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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 1384
PROTO: *ḫam/nṣ-
MEANING: waist, (upper) thigh
аккадский: ḫanṣātu 'part of human body, possibly waist', SynList [CAD h_ 81], 'Hüften' [AHw 321] (pl. tant.)
арабский: ʔaḫmaṣ- 'milieu du corps' [BK 1 633]; also 'mince du milieu du corps'.

    Cf. ḫmṣ 'être vide (se dit du ventre); désenfler (se dit d'une plaie dont l'enflure se dissipe)' [ibid.] (cf. the latter meaning also in ḥmṣ [ibid. 492])

сокотри: mónḥeṣ 'reins, hanche' [LS 264], likely related with metathesis.
NOTES: Scarcely attested (in AKK and ARB); phonetically and semantically highly problematic. Vocalism based on AKK only, as the ARB example represents a derived pattern.

    Possibly AFRASIAN, cf. EGYP (Pyr) h_nǯ 'Teil des Vorderschenkels' [EG III 314] (<*h_nc̣ or *h_lc̣).

    Relation to *h_im/nṣ- {} *h_im/nc̣- 'fatty tissue, fat' (No. ) is not to be ruled out, though the meaning shift would be difficult to explain.

    Note SYR ḥaṣṣā 'lumbus' [Brock 250] and MND haṣa 'hip, back, middle' [DM 122], which may be from either *h_an/mṣ-, i.e. belong to this root, or *ḥalṣ- /cf. *ḥVl(a)ṣ- {} *ḥVl(a)c̣- '(part of the) hip, loin', No. /, or *h_arṣ- (cf. *ḥVrṣ- {} ḥVrc̣- 'hip, loin', No. ), or make a separate ARM root *ḥaṣṣ-.

    [LS 264]: SOQ, AKK (h_inṣu, left untranslated, for its meaning see *h_im/nṣ- {} *h_im/nc̣-, No. ), HBR (ḥäläṣ), JUD (ḥarṣā), SYR (ḥaṣṣā), ARB (h_aṣr-) ḥVrṣ-


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Афразийская этимология :

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PROTO: *ḫanc̣-
MEANING: thigh
семитский: *ḫam/nṣ- 'waist, (upper) thigh'
египетский: ḫnd_ 'part of the cow thigh' (pyr)
NOTES: Cf. *g(ʷ)inʒ- 'knee'

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Египетская этимология :

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PROTO: ḫnd_ (pyr)
MEANING: 'part of the cow thigh' (Teil vom Vordershcenkel des Rinde als Speise) EG III 314

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