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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *(H)awar-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'horse'
Kafa (Kaficho): awarō 'cavallo' Cer Kf., 408
East Mao (Diddesa): wɔɔre 'horse' HSED 1081

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʕay/wr-
Meaning: donkey (and horse?)
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʕayr- '(male) donkey'
Egyptian: *ʕVr- 'ass'
Western Chadic: *(H)awr- 'donkey' (otherwise <*ḥ(i/uw)ar(r)- '(young of) donkey, camel')
Omotic: *(H)awar- 'horse'
Notes: Cf. HSED 243 (Ugr, Hbr, Arm, Arb; Eg; Omot.); EDE I, 92 (Hbr, Arb; Eg; Pero). Otherwise rel. to Sem *ḥVwār-

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1977
Proto-Semitic: *ʕayr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: '(male) donkey'
Ugaritic: ʕr 'jumento, asno' [DLU 87]. // The principal term for donkey in literary texts: mdl ʕr ṣmd pḥl 'they harnessed the donkey, saddled the ass' (1.4 IV 9), yštn ʔat_rt lbmt ʕr 'they put ʔat_rt on the back of an ass' (1.4 IV 14), wšḳrb ʕr mšr 'sacrifice the "ass of justice"' (1.40 26), hn ʕr 'here is the ass!' (1.40 34).
Hebrew: ʕayir 'male donkey' [KB 822], pB. ʕayir 'foal, young full-grown ass' [Ja. 1720], ʕīr 'foal of a donkey' [ibid.]. // Well attested in the morphologically interesting plural form ʕăyārīm. The variant ʕīr is a Hapax in Gn 49.11 (ʔōsǝrī laggäpän ʕīrō 'one who ties his ass to a vine'). The meaning 'young ass, foal', typical of the postBiblical language, is most probably attested already in Gn 32.16 (ʔătōnōt waʕyārīm 'donkey mares and foals', following a number of similar word-pairs). In the difficult passage Jb 11.12 ʕ. is probably applied to a wild ass.
Judaic Aramaic: *ʕayir (only in the pl. ʕayrīn) 'foal' [Ja. 1075], [Levy WTM III 643]. // Sam. ʕyr 'young ass' [Tal 634].
Arabic: ʕayr- 'âne domestique, commun; onagre, âne sauvage', ʕayrat- 'ânesse et femelle de l'onagre', ʕuyayr, ʕiyayr- 'ânon, poulain d'âne ou d'onagre' [BK 2 419], [LA IV 620ff.], [Lane 2208] (see [Hommel 127- 132]).
Tigre: ʕayro 'young camel three years old', fig. 'young man' [LH 480].
Mehri: ḥayr 'male donkey' [JM 198], ḥīrīt 'female donkey' [ibid.].
Jibbali: (Kathīri) aḥyɛ́r id. [JH 65].
Harsusi: ḥayr 'donkey' [JH 65], ḥayrēt 'she-donkey' [ibid.].
Notes: The earliest evidence for this root is h̊āru (h̊aʔaru, ayaru) 'donkey foal' [CAD h̊ 118], [AHw. 328] in OB Mari, clearly borrowed from WS. The term is always found in the combination h̊āram ḳatālum 'to kill an ass' in passages dealing with peace treaties, agreements etc. (e.g. h̊a-a-ra-am ša salīmim ḳutul Syria 19 108:18). The growing number of such stereotype contexts (cf. references in [Streck 94]) would point to an idiomatic expression for 'concluding a treaty' but the famous passage from ARM 2 37 shows that a sacrifice was actually implied ([h̊a]-a-ra-am DUMU a-ta-ni-im [a]-na-ku ú-ša-aḳ-ti-il 'I made [them] kill a (young?) ass, offspring of a donkey mare' - having refused the offerings of a goat and a puppy!). // Cf. Arb. ʕīr- 'caravane des chameaux ou d'autres bêtes de somme chargées de vivres' [BK 2 419], [LA IV 624]; Sab. ʕr 'caravan' [SD 24]. // Comparison with Akk. urû 'Hengst' MB [AHw. 1435], though superficially attractive, is hardly tenable since the above quoted meaning for u. is very doubtful (cf. [Deller 312-13]: 'Gespann'). As for urītu 'Stute' [AHw. 1431], its very existence as the reading of the logogram MÍ.ANS̆E.KUR.RA is at best questionable according to von Soden. // [Fron. 31]: *ʕayr- 'asino (maschio)' (Mhr., Arb., Hbr., Jud., Ugr.); [KB 822]: Hbr., Ugr., Akk. (Mari), Arb.; [DLU 87]: Ugr., Hbr., Arb., Akk. (Mari); [Firmage 1152]: Hbr., Ugr., Arb. (what is meant by ʕr in the section "ESA/Ethiopic" remains unclear).

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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: ʕꜣ (OK)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'donkey'

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *(H)awr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'donkey'
Pero: áurà 'donkey' Fr. 1985, 21

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : HVRV
Meaning : ungulate
Eurasiatic : *ʔirV
Afroasiatic : *ʕay/wr- (also Sem. *yVʕr- 'kid, calf, goat', see ND 2646)
Reference : ND 143, 2646.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ʔirV
Meaning: ungulate
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ē̆r- (?)
Uralic: ? Z yɛra 'elk'
Kartvelian: Georg. irem- 'deer'
Dravidian: SDr *IraLai 'deer'
References: ND 76 *ʔerq[i] 'ruminant' (IE), 143 *ʕir[i] 'ungulate' (IE, K), 2646 *yerʡV 'young of a ruminant animal' (FU + same Drav. + incorr. Turk.).

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *ar-/e-
Meaning: lamb, kid
Armenian: oroǯ `agnus, -a', erinǯ `vitula, juvenca, bos'
Old Greek: éripho-s m., f. `junger Bock, junge Ziege'
Slavic: *ā́rъka, *ā́rę̄, *ā́rьcь
Baltic: *ē̂r-a- (1) c., *ēr-ist-ia- n.
Latin: ariēs, gen. -etis m. `Widder, Schafbock; Seewidder'
Other Italic: Umbr erietu `arietem'
Celtic: OIr heirp `dama, capra', MIr earb, fearb `Damtier'
Russ. meaning: скот (ягненок, козленок)
References: WP I 135 f

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: яри́на
Near etymology: II "овечья шерсть", цслав. ярина ἔριον, болг. я́рина "шерсть, козья шерсть", сербохорв. jа̏рина, jарѐница "шерсть ягненка". Родственно лит. ė́ras "ягненок", др.-прусск. eristian "ягненок", греч. ἔριφος "козел", лат. аriеs "баран", умбр. erietu "arietem". Вероятно, также арм. оrоǰ "ягненок"; см. И. Шмидт, Vok. 2, 484; Лиден, Armen. Stud. 23 и сл.; Траутман, ВSW 70; Арr. Sprd. 331; Френкель, IF 69, 307; ZfslPh 11, 36 и сл.; Lit. Wb. 121; Бернекер I, 447; Вальде -- Гофм. I, 67.
Pages: 4,560

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *ē̂r-a- (1) c., *ēr-ist-ia- n.
Meaning: lamb
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: ḗra-s, jḗra-s `Lamm'
Lettish: ję̃rs `Lamm'
Old Prussian: eristian `Lämmchen' V. 681

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 497
Root: er-2, eri-
English meaning: goat; sheep
German meaning: `Bock; Schaf, Kuh, Damtier'; vielleicht ursprünglich `Horntier'
Material: Arm. or-oj (assimil. aus *er-oj) `agnus, agna', erinj `δάμαλις, vitula, iuvenca, bos';

    gr. ἔριφος (*eri-bho-) m. f. `Böcklein, junge Ziege';

    lat. ariēs, -etis `Widder, Mauerbrecher' (a nach aper, caper); umbr. erietu `arietem';

    air. heirp (*erbhī-) f. `dama, capra', erb(b) `Kuh' (*erbhā), mir. (mit sekundärem f-) ferb(b) ds., nir. earb, fearb f. `Rotwild, Kuh', schott.-gäl. earb f. `Reh'; zu kelt. *erbā : ἔριφος vgl. gr. σέρφος : σέριφος `Insekt'; nach Kleinhans (Ét. Celt. 1, 173) hierher mir. reithe `Widder' aus *ri-i̯o-ti̯o-;

    in apr. eristian `Lämmchen', lit. (j)ė́ras, lett. jêrs `Lamm', litt. ėrienà `Lammfleisch' = russ.-ksl. jarina `Wolle', usw., sind wohl bsl. *ero- `Bock' und *jōrā- `Jahr' (s. oben S. 297) vermischt worden;

    ahd. irah `Bock' usw. ist aus lat. hircus entlehnt.

References: WP. I 135 f., WH. I 67, Trautmann 70.
Pages: 326
PIE database: PIE database

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