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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *nVp-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'smell (intrans.)' 1, 'breathe' 2
Daba: nǝp 2 [Li] secondary semantics < 'to rest'
Musgoy: nǝp 1 [Mo]

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *nVpVḫ/ḥ-
Meaning: breathe, smell
Semitic: *nVpVḫ/ḥ- 'to blow, breathe, inflate, spread odour'
Egyptian: ḫnp (NE) 'breathe' (met.)
Central Chadic: *nVp- 'smell (intrans.)' 1, 'breathe' 2

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1174
Proto-Semitic: *nVpVḫ/ḥ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: to blow, breath, inflate
Akkadian: napāh_u 'to blow (something), to hiss, etc.' OB on [CAD n1 263], [AHw 732]
Hebrew: npḥ 'to blow' [KB 708]
Judaic Aramaic: nǝpaḥ 'to blow' [Ja 922]
Syrian Aramaic: nǝpaḥ 'flavit, inflavit, suflavit' [Brock 435]
Mandaic Aramaic: NPA, NPH 'to breathe out, fan with breath, blow up, inflate' [DM 303].

    Cf. NHP (metat.) 'to blow up a flame, to fan a flame, to breathe fire' [ibid. 291]

Arabic: nfh_ 'souffler avec la bouche, respirer' [BK 2 1306].

    Cf. nfḥ 'répandre son odeur (se dit d'un parfum), souffler (d'un vent)' [ibid. 1305]

Geʕez (Ethiopian): nafh_a, nafḥa (-a-) 'to blow, breathe on, inflate, sound (an instrument), blow (a horn, trumpet)' [LGz 388]
Tigre: näfḥa 'to blow, inflate' [LH 346]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): näfḥe 'soffuare per gonfiare otre, suonare la tromba' [Bass 469]
Amharic: näffa 'to blow, to inflate' [K 1079], ARG näffaha 'to blow' [LGz 388]
East Ethiopic: HAR näfaḥa 'to inflate, blow an instrument, blow air into something' [LHar 117]; SEL näfa, WOL ZWY näfä 'to blow up, blow an instrument, inflate' [LGur 450]
Gurage: CHA näfa, ENN GYE näfā, EZHA MUH MAS GOG SOD näffa, END näffā do. [ibid.]
Mehri: nefh_ 'to blow, inflate' [JM 285]
Jibbali: nifh_ 'to blow, inflate, to blow up a cow's vagina to make its milk come' [JJ 183].

    Cf. enfáɣ 'to blow' [ibid. 182]

Harsusi: nefōh_ 'to blow' [JH 94]
Soqotri: náfaḥ 'souffler' [LS 270]
Notes: Derived from *ph_/ḥ 'to breath, blow, exhale (smell)' by prefixation of *n-.

    Note *manpa/ūh_- 'bellows' to be reconstructed on PSEM level: AKK nappah_u SB, NB [CAD n1 307], [AHw 739] (<*nanpah_- <*ma-npah_-); UGR mph_m (du.?) [Aist 209]; HBR mappūaḥ [KB 617]; ARM: DSS (?) ʔpḥ 'to forge' [HJ 740] (very uncertain reading and interpretation; Aphʕ < *npḥ?), JUD mappūḥā [Ja. 820], SYR nāpūḥā, mappūḥā [Brock 436] (<*manpūḥ-); ARB minfāh_- [BK 2 1306]; ETH: GEZ mǝnfāh_ [LGz 388], TGR mänfǝḥi [LH 346].

    Cf. possibly derived terms in SAB mnfh_t 'water-distributor' [SD 92], mnfh_t-hw 'part of irrigation apparatus' [Biella 309].

    [KB 708]: HBR, UGR, ARM, ARB, SAB, GEZ, TGR, AKK; [Brock 435]: SYR, ARB, AKK; [LGz 388]: GEZ, ARB, MHR, SAB (with reservations), HBR, ARM, UGR, AKK; [LS 270]: SOQ, MSA, ARB, HBR, GEZ, AKK


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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: ḫnp (NE)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breathe'

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