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Bedauye (Beja) etymology :

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Bedauye: ankŭa
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'Höcker, Buckel'
Notes: Rein Beḍ 24

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʕVnuḳ- ~ *ʕanḳw- (?)
Meaning: neck; hump
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʕVnḳ- 'neck'
Beḍauye (Beja): *ʕanḳw- 'hump (of camel)' (?)
Notes: Insufficient data. Semantic comparison questionable. Cf. *ḥanuḳ(-ar)- 'palate, inside of mouth, gorge' (248); *ʕVng- 'neck; palate' (3739); and *ḳu(n)ḳ- 'throat, gorge' (3705)

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2626
Proto-Semitic: *ʕVnḳ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: neck
Eblaitic: (?) in-gu /ʕinḳu(m)/ 'neck' [Con 143; Bl E No. 10]; possibly to be read as /ʕingu(m)/
Judaic Aramaic: ʕunḳā ʕunḳā 'neck, throat' [Ja 1096]; cf. ʔunḳā 'neck, meat from the neck' [Ja 29], with ʔ- instead of ʕ-
Arabic: ʕunḳ-, ʕunuḳ-, ʕunaḳ- 'cou' [BK 2 387]
Soqotri: (?) QADHUB ḥɛnṣ̌ǝ́ḳɔh 'creux sous la pomme d'Adam; pomme d'Adam' <*ḥnḳḳ [SSL LS 1459].

    A form with a reduplicated third radical (-ṣ̌- renders palatalized *-ḳ-); if ḥa- is an old article with *-ʕ- assimilated to ḥ-, the underlying form will be *ḥa-ʕanḳiḳ-

Notes: Poorly attested as an anatomic term. AKK unḳu 'Nackenstück' known only from LB period is considered an ARM loan-word [AHw 1422]; the EBL word is phonetically, and the SOQ one both phonetically and semantically, obscure. The anatomic meaning as a primary one is sustained, however, by a derived verb in ETH: GEZ ʕanaḳa 'to carry around the neck' [LGz 64], AMH anaḳä 'to put around the neck, to strangle' [K 1214].

    It is interesting that what must be a derived meaning, 'necklace', is better preserved in SEM, e.g.: UGR ʕnḳ 'collar (?)' [DLU 83] (cf. 'das Höchste, Edelste' [Aist 237], 'a woman of certain ethnic group' [Gordon 458]); HBR ʕănāḳ 'neck-chain' [KB 859]; ARM: JUD ʕinḳā 'necklace, chain' [Sok 399], SYR ʕeḳḳā, ʕeḳḳǝtā 'torquis' [Brock 541] /cf. also MND anḳia 'perh. nooses, loops, holes (in a fish-net)' [DM 27]/; TNA maʕnäḳya 'specie di collana d'argento molto stretta' [Bass 117]. Cf. AKK unḳu 'Ring, Stempel-Siegel' Bab, M/NA [AHw 1422], with a meaning shift 'necklace' > '(finger)ring'? (see, however, ETH words for precious stone like GEZ ʕǝnḳʷ [LGz 65], which, if related, speak against the connection with 'neck').

    Cf. also ETH *ʕanḳar 'throat, uvula, neck' likely <*ʕanḳ-ar-, with suffixed -r: GEZ ʔanḳar, ʔanḳār 'the interior part of the mouth, throat' [LG 31], TGR ʕanḳär 'uvula, throat' [LH 472], TNA ʕanḳär 'ugola' [Bass 692]; AMH anḳär, anḳar 'uvula' [K 1216], manḳurt 'Adam's apple, larynx' [K 268], ARG ǝnḳǝrt 'goitre, Adam's apple'; EAST: HAR ǝnḳǝrti [LHar 29], ZWY manḳurt; GUR: MSQ GOG SOD ǝnḳǝrt, GOG manḳurt, SOD manḳur 'goitre' [LGur 71]. To this ETH root cf. N. CUSH: BEJA ankar 'Gaumen, Schlund, Kehle, Rachen' [Rein Bed 26], (Ammar'ar) hánkar do. [Dolg SIFKY 154]; E. CUSH: OROMO ḳaaruu 'lower inside of mouth; joint at which jaw is attached to skull' [Gragg 311] (with a loss of *ʕan-?), AFAR anḳara, ankara, SAHO anḳar 'Gaumen, Kehle' [Rein Afar 813]; C. CUSH: BILIN anḳar 'Schlund, Kehle' [Rein Bil 40]. These CUSH examples are rather to be regarded as loan-words from ETH, though a common AFRASIAN (SEM and CUSH) root *ʕanḳ-ar- 'neck, throat, inside of mouth' is not to be excluded (cf. [SIFKY 154]). Cf. also CUSH-OMOT *ḳunḳ- 'throat' (<*ʕunḳ-, with assimilation of *ʕ > ḳ or <*(ʕVn)ḳʕunḳ-, with haplology of the first syllable and reduplication ?): E. CUSH: OROMO ḳoonḳoo 'throat, larynx' [Gragg 328]; S. CUSH: IRAQW -qunqu (in alaqunqu 'nape', ala- 'behind'), DAHALO ḳòḳo 'throat' [Ehret HRSC 253] and OMOT: KAFA qoqqō 'nuca' [Cerulli Caf 487] (cf. [Bla Dr-Afr No. 28] and [Lamberti Kons 535]).

    There is a series of SEM roots (cf. *ḥink- /*ḥanak- 'palate', No. , or *h_nḳ 'to strangle, choke, take by the throat' [LGz 263]) similar to *ʕVnḳ- 'neck' both phonetically and semantically; some of them have AFRASIAN parallels and, therefore, can be regarded as variant roots comparable not only on SEM but even on AFRASIAN level. Here are some of them.

    (1) AFRASIAN *ḥanḳ-(ar-) 'palate, inside of mouth':

    SEM: ETH EAST: SEL hanḳa (on SEL h- most likely <*ḥ see [LGur LXIV]), ZWY anḳa; GUR: CHA END ENN GYE MUH MSQ GOG anḳa 'inside of mouth' [LGur 68].

    E. CUSH: KAMBATTA aḳa, HADIYA aḳo 'inside of mouth' [LGur 68], SOMALI ḥoḳád 'tonsil' [Abr 123] (-d may be < *-t suffix); S. CUSH: DAHALO ḥaŋḳára 'palate' [Ehret, Eld, Nurse 27] (with the suffixed -ar).

    BERB: AIR WLMD anɣa [Aloj 144], GHADAMES īneɣ [Lanfry 244], QABYLE anǝɣ [Dallet 568], SEMLAL anɣa [Destaing Tach 209] 'palais (de la bouche)'.

    (2) SEM *ʕVng-(at-) 'neck': EBL (?) in-gu /ʕingu(m)/ or /ʕinḳu(m)/ 'neck' [Con 143; Bl E No. 10] (see above); ARB ʕunǧūǧ- 'qui a un long cou, une longue encolure' [BK 2 381] (сf. ʕnǧ 'retenir, arrêter (sa monture), en tirant la bride à soi avec force; éprouver des douleur dans les vertèbres' [ibid. 380]); ETH: TGR ʔangät 'neck' [LGz 65] (not in [LH]), TNA ʕangät 'neck' (< AMH, according to [Bass 538]), AMH angät 'neck' [K 1247], GAF angät 'cou' [LGaf 179], EAST: HAR angät [LH 28], SEL WOL ZWY angät 'neck' [LGur 63], GUR: CHA EZ̆A GYE MUH MSQ GOG SOD angät, ENN END angäd do. [ibid.]; cf. also GEZ ʕang, ʕanag 'earring, nosering, chain (for the neck)' [LGz 64].

    Cf. C. CUSH: (?) BILIN taʔánge [Rein Bil 332], QWARA tanāgā 'Gaumen' (ta- is a prefix?), KEMANT angī 'palais de la bouche' [Conti Ros 166]; all loan-words from ETH?

    (3) AFRASIAN *ḥang-Vr- 'throat':

    SEM: ARB ḥunǧūr, ḥanǧar-at- 'larynx' [BK 1 501] (cf. also ḥunǧūd- do. [ibid.]), cf. GEZ h_ǝngat 'goiter' (h_ instead of the expected ḥ may be purely graphic) [LGz 263].

    EGYP (D 18) ḥngg 'Schlund' [E-G III 121].

    E. CUSH: (?) SAM *hangúri 'throat' [Heine SL 63] (*h- instead of the expected *ḥ-, if related at all).

    Cf. also [SIFKY 154])

    [Fron 45] (*ʕunḳ- /GEZ ʕanaḳa 'pose al collo', ARB, JUD, HBR ʕănāḳ 'collana', UGR,AKK); [DLU 83]: UGR, HBR, AKK, ARB; [KB 859]: HBR, ARM, ARB, AKK, GEZ (ʕǝnḳʷ 'precious stone'); [LGz 65]: GEZ (ʕanaḳa 'carry around the neck'), ARB, HBR, ARM, AKK (also connects with ETH forms with -g like TGR ʕangät); [LS 183]: SOQ, ARB, ARM, HBR


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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : NVKV
Meaning : rump, neck
Eurasiatic : *nVKV
Afroasiatic : *ʕVnuḳ- ~ *ʕanḳw- (?)
Sino-Caucasian : *ŋwŏ(x)GV
Austric : PAN *puŋguk 'tailless (of birds)'.
Amerind (misc.) : *nuḳ 'throat; neck' (R 761)
African (misc.) : Bantu *-dákà 'throat' (?).
Notes : Cf. *HVNKV. PAN may be < ST.
Reference : GE 99 *nuq̇.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *nVKV
Meaning: neck, vertebra
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *knek- ?
Altaic: *ni̯ăke
Uralic: *ńOkkV
Eskimo-Aleut: *ń[u]ɣilV, *l- ?
References: МССНЯ 355, ОСНЯ 2, 92; ND 1638 *ŋiḲa (or *ǹiḲa) 'jugular vertebra, neck'.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *k(')neg(')-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: neck, back of the head
Tokharian: A kñuk шея
Germanic: *xnikk-a- m., -an- m., *xnakk-an- m., *xnakka- m.; *ga-nikk-ia- n.
Russ. meaning: шея, затылок

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *xnikk-a- m., -an- m., *xnakk-an- m., *xnakka- m.; *ga-nikk-ia- n.
Meaning: neck
IE etymology: IE etymology
Old Norse: { hnakki, hnakk-r }
Swedish: nacke
Old English: hnecca
English: neck
Old Saxon: hnacko (in ON)
Middle Dutch: nac, nacke; necke
Dutch: nek
Middle Low German: nacke; necke
Old High German: (h)nac (8.Jh.), (h)nacko (Hs.13.Jh.)
Middle High German: nac (-ck-) st. m., nacke wk. m. 'hinterhaupt, nacken'; genic, genicke st. n. 'henicke'
German: Nacken m.; Genick n.

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ăke
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: neck, vertebra
Russian meaning: шея, (шейный) позвонок
Turkic: *jaka
Mongolian: *nigur-su
Tungus-Manchu: *nikimna
Comments: A Western isogloss. See VEWT 180 (Turk.-Tung.; but Kor. mjǝk 'neck' cannot belong here), ОСНЯ 2, 92, АПиПЯЯ 293. Doerfer (TMN 4, 104) tries (in vain) to destroy the Turk.-Tung. paralle l ("aus lautlichen ... als auch semantischen Gründen inkorrekt" - ?). The comparison of the Mong. form with Man. ikursun in KW 281, Rozycki 115 should be regarded as erroneous (Man. ikursun < ТМ *xīKeri q. v.). For further Nostratic parallels see ОСНЯ 2, 92.

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Turkic etymology :

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Proto-Turkic: *jaka
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: collar; edge
Russian meaning: воротник; край
Old Turkic: jaqa (OUygh.)
Karakhanid: jaqa (MK)
Turkish: jaka
Tatar: jaqa
Middle Turkic: jaqa (Pav. C., Ettuhf.)
Uzbek: jɔqa
Uighur: jaqa
Azerbaidzhan: jaxa
Turkmen: jaqa
Khakassian: čaɣa
Shor: čaɣa
Oyrat: d́aqa
Halaj: jaqa
Chuvash: śoɣa
Yakut: saɣa
Tofalar: čaɣa (Рас. ФиЛ)
Kirghiz: ǯaqa
Noghai: jaɣa
Bashkir: jaɣa
Balkar: ǯaɣa, žaɣa
Salar: jaxa
Kumyk: jaɣa
Comments: VEWT 180, 82-83, EDT 898, ЭСТЯ 4, 82-84, Федотов 2, 146-147. Turk. > WMong. ǯaqa, ǯiqa, Kalm. zaxǝ (KW 463-464; TMN 4, 103-104, Щербак 1997, 122), whence Evk. ǯaka (Doerfer MT 125).

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *nigur-su
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: spinal marrow, vertebral gristles
Russian meaning: спинной мозг, позвоночные хрящи
Written Mongolian: niɣursu(n), nuɣu(r)su(n) (L 580)
Khalkha: nuga(r)s
Buriat: nugarha(n)
Kalmuck: nuɣǝrsṇ
Ordos: nuGusu
Dagur: nokč
Shary-Yoghur: nurɣusǝn
Comments: KW 281.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *nikimna
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 neck 2 nape of neck
Russian meaning: 1 шея 2 задняя часть шеи
Evenki: nikimna 1
Even: ńịqъ̣n 2
Negidal: nịxma 1, 2
Ulcha: ńịqị(n) 1, 2
Orok: nịqịmńa 'neck of deer'
Solon: nixama, nixima 1
Comments: ТМС 1, 591. Cf. also Dag. (Тод. Даг. 158) ńokol 'nape of neck', probably < TM.

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 658
Proto: *ńOkkV
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: nape
German meaning: Nacken
Hungarian: nyak 'Hals, Nacken' ?
Selkup: nukka (Ke.), nug, nog, nŏg(a) 'Nacken' ?

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *ń[u]ɣilV, *l-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: collar
Russian meaning: воротник
Proto-Yupik: *ńǝɣili, *l-
Proto-Inupik: *nuil(a)-
Comments: In Inupik the root also has the meaning 'collar in dog harness'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 224

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *ńǝɣili, *l-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: collar
Russian Meaning: воротник
Sirenik: jǝɣǝ́citáχ, //jǝɣǝca 'neck opening in parka, fur trimming at collar of parka' [Em.], jǝɣǝtǝtaχ 'collar of woman's overalls, fur roof around hood of parka'
Chaplino: nǝɣíli, nǝɣīli (t) 'neck opening, collar', nǝɣílitān
Naukan: [nújlāʁun, //nujlaq [Em.] < Inup]
Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik: [aɣaq 'collarbone']
Central Alaskan Yupik: nǝɣiliq, Scammon Bay lǝɣiliq 'parka ruff'
Nunivak (Peripheral): lǝɣiliq 'edge of hood where ruff is attached'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 224, 6

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *nuil(a)-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: collar 1, neck openig, head hole 2, ruff, fur around head opening 3
Russian meaning: воротник 1, отверстие для шеи 2, оторочка головного отверстия 3
Seward Peninsula Inupik: nuilak 3, nuilā̆ʁun 1
SPI Dialects: Imaq nuilaq 1, 2, KI nuijāq 2
North Alaskan Inupik: nuiĺak 2
WCI Dialects: Sig nuilaq 1 (in dog harness), nuilaʁun 'dog collar', Car nuilʁāq 2 (in frock) [B.-S.]
Eastern Canadian Inupik: nuilaq 3
Greenlandic Inupik: nuilaq 2, nuilaʁmiut 'bead collar'
GRI Dialects: NG nuilaq 2, 'neck opening in dog harness' [Holt.], Up nuilaqqitit 'bead collar'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 224

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ŋwŏGV́ ( ~ -xG-)
Meaning: rump
North Caucasian: *mŏGwV (~-ǟ-)
Sino-Tibetan: *ŋok (~ -ɨk, -uak)

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *mŏGwV (~-ǟ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: back; body
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *miʁʷV(-l)
Proto-Tsezian: *mɔʁu
Notes: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss (note also Gunz. muʁaƛ adv. "back" < Av.).

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *miʁʷV(-l)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: back
Avar: muʁ
Andian language: miʁul
Karata: muʁul
Bagvalal: muʁul (Tlis.)
Godoberi: muʁul
Comments: Av. paradigm B or C (gen. muʁ-zál).

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *mɔʁ:u (~-χ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: body
Bezhta: maʁo
Gunzib: mɔʁu
Comments: PGB *mɔʁu. With Ablaut cf. PGB *muʁa- 'behind' (Bezht. Tlad., Khosh. müʁä-ttǟ, Gunz. muʁa-ƛdo).

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ŋok (~ -ɨk, -uak)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: rump, hump
Tibetan: rŋog the hunch or hump of an animal; the mane of horses.
Kachin: u2-čiŋŋo3, (H) čǝŋo the rump of a bird (or (H) mǝŋu the lower part of the spinal chord).
Comments: Cf. Manipuri ŋak-som 'neck'. Cf. *ŋoŋ.

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