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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 73
Proto-Semitic: *nVpVš 1, *nap(i)š- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: to breathe 1, soul; vitality, life; person, personality; self' 2
Akkadian: napāšu (u/u) 'to breathe freely' OA, OB on [CAD n1 288], [AHw 736]; napištu (napuštu, napaštu, napšatu) 'life, vigor, vitality; breath; throat, neck' OAkk on [CAD n1 296], [AHw 738]
Eblaitic: na-pu-uš-tu-um [KB 711, apud Pettinato] ('soul' ?)
Ugaritic: npš 'Appetit, Begehren; Seele; Lebewesen, Mensch; 'Rachen, Kehle, Schlund' [Aist 211]
Phoenician: npš 'self, desire, person, gravestone' [T 218]
Hebrew: npš (nipʕ) 'to breathe freely, recover' [KB 711]; näpäš 'throat, neck; breath; soul; life; living being' [KB 711-2]
Aramaic: SAMAL OLD OFF NAB PLM HTR npš 'life, person, funerary monument' [HJ 744-9]
Judaic Aramaic: nǝpaš, napšā 'soul; will' [Ja 927] (cf. npš 'rest' [Sok 358])
Syrian Aramaic: npš (Etpe.) 'respiravit' [Brock 441]; napšā 'animus, persona; pyramis funeraria' [Brock 441]
Mandaic Aramaic: NPS̆ 'to breathe, refresh, give life' [DM 304]; napša 'soul, personality, self'; many [ibid. 285]
Arabic: nfs V 'respirer' [BK 2 1310]; nafs- 'âme, principe vital; sang; personne' [BK 2 1310]
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB nfs1 'soul, life, person, self, etc.' [SD 93], QAT nfs1 do. [Ricks 109], MIN nfs1 'âme, personne, soi-même' [LM 66] (cf. also SAB mnfs1 'water distributor or distribution system' [Biella 310] translated as 'sluice? settling basin' in [SD 93] and MIN mnfs1 'installation destinée à reporter et conduire l'eau provenant d'une grande citerne' [LM 66]; for the semantic shift cf. SAB mnfh_t 'water-distributor' in *nph_ 'to blow, breath, inflate', No. )
Geʕez (Ethiopian): nafsa (ǝ) 'to blow (wind, spirit)' [LGz 389]; nafs 'soul, spirit, breath, life, etc.' [LGz 389]
Tigre: näfsä 'to blow (wind)', tǝnäffäsä 'to breathe, to have a soul' [LH 346]; näfs 'soul, life' [LH 346]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): näfäsä 'soffiare vento; evaporare liquore ecc.' [Bass 468]; näfsi 'anima' [Bass 468]
Amharic: näffäsä 'to blow (wind)' [K 1082]; näfs 'soul, spirit, life' [K 1083]
East Ethiopic: SEL WOL ZWY näfäsä 'to blow (wind)' [LGur 452]; SEL WOL näfs, ZWY näfis 'soul' [LGur 452]
Gurage: CHA END ENN GYE näfäsä, EZHA MUH MAS GOG SOD näffäsä do. [ibid.]; CHA EZHA END ENN GYE MUH MAS GOG SOD näfs do. [ibid.]
Mehri: (?) šǝnfūs 'to welcome' (caus.) [JM 285]; cf. also nǝfh 'to recover from a faint' [JM 284] (< *npš?).

    Both verbs are likely related with plausible meaning shifts; nǝfsēt 'individual, soul'

Jibbali: ǝnfés 'to sigh' [JJ 182]; nǝfsɛ́t 'soul' [JJ 182]
Harsusi: nefesét 'soul' [JH 94]
Soqotri: néfoš 'respirer, vivre, se ranimer' [LS 271]; nófoš, pl. of nafh- 'âme; pronom réfléchi de la 1re personne' [LS 271, 260], nefs 'âme' [ibid. 270] (looks very much like an Arabism; cf. also fonŝ 'souffle, âme, vent' [ibid. 338]: a variant root with metathesis?)
Notes: For *-i- see AKK and ZWY. Unseparated from a common SEM noun *nap(i)š- 'soul; vitality, life; person, personality; self' (for *-i- see AKK and ZWY): AKK napištu (napuštu, napaštu, napšatu) 'life, vigor, vitality; breath; throat, neck' OAkk on [CAD n1 296], [AHw 738]; EBLA na-pu-uš-tu-um [KB 711, apud Pettinato] ('soul' ?); UGR npš 'Appetit, Begehren; Seele; Lebewesen, Mensch; 'Rachen, Kehle, Schlund' [Aist 211]; CAN: PHO npš 'self, desire, person, gravestone' [T 218], HBR näpäš 'throat, neck; breath; soul; life; living being' [KB 711-2]; ARM: SAMAL OLD OFF NAB PLM HTR npš 'life, person, funerary monument' [HJ 744-9], JUD nǝpaš, napšā 'soul; will' [Ja 927] (cf. npš 'rest' [Sok 358]), SYR napšā 'animus, persona; pyramis funeraria' [Brock 441], MND napša 'soul, personality, self' [ibid. 285]; ARB nafs- 'âme, principe vital; sang; personne' [BK 2 1310]; ESA: SAB nfs1 'soul, life, person, self, etc.' [SD 93], QAT nfs1 do. [Ricks 109], MIN nfs1 'âme, personne, soi-même' [LM 66] (cf. also SAB mnfs1 'water distributor or distribution system' [Biella 310] translated as 'sluice? settling basin' in [SD 93] and MIN mnfs1 'installation destinée à reporter et conduire l'eau provenant d'une grande citerne' [LM 66]; for the semantic shift cf. SAB mnfh_t 'water-distributor' in *nph_ 'to blow, breath, inflate', No. ); ETH: GEZ nafs 'soul, spirit, breath, life, etc.' [LGz 389], TGR näfs 'soul, life' [LH 346], TNA näfsi 'anima' [Bass 468], AMH näfs 'soul, spirit, life' [K 1083], EAST: SEL WOL näfs, ZWY näfis 'soul' [LGur 452], GUR: CHA EZHA END ENN GYE MUH MAS GOG SOD näfs do. [ibid.]; MSA (possibly Arabisms): MHR nǝfsēt 'individual, soul', HRS nefesét 'soul' [JH 94], JIB nǝfsɛ́t 'soul' [JJ 182], SOQ nófoš, pl. of nafh- 'âme; pronom réfléchi de la 1re personne' [LS 271, 260], nefs 'âme' [ibid. 270] (looks very much like an Arabism; cf. also fonŝ 'souffle, âme, vent' [ibid. 338]: a variant root with metathesis?).

    Cf. forms with -b- in various SEM, probably making a variant nominal root *nabš- {} *nabs- (see also *nšb {} *nsb 'to breathe', with metathesis): CAN: PHO nbš 'self, desire, person, gravestone' [T 218]; ARM: SAMAL OLD nbš 'life, person, funerary monument' [HJ 744-9]; ETH GUR: MAS GOG SOD näbs 'soul' [LGur 452].

    Cf. *nšp (No. ). Cf. *pšw (1) 'to break wind silently' (No. ) and *pšw (2) 'to breathe, blow' (No. ).

    [Maizel 176]; [Fr 38]: *napiš- 'energia vitale' (GEZ, ARB, SYR, HBR, UGR, AKK); [KB 711] verb: HBR, ARM, ARB, AKK, SAB, GEZ, TGR; noun: HBR, EBLA, UGR, ARM, ARB, SAB, GEZ, TGR, AKK; [LGz 389]: GEZ, ARB, HBR, SAB, ARM, UGR, AKK (metathetic nšp in HBR, ARM, AKK and SOQ is also considered)


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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *naPVs-
Meaning: breathing
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *nVpVš 'to breathe', *nap(i)š- 'soul; vitality, life; person, personality; self'
Berber: *nVfas- 'breath' 1, 'breathe' 2
Western Chadic: *n/lu(m)fas- 'breathe'1, 'rest' 2
Central Chadic: *nafis- ~ *sifn- ~ *sVnf- 'soul' 1, 'breathe' 2
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *nVfVs- 'blow'
Saho-Afar: *nafVs- 'breathing'
Low East Cushitic: *nefs- 'breath' 1, 'breathe' 2
Notes: Borrowing from Arb in Brb, Ch and Cush as well as from Eth in Cush is possible. Cf. *nVsVp- 'blow, breathe'.

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Berber etymology :

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Proto-Berber: *nVfas-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breath' 1, 'breathe' 2
Ahaggar (Tahaggart): unfas 1 Fouc
Izayan: unfus 1, nǝffǝs 2

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *n/lu(m)fas-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breathe'1, 'rest' 2
Hausa: númfā̀sā, lúmfā̀sā 1, 2
Sha: lufwos 1 [JgR]
Daffo-Butura: nafos 1 [JgR]
Notes: Note *n- > l- due to a labial in inlaut.

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *naPus- ~ *su/inP-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'soul' 1, 'breathe' 2
Mofu-Gudur: -sǝfn- [BMof]
Mafa=Matakam: -sáfn- 2
Munjuk: siŋfi [TMnj]
Logone: náwùsǝ̀ [By]
Musgu: súmfa [LMsg]
Notes: Met. in Mofu and Mnj and assimilation of *-n- > -m- before -f in Msg. Acc. to Stolbova 1996, 99, Ch *-p- > Msg -f-, while Ch *-f- > Msg -v-; Log -w- must reflect *-b- (!).

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Central Cushitic (Agaw) etymology :

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Proto-Agaw: *nVfVs-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'blow'
Awiya (Aungi): nefes-ǝn

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Saho-Afar etymology :

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Proto-Saho-Afar: *nafVs-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breathing'
Saho: nafse

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Low East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *nefs-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'breath' 1, 'breathe' 2
Boni: neefso 2
Rendille: nefs'í 1, nefsó, nefs'-áḍa 2
Notes: Heine SAM 1978, 70 compares the Boni and Rend forms to Som neef and Boni nêf (<*na/if- 284), which is less convincing.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : NVPV
Meaning : smoke, cloud
Eurasiatic : *nVbV
Afroasiatic : *naPVs- < *na/if- 162 'breath, blow'
Sino-Caucasian : ? ST *ŋŭp 'inhale'
Austric : ? *ŋap yawn
Reference : ND 1556, 1557.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *nVbV
Meaning: smoke, cloud
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *nĕbhV
Altaic: *ni̯òbi
Eskimo-Aleut: *Nuvǝja
Comments: Cf. also PE *ńǝpǝ-Ju-'rain, drizzle' - which, however, can also be compared with PA *ni̯abo 'storm, natural disaster' or *ŋi̯ŏbu 'to pour'.
References: ND 1556 *nop[E] 'breathe, blow', 1557 *n̄[o]pi 'fog, cloud' - with unclear reasons for distinction.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *nebh-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: mist, cloud; sky
Hittite: nepis- n. 'Himmel' (Friedrich 150)
Old Indian: nábhas- n. `mist, clouds, vapour', nábha- m. `sky, atmosphere'
Avestan: nabah- n.: pl. 'Luftraum, Himmel'
Old Greek: néphos n.; nephélǟ `Wolke, Gewölk'
Slavic: *nebo, gen. -ese
Baltic: *deb-es-i- (*-es-es), *deb-es-ia- c.
Germanic: *nib-ul-ō f., -a- m.
Latin: nebula f. `Dunst, Nebel; Dampf, Rauch; Wolke'
Celtic: OIr nem n. (es-St.) `Himmel', nēl, gen. niuil m. `Wolke, Nebel', Ir neamh `Himmel'; Cymr nef `Himmel', niwl, nifwl `Wolke, Nebel', NCorn nef `Himmel', niul `Wolke, Nebel', Bret nef `Himmel'
Russ. meaning: туман, облако; (облачное) небо
References: WP I 131 f

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: не́бо,
Near etymology: мн. небеса́, небе́сный. Заимств. из цслав.; ср. народн. нёбо, укр. не́бо, блр. нёбо, др.-русск. небо, ст.-слав. небо, род. п. небесе οὑρανός (Супр.), болг. небе́, сербохорв. не̏бо, мн. небѐса, словен. nеbо̑, чеш. nеbе, слвц. nеbо, польск. niebo, мн. niebiosa, в.-луж., н.-луж. njebjo.
Further etymology: Балто-слав. основа на -еs, родственно лит. debesìs "облако", др.-лит. род. мн. debesų̃, лтш. debesis -- то же, debess "небо" (d-, вероятно, под влиянием лит. dangùs "небо" или др. слова, ср. греч. δνόφος, γνόφος "тьма"; см. Мейе, Geiger-Festschrift 235), др.-инд. nábhas ср. р. "туман, пар, небо", авест. nabah- ср. р. "воздушное пространство, небо", греч. νέφος ср. р. "облако", хетт. nерiš, род. п. nерišаš "небо", с расширением на -l-: греч. νεφέλη "облако", лат. nebula, др.-исл. nifl- "темнота", njól "ночь", д.-в.-н. nebul "туман"; см. И. Шмидт, Pluralb. 252; Мейе, там же; Dial. ideur. 128; Траутман, ВSW 195; М.--Э. 1, 449 и сл.; Педерсен, Kelt. Gr. 1, 255; Торп 293; Вальде--Гофм. 2, 151 и сл.
Pages: 3,53

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *deb-es-i- (*-es-es), *deb-es-ia- c.
Meaning: sky, cloud
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: debesì-s, gen. -iẽs, pl. gen. debesų̃; debesī̃-s, gen. dẽbesiō `Wolke'
Lettish: debess (gen. -s, pl. debesis, gen. dębęsu/debešu) f. `Himmel; Wolke', debesis `Wolke'

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *nibulō, *nibula-z
Meaning: fog
IE etymology: IE etymology
Old Norse: nifl-hel `Unterwelt', nifl-heimr `Welt', nifl-vegr `dunkle Strasse'; njōl, njōla f. `Nebel, Nacht'
Old English: neowol (nifol, nihol, nihold, nēol, niwol) `pronr, prostrate; deep down, low, profound'
Old Frisian: neval m. `nevel'
Old Saxon: neval `Nebel, Dunkel'
Middle Dutch: nēvel m., f.
Dutch: nevel m.
Middle Low German: nēvel
Old High German: nebul `Nebel' (8.Jh.)
Middle High German: nëbel st. m. 'nebel, dunkel; staubwolke'
German: Nebel m.

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 481
Root: (enebh-2): nebh-, embh-, m̥bh-
English meaning: wet, damp; water; clouds
German meaning: `feucht, Wasser', daraus `Dampf, Dunst, Nebel, Wolke'
General comments: (Kontaminationsform nembh-); z. T. emb-, omb- aus embh-, ombh-
Material: nebhos-: ai. nábhas- n. `Nebel, Dunst, Gewölk, Luftraum, Himmel', daneben Wurzelflexion im dehnstuf. f. Plur. nā́bhaḥ (?); av. nabah- n. Pl. `Luftraum, Himmel';

    gr. νέφος, -ους n. `Wolke, Nebel' (Denom. primärer Form ξυννέφει `es umzieht sich', ξυννένοφε `es ist wolkig');

    auch (s. u. nem- `biegen') air. nem (n. es-St.), nir. neamh, cymr. corn. nef `Himmel';

    abg. nebo, -ese n. `Himmel', zum i-St. umgebildet in lit. debesìs f. und m. `Wolke' (aber alter konson. Pl., z. B. Gen. Pl. debesų̃! d für n durch Einfluß von dangùs `Himmel');

    hitt. ne-pi- (nebis) n. `Himmel' Gen. nebisas;

    mit l-Formans (nebhelā):

    gr. νεφέλη `Wolke, Nebel' = lat. nebula `Dunst, Nebel, Wolke';

    aber air. nēl m., Gen. nīuil `Wolke, Nebel' nicht aus *nebhlo-, sondern Lehnwort aus cymr. niwl, nifwl, ncorn. niul ds. (die wiederum nach Loth RC 20, 346 f. Lw. aus spätlat. *nibulus für nūbilus);

    ahd. nebul m. `Nebel', as. neƀal `Nebel, Dunkel', ags. nifol ds., aisl. nifl-heimr u. dgl., njōl `Dunkelheit, Nacht' (germ. *neƀla- und *niƀula- aus -elo-; aisl. nifl- aus *niƀila-);

    unsicher ai. nabhanú- m., nabhanū́- f., wahrscheinlich `Quelle'; av. aiwi-naptīm asti `er (befeuchtet =) besudelt mit Blut', napta- `feucht' (*nab-ta-), npers. neft `Naphtha';

    vielleicht hierher lat. Neptūnus `Gott der Quellen und Flüsse, dann des Meeres' aus *nebh-tu-s; des -p- im skyth. FlN Naparis, apers. Quell N Νάπας stammt aus iran. apa- `Wasser, Quelle' (Brandenstein, OLZ 1940, 435 ff.).


    ai. abhrá- m. `trübes Wetter, Gewölk', n. `Wolke, Luftraum' (*m̥bhros), av. awra- n. `Wolke'; fern bleibt wegen der Bedeutung gr. ἀφρός `Schaum' (Meillet BSL 31, 51);

    in die i-Dekl. übergetreten lat. imber, imbris `Regenguß' = osk. Anafríss, wohl `imbribus'.

    Hierher auch die Flußnamen gall. *Ambrā, mcymr. Amir, Amyr sowie nhd. Amper und Ammer (kelt. *Ambrā), Emmer (kelt. *Ambriā); dazu auch engl. Amber; frz. Ambre, Ambrole; span. Ambron, Ambror; ital. Ambra, Ambria, Ambro, Ambrio usw., letztere sind bestimmt ven.-illyrisch; vgl. ohne formantisches r gall. inter ambes `inter rivos', ambe `rivo', abrit. Amboglanna `Ufer des Stromes', sowie arm. amb und (mit idg. b) amp `Wolke'.

    emb(h)- : omb(h)- :

    ai. ámbhas- n. `Regenwasser'; ambu n. `Wasser', gr. ὄμβρος m. `Regen' (zum b vgl. oben arm. amp und Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 333); hierher auch lak. ὀμφά `Geruch, Hauch', arkad. εὔομφος `wohlriechend', usw.


    pehl. namb, nam, npers. nem `feucht, Feuchtigkeit', pehl. nambītan `befeuchten';

    lat. nimbus `Sturzregen, Platzregen; Sturmwolke, Regenwolke'.

References: WP. I 131, WH. I 681, II 151 f., Specht Dekl. 16 f.
Pages: 315-316
PIE database: PIE database

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *nìbi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to smoke, to smell
Russian meaning: дымиться, пахнуть
Mongolian: *neɣü-
Tungus-Manchu: *nibu(p)-
Korean: *nắi
Japanese: *nìpǝ̀-p-
Comments: EAS 77, SKE 158 (Tung.-Kor.), АПиПЯЯ 297. Kor. -ă- is most probably a result of vowel contraction after the loss of *-b-.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *neɣü-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 to curl (of smoke) 2 charcoal
Russian meaning: 1 виться (о дыме) 2 уголь
Written Mongolian: negür-sü 2 (L 569: neɣüresü(n))
Middle Mongolian: ne'uresun 2 (HY 22), nūrson (IM)
Khalkha: nǖ-gelte- 1, nǖrs 2
Buriat: nǖrhe(n) 2
Kalmuck: nǖrsen 2 (КРС)
Ordos: nǖresü, nǖres 2
Dagur: neurese 2 (MD 198)
Comments: The Mong. word for 'coal' (MMong. ne'üre-sün) is compared by Poppe 38 with Man. nemu 'ore', nemuri 'coal mine' (ТМС 1, 621) < *nebu- (?).

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *nibu(p)-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to smoke
Russian meaning: дымить(ся), коптить(ся)
Evenki: nuw-
Negidal: nūp-
Ulcha: ńiup-ti-
Orok: nū-či-
Nanai: ńup-či-
Oroch: ńu-či-
Udighe: ńusesi-
Comments: ТМС 1, 607-608.

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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *nắi
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: smoke
Russian meaning: дым
Modern Korean:
Middle Korean: nắi
Comments: Nam 102, KED 315.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *nìpǝ̀-p-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to smell
Russian meaning: пахнуть
Old Japanese: nipop-
Middle Japanese: nìfòf-
Tokyo: nió-
Kyoto: níó-
Kagoshima: nìò-
Comments: JLTT 736.

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *Nuvǝja
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: cloud
Russian meaning: облако
Proto-Inupik: *nuvǝja

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *nụvǝ̣ja
Meaning: cloud 1, to be cloudy 2
Russian meaning: облако 1, облачный, пасмурный 2
SPI Dialects: W nuija* 1
North Alaskan Inupik: nuvija, nuvuja 1
NAI Dialects: B nuvija* 1
Western Canadian Inupik: nuvuja 1, nuvuja- 2
WCI Dialects: Cor nuvuja* 1
Eastern Canadian Inupik: nuvuja(q) 1, nuvija 1 [Ras.], nuvuja- 2
Greenlandic Inupik: nuia (nuia*) 1, nuia- 2
GRI Dialects: NG nuiɣaq 1, WG nuiššat pl. 1 (with secondary -šš-)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 243

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *ŋap (? / *Hap)
Meaning: yawn
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Proto-Austroasiatic: *sǝNʔa:p + MU (also *ŋap / *ŋa:p 'molar, cheek')
Austroasiatic meaning: yawn
Proto-Austronesian: *qaŋab (also *Suab 'yawn'); *ceŋap, -ŋap '(open) mouth
Austronesian meaning: gape, open mouth wide
Austronesian code: 18:65
Proto-Thai: hŋap
Thai meaning: opening mouth widely

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: *ŋap / *ŋa:p
Meaning: molar, cheek
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Proto-Monic: M lŋap, daŋa:p molar
Proto-Palaungic: *ŋap
Khasi: ŋa:b cheek
References: Kh 727

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Palaung-Wa etymology :

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Proto-Palaung-Wa: *ŋap
Meaning: gills
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Riang: ŋap.2
Riang meaning: gills

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