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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *mi-las-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tongue'
Kafa (Kaficho): mi-laso
Notes: Unless < Amh mǝlas.

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *lis-
Meaning: tongue
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *liš(š)ān- 'tongue, language'
Berber: *ilVs- (<*ʔV-lis) 'tongue'
Egyptian: ns 'tongue' (pyr)
Western Chadic: *ḥa-lis-um- 'tongue'
Central Chadic: *ʔV-lyas- 'tongue'
East Chadic: *lyas-an- 'tongue' 1, 'my tongue' 2
Omotic: *mi-las- 'tongue' (probably < Amh mǝlas) (?)
Notes: See *lahas- 'lick'.

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2147
Proto-Semitic: *liš(š)ān- {} *lis(s)ān-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: tongue; language
Akkadian: lišānu 'tongue, language' OB on [CAD l 209], [AHw 556]
Eblaitic: li-sa-nu /lišānu(m)/ [Kr 7-8; Bl E No. 66]
Ugaritic: lšn [DLU 249]; /lašānu/ [Huehner 143]
Phoenician: lasoun [HJ 584] (in Diosc.)
Hebrew: lāšōn [KB 536]
Aramaic: SAMAL OLD DAL OFF lšn 'language; folk, people' (WARKA li-iš-šá-an) [HJ 584], HERTEVIN neššala [J Hert 195] (metath.)
Biblical Aramaic: liššānā [KB deutsch 1732]
Judaic Aramaic: līšānā [Ja 710]; läššān (lyšn) [Sok 282]
Syrian Aramaic: leššānā [Brock 371]
Modern Aramaic: MAL liššōna 'Zunge' [Berg 54] MLḤS lešono 'Zunge' [J Mlah 181] HRT neššala 'Zunge' [J Hert 195] NASS lišǟnä 'tongue' [Tser 0119] URM lis,ǝnǝ 'tongue, language' [R Urmi 100] ZKH līšana 'tongue' [R Zakhon 108] M MND lišān, emph. lišāna 'language, tongue' [M MND 508, 523] GZR lišána 'tongue, language' [Nak 78] AZRB liššana (northern subdialect), lišana (southern subdialect) 'tongue, language' [Garb 317] IRAN lišâna 'la lingua' [Pen 97]
Mandaic Aramaic: lišana [DM 237]
Arabic: lisān- [BK 2 991]
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB ls1n [SD 83]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): lǝssan [LGz 318].

    -ss- is supported by recent studies like [Mäk Arg 199]

Tigre: lǝs(s)an [LH 36], nǝssal [ibid. 325]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): lǝs(s)an [Bass 20]
Amharic: lǝs(s)an [K 58]
Mehri: ɛwšēn/lǝšōn [JM 256]
Jibbali: ɛls̃ɛ́n [JJ 165]
Harsusi: lēšen [JH 85]
Soqotri: léšin [LS 236], [SSL LS 1466]
Notes: Judging from AFRASIAN data the original form should be *lis-, with suffixed *-ān.

    The reduplicated -ss- in ARM and ETH suggests a derived noun of the verb *lšš {} *lss 'to lick', if not for the fact that the latter is attested only in ARB lss 'lécher; manger' [BK 2 989]. Cf., however, variant roots: ARB lws 'goûter; tourner un morceau dans la bouche' [ibid. 1041], lhs 'lêcher' [ibid. 1032]; SEM *lḥš {} *lḥs 'to lick': ARB lḥs [ibid. 937], ETH *lḥs [LGz 311] and, possibly, AKK lâšu 'to taste, lick' [CAD l 111] which may as well be from *lhš related directly to ARB lhs; for AFRASIAN cf. HAUSA lā̀sā́ 'to lick' [Abr 615], likely <*lHs, see [O-S 356], but possibly an Arabism [Fron 45] (*lišān- 'lingua' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/) [Holma 25]: AKK,HBR,SYR,ARB,GEZ (discussion on possible verbal origins of the root in question quoting ARB lhs, lḥs eventually refuting this hypothesis) [DLU 249]: UGR,ARM,PHO,HBR,EBL,AKK,ESA,ARB,GEZ [KB 536]: HBR,ARM,UGR,ARM,AKK,ARB,GEZ,TGR (quoting ARB lss as a possible origin of this word) [Brock 371]: SYR,ARM,HBR,ARB,AKK,GEZ [LGz 318]: GEZ,ETHSEM,ESA,ARB,SO Q,HBR,ARM,UGR,AKK [LS 236]: SOQ,MSA,ARB,HBR,ARM,GEZ,AKK


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Berber etymology :

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Proto-Berber: *ilVs- (<*ʔV-lis)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tongue'
Ghadames: īlǝs
Siwa: îlǝs
Ghat: ilǝs
Ayr: ilǝs
Ahaggar (Tahaggart): îlǝs
Tawllemmet: ilǝs
Zenaga: ǝčsi
Ntifa: ils
Seghrushen: ils
Izdeg: ils
Mzab: ilǝs
Wargla: ilǝs
Snus: ilǝs
Shenwa: ilǝs
Shawiya: ilǝs
Qabyle (Ayt Mangellat): ilǝs

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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: ns (pyr)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tongue'
Coptic: *les
Coptic meaning: 'tongue'
Fayumic: les
Akhmimic: les
Bohairic: las
Sahidic: las
Notes: Copt attests the character of the sonant orthographically denoted as n- in Eg. Cf. sn.w (gr) id. (met.?)

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *ḥa-lis-um
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tongue (your)'
Hausa: hár/lšè
Mupun: lǝ̄ǝs [FrM]
Sura: líis {CLR: 328]
Angas: leus [Fl]
Chip: lis [JgC]
Montol: líis [JgC]
Gerke=Yiwom: lis [JgC]
Bolewa: lisi-m [CLR]
Karekare: lusu/ǝm [CLR]
Ngamo: linsõ [ShV]
Maha: ḍi-lis [NM]
Kifri=Giwo: ílmíší [ShB]
Gera: ḍè-límsà [ShB]
Galambu: lĩm [ShB]
Geruma: límši [ShB]
Sayanchi: ríisǝn [Cs]
Boghom: ŋǝ-lǝs [CLR]
Guruntum: laši [Ja]
Kir: ndé-láŋ [CLR]
Fyer: lés [JgR]
Bokos: ʔa-lis [JgR]
Sha: ʔa-liši [JgR]
Kulere: ʔa-lúš [JgR]
Daffo-Butura: lis [JgR]

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *ʔV-lyas-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tongue'
Logone: ns̃ì [LLog],
Musgu: ɛlɛsí [CLR: 329]

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *lyas-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tongue' 1, 'my tongue' 2
Somrai: dì-lèsé1 [Jg]
Tumak: hìg [[Cp] < *lis-g, cf. bǝ-g (< *bV) 'mouth'
Nanchere: ke-len-d-em 2 [Lk: 90]
Lele: ke-len-d-in 2 [Lk: 88]
Kabalai: ko-sà́ [Cp]
Kera: ku-su-r [Eb]
Kwang: ke-lesúm 2 [Lk Modgel: 97]
Dangla: lḗsé [Fd]
Migama: líi-̀t [JMig]
Jegu: lḕsó [CLR: 329]
Bidiya: zii-te [JBid]
Mubi: lɛ̀ésí , lísi ́[CLR]
Birgit: lììsì [CLR]
Mokilko: ʔílzè [JMkk]
Sokoro: sólań-d-um , sɛ́lɛ̀/n [CLR]
Notes: Form of the type *kV-lVn-d-Vn/m, originates from *kV-lVsVn-d-Vn/m (kV- noun/body part pref., -d- marker of singularity, Vn/m - possessive). Note met. in Sokoro.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : LVCV
Meaning : lick
Eurasiatic : *lašV ?
Afroasiatic : *lis-
Austric : PAA *lɨajh 'tongue'
Reference : МССНЯ 347.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *lašV ?
Meaning: lick
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: ? OInd. rasati, rasanā
Altaic: TM *lusimā 'upper jaw, muzzle, upper lip' (ТМС 1, 513)
Kartvelian: *laš-
References: МССНЯ 347, ОСНЯ 2, 36-37. ND 1332 *l[u]šV 'lip, mouth', 1333 *LVšV 'lick' (hardly separatable).

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Kartvelian etymology :

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Proto-Kartvelian: *laš-
Nostratic: Nostratic
Russian meaning: губа
English meaning: lip
Georgian: laš-; Old Georg. lošn-, lušn- 'to lick', luš- 'to devour'
Megrel: lečkw-; rǝskon-, riskon- 'to gobble, gnaw'
Laz: lešk-
Notes and references: ЭСКЯ 120, 122, EWK 216-217. В ОСНЯ 2, 36-37, помимо афразийского материала, с вопросом связывается с др.-инд. ras- 'лизать', rasanā 'язык'.

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