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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *šVmb/p-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lungs' 1, 'heart' 2, 'soul' 3
Ometo: Dawaro šenfo 2, Male šempi 3
Kafa (Kaficho): šomboo 1
Mocha: šombo 1

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *Si/anṗ-
Meaning: lungs
Semitic: *si/anṗ- 'lung'
Egyptian: šnb.t (MK) 'chest; body'; cf. snb (gr) 'breath' - Cf.
Central Chadic: *ʔa-c̣Vmb- 'breast'
East Chadic: *sibin-
Beḍauye (Beja): šamb-ut 'lungs'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *sanb- 'lungs'
Low East Cushitic: *samb- 'lungs'
High East Cushitic: *šamb- 'lungs'
South Cushitic: *cVmbaʔal- 'saliva' - Cf.
Omotic: *šVmb/p- 1 'lungs', 2 'heart', 3 'soul'
Notes: Assimilation *-nb- > *-mb- in some Cush and Omot. languages. Cf. Bla Review 504; EDE I 382-3.

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2194
Proto-Semitic: *si/anṗ- 'lung'
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: lung
Akkadian: sinibtu, siniptu 'part of sheep's lung' SB [CAD s 5], [AHw 1047]
Hebrew: PB simpōn 'ramified blood-vessel, artery; bronchiae' [Ja 982]
Judaic Aramaic: simpōnā do. [ibid.] (borrowed from or to HBR PB?)
Geʕez (Ethiopian): sanbuʔ, sambuʕ 'lung' [LGz 505].

    Note also sǝmbāḥ do. [ibid.]

Tigre: sänbuʔ, sämbuʔ 'lungs, pulmonary desease' [LH 173]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): sanbuʔ, sambuʔ, samba, sambo 'lung' [Bass 174; 191]
Amharic: sämba, sǝmbäb, sǝnbäb 'lung; asthma; panting, gasping' [K 427; 538]
East Ethiopic: WOL sambä, SEL ZWY sāmba 'lung' [LGur 546].

    Cf. also WOL sǝnäbäbä, SEL sinäbäbä 'to have a cold combined with coughing, cough' [ibid. 550]

Gurage: CHA EŽA GYE MUH MSQ sämba, ENN MUH GOG sambʷä, SOD sambo, END sambä 'lung' [ibid. 546]
Notes: Probably <*sinṗ-

    Note SYR sabbōlā (<*san/mb-āl- ?) 'arteria trachealis' [Brock 455] (according to Brockelmann, the primary meaning is 'portator' < sbl 'portare'); can sabbōlā be a contamination, a kind of folk etymology, of *sVmb- 'lung' and a verbal noun derived from sbl 'to carry' ? One wonders whether this SYR term can be alternatively compared to ETH EAST: SEL šǝmbinnä, WOL čǝmbillä; GUR: MUH čǝmbilla, CHA čǝmbina, EŽA čǝmbinna, END šǝppitnä, GYE šǝmpǝna, ENN šǝmpǝnʔa t- 'vein of the leaf of the äsät' [LGur 173]; all < *šǝmpill/nn- (on alternance č:š see [ibid. LXII]).

    Cf. ARB sināb-, ṣināb- (ṣ assimilated to *ṗ ?) 'qui a le dos allongé, long' [BK 1 1148; 1374]; cf. also sanbāʔ 'anus' [ibid 1148] (a structural similarity with N. ETH is remarkable); probably related, though in both cases a semantic shift from 'lung' is difficult to prove.

    Note an Auslaut in -uʔ/ʕ in N. ETH. Cf. MOD ETH *sVmbVr- 'part of the animal's stomach': TGR sǝmbǝr 'one of the four stomachs of the ruminants' [LH 173], TNA sǝmbǝr 'parte interna dello stomaco dei ruminanti' [Bass 173], AMH sämbär, sǝmbär 'callosity of the internal wall of the animal's stomach'' [K 538-9], GUR: END sämbär 'fat part of the stomach' [LGur 546].

    There is SOQ ʕámb 'poumon' [LS 312]; according to [SSL LS 1458] ɣamb, pl. ɣināb. Leslau thinks that SOQ ʕamb 'lung' is perhaps to be connected with the ETH and CUSH roots; in this case s- of the latter ones should be looked at as an agglutinated prefix [LGur 546]. Though this kind of comparison implying prefixed s- in all of the AFRASIAN forms is far-fetched, one cannot help suspecting some kind of connection. Can ɣ in this isolated SOQ example be a result of contamination or some other unique development?


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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian: šnb.t (MK) 1; cf. snb (gr) 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'chest; body' 1, 'breath' 2

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *ʔa-c̣Vmb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breast'
Gude: atsemba CLR (ts=ṣ, see CLR I)

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *sibin-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breast'
Dormo: ká-sibiŋ [Lk: 91]
Notes: pref. of body-parts, met.

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Bedauye (Beja) etymology :

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Bedauye: šamb-ut
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lungs'

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Central Cushitic (Agaw) etymology :

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Proto-Agaw: *sanb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lungs'
Bilin: sänbii, pl. sänfúf
Khamir: sebbaa
Qwara: sambaa
Qemant: sambii
Awiya (Aungi): saambii

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Low East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *samb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lungs'
Somali: sambab
Oromo (Galla): somba
Arbore: soñbot

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High East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-High East Cushitic: *šamb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lungs'
Sidamo: šamboo
Darasa (Gedeo): šoombu
Qabenna: šombo

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South Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-South Cushitic: *cVmbaʔal-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'saliva'
Asa-Aramanic: šebeʔela
Qwadza (Ngomvia): cembal-iko

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