques' [Brock. 609], [PS 3308].
Mandaic Aramaic: paraša 'mounted soldier, horseman' [DM 363].
Arabic: faras- 'cheval ou jument', farasat- 'jument' [BK 2 568], [LA VI 159] (see further [Hommel 44ff.]).
Epigraphic South Arabian: Sab. frs1 'horse/mare; cavalryman, cavalry' [SD 46]. Qat. frs1 'Pferd' [Sima 71]. Hdr. ʔfrs1-n (pl.) 'Pferdeleiter' [ibid.]. The Hdr. and the Qat. terms are attested once in the respective languages whereas many dozens of examples are known for the Sab. terms (all passages and discussion v. in [Sima 63ff.]). Note that according to Sima the form ʔfrs1-n 'cavalry, horsemen' (Ja 1817 1-2) quoted in [Ricks 131] is Sabaic and not Qatabanian.
Geʕez (Ethiopian): faras 'horse' [LGz. 166].
Tigre: färäs 'horse' [LH 656].
Tigrai (Tigriñña): färäs 'cavallo' [Bass. 989].
Amharic: färäs 'horse, stallion' [K 2279].
Harari: Cf. färäz 'horse' [LHar. 65] (a Cushitism?).
Gurage: Sod. färäs (rest of Gur. färäz 'horse') [LGur. 244].
Mehri: fǝrháyn 'mare; horse' [JM 98].
Harsusi: ferhín 'mare; horse' [JH 34].
Notes: As rightly stressed in [Sima 71-2], the Eth. and MSA cognates seem to be quite deeply rooted in the respective branches of Semitic so that no borrowing from a WS source is conceivable. Soq. fírehim 'fille, jeune fille' [LS 341] is sometimes identified with the above MSA forms with a meaning shift. There is hardly any reason to connect with the present root Ugr. prs in KTU 4.392.1 (lḫmš mrkbt ḫmš ʕšrh prs 'for 5 chariots 15 p.') as it was suggested in [Dietrich-Loretz 193ff.], cf. more recent tranlsations like 'una pieza de carro' in [DLU 355] and 'die Masseinheit *parīsu' in [Tropper UG 43]. [LGz. 166]: Gez., Eth., Arb., ESA, Mhr., Arm., Hbr.; [KB 977]: Hbr., Arm., Arb., Gez., Tgr., ESA; [Brock. 609]: Syr., Arm., Arb., Hbr., Gez.

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *pi/ur(i)s-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Zul: pirsi 'horse' Jung. CLR II, 194
Kulere: pú́rísh 'horse' Jung. CLR II, 194

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *pVrs-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Tera: pǝ́rsí 'horse' Jung. CLR II, 194
Gaanda: pir̃ša
Gabin: pirse
Hwona: pur̃še
Kilba: pílîs
Malgwa: pilišì
Glavda: pǝlišà
Ngweshe: pìlisà
Gisiga: pǝles
Mafa=Matakam: pliš
Musgu: piléš
Gidar: pǝ́rsạ 'horse' Jung. CLR II, 195
Notes: Ch is < Arab? Cf. numerous forms of the type *piliš- 'horse' Jung. CLR II, 195, with a possible *-r-> -l- process

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *firs-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Mubi: fírsó 'horse' Jung. CLR II, 195
Notes: Cf. Sokoro, Dan., Jegu forms of the *piss- type Jung. CLR II, 195; <*pirs-? Cf., however, ECu: Kamb. faash-sho, Alaba faash-shu 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355 (<*farš-) ?

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Saho-Afar etymology :

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Proto-Saho-Afar: *faras-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Saho: faras 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355
Afar (Danakil): faras 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355
Notes: Lamb.: with *z > s (nonsense)

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Low East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *faras-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Somali: fáras- 'horse' Abr. Som., 77
Konso: Mossiya farasa 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355

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High East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-High East Cushitic: *faraš-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Sidamo: farassho 'horse' Huds. HEC, 81
Hadiya (Gudella): farassho 'horse' Huds. HEC, 81
Notes: Cf. Kamb. faash-sho, Alaba faash-shu 'hose' Lamb. Wol., 355 (<*farš-) ?

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Warazi etymology :

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Proto-Warazi: *paras-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Harso (Werize): paraso 'Pferd' Dullay, 262
Dihina: paraso 'Pferd' Dullay, 262

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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *par(a)š-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Kafa (Kaficho): harasho 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355
Bworo (Shinasha): farsha 'horse' Lamb. Wol., 355

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