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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *lilim-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'assembly for special occasions'
Tangale: lilim [JgT]

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *liʔam-
Meaning: get together; be relative, companion
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *lʔm, *lmm 'to get together, unite by common consent, peace treaty', *liʔa/ām- 'union, fraternity, people'
Egyptian: rmt_ 'person' <*lVm-Vk? Cf. Fay lōm-i id.
Western Chadic: *lilim- 'assembly for special occasions'
Central Chadic: *luma 'market' (?)
East Chadic: *lamVm- 'gather' (intr.) 1, 'gather, pile' 2
Low East Cushitic: *lamm- 'companion, relative'
High East Cushitic: *lámm- 'person' ~ *mVll- 'close relative' (met.)
South Cushitic: *lama(l)- 'age-set'
Notes: Related to *lVm- 'big, many'? Same as *HVlVm- 'child'?

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1981
Proto-Semitic: *lʔm, *lmm
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'to get together, unite by common consent, peace treaty', *liʔa/ām- 'union, fraternity, people'
Akkadian: lim, nom. līmu (liʔmu) 'tausend' [AHw 553], 'one thousand' [CAD l 194]
Ugaritic: lim 'pueblo, clan' [DLU 240]
Hebrew: lǝʔōm, lǝʔūm, pl. lǝʔummīm 'people, nation' KB, 513. также 'племя, клан' (в Быт. 25:3, см. [TD VII 397]); чаще встречается во мн.ч., считается архаизмом; относится к "другим народам" (к Израилю только в Быт. 25:23) [там же 398-9]. В качестве параллелей обычно приводят угар., акк. и араб. (достаточно далекое по семантике lʔm 'перевязывать рану' и lmm VIII 'соединять' - оба под вопросом в [KB] и lmm VIII 'come together' в [TD VIII 397]). Hе приводятся ни сирийский, ни сабейский, ни эфиопские примеры - даже при не вполне очевидной семантической связи они заслуживают хотя бы упоминания.
Syrian Aramaic: lam 'collegit' Brock., 367
Arabic: lʔm 'se joindre' [BK 2 953], liʔam- 'accord, harmonie (entre les hommes qui s'accordent); paix, concorde' [ibid. 953-4], liʔam-at-, liʔām-at- 'pareil, semblable, et qui fait le pendant d'un autre' [ibid. 954]; laʔīm- 'vil, ignoble; semblable, pareil' [ibid.]; līm- 'paix, concorde; ressemblance d'un homme à un autre' [ibid. 1050]; lum-at- 'petite troupe d'hommes (de trois à dix); semblable, pareil; égal d'âge et de forme, à l'avenant de...' [ibid. 1029] (Mahomet a dit: li-tazawwaɨ̄u-l-raɨ̄ulu lumatu-hu 'que tout homme épouse une femme qui soit son égal en âge, etc.'); lām- 'parenté' [ibid. 1044]; lumm-at- 'compagnon; compagnons de voyage, qui participent aux provisions de route; troupe d'hommes (de trois à dix); troupe de femmes' [ibid. 1022], lamūm- 'qui réunit dans son sein plusieurs personnes ou choses, et offre un rendez-vous' [ibid. 1023], lmm 'ressembler, réunir en ramassant de tous côtés ce qui était dispersé' [ibid. 1022]
Epigraphic South Arabian: Sab. lʔm 'to make a peace settlement' [SD 81], lmw (*lmm) 'to come to an agreement with so.' [ibid. 82]
Tigre: läʔamä 'to be attached, friendly' LH, 42
Tigrai (Tigriñña): cf. läʔamä 'gut, geduldig sein' (б. терпеливым, снисходительным) LH, 42
Notes: При всех трудностях и риске этимологизации числительных АКК. 'ТЫСЯЧА', ПОхОже, ОТHОСИТСЯ К ДАHHОМУ КОРHю. Hа возможность развития значения от 'группы людей' к определенному числу, вероятно, изначально отражающему численность соответствующей группы, УКАЗЫВАЕТ изосемантическиЙ ряд (о методе изосемантических рядов см. [Майзель] и [КМ]): (1) Акк. līmu 'тысяча' (ср. также араб. lumat- 'маленький отряд (от трех до десяти человек)') из прасем. *liʔām- 'союз, содружество; народ' < афраз. *lmm 'собираться, быть вместе' (см. ниже). (2) Прасем. *ʕaŝar- 'десять' (см. [KB 894], [LGz 73]) из прасем. *ʕaŝVr- 'группа (первоначально из 10 человек?), общество, содружество, собрание, общая трапеза': акк. eširtu (ст.-вав., ст.-асс.) 'группа из 10 человек' [CAD e 365], ešartu то же [AHw 253]; угар. ʕšr название должности, группы или класса (людей)', ʕšr 'приглашать, угощать, устраивать пиршество' [DLU 92]; евр. ʕāŝǝr, ʕăŝārā 'группа из 10 человек' (см., напр., Быт. 18:32) [KB 894, 895]; саб. ʕs2rt 'группа кочевников' [SD 21], 'клан' [Biella 387-8]; араб. ʕīšrat- 'общество, объединение друзей, знакомых' [BK 2 261], ʕašīrat- 'ближняя родня по отцовской линии; семья (как подразделение племени)', ʕašīr- 'друг, компаньон; муж' [там же 262]; геэз ʕašur 'пиршество', ʕaŝŝara 'приглашать, созывать' [LGz 73]; мхр. ʔāŝǝr 'друг', джб. ʕáŝer 'член группы, соплеменник, муж, близкий друг' [JJ 17], сок. ʕeŝóre (мн.ч.) 'товарищ, друг' [LS 330]. Из афраз. *ʕaĉVr- 'группа, сообщество людей (одной возрастной категории?)': егип. ʕšꜣ.t 'народ, толпа, множество' (ст. цар.), ʕšꜣ 'быть многочисленным' (ср. цар.) [EG I 229]; чад. (з. и ц.) *ĉaHir-/*ĉiHar- 'друг' [Stolb 53] (по языкам также 'ровесник' и 'любовник'), очевидно, метатеза из *ʕaĉir-/*ʕiĉar-. Ср. [Bla 30]. (3) Сок. máḥber 'сто' [LS 161] (с консонантным корнем *ḥbr или *ḫbr) из прасем. *ḫ/ḥa/ibr- 'община, объединение, отряд; друг, компаньон' (ср. [KB 288], [LGz 256] и [DK 155]).

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Egyptian etymology :

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Old Egyptian:
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *luma (?)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'market' (<'gathering of people'?)
Notes: Kraft 'market'

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *lamVm-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'gather' (intr.) 1, 'gather, pile' 2
Bidiya: lùm 1 [JBid]
Mubi: lámmà 1 [Lk: 190]
Mokilko: lũmme ̀2 [JMkk]
Notes: Mubi 'versammeln'

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Low East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *lamm-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'companion, relative'
Somali: lammaan 'to be companion'
Oromo (Galla): lammii '(close) relations' (unless < Arb)

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High East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-High East Cushitic: *lamm- ~ *mVll-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'close relative' 1, 'person' 2
Hadiya (Gudella): moollo 1
Burji (Bambala, Dashe): lámmi (acc. to [Sas Brj], dissim. <*nam-; pl. mēna) 2

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South Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-South Cushitic: *lama(l)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'age-set'
Asa-Aramanic: Cf. lama 'serpentine ochre marking on body'
Qwadza (Ngomvia): lamalito
Notes: Ehr HRSC 202-3 ("age-set consist of those given a particular body marking together, namely circumcision, at a common initiation ceremony")

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : MVLV
Meaning : get in pairs, pair > two
Eurasiatic : *malV
Afroasiatic : *liʔam- get together ( > 'two' in Cush. and Omot.)
Sino-Caucasian : *ƛä̆mV armful, measure
Notes : ?

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *malV
Meaning: two
Borean: Borean
Eskimo-Aleut: *malǝʁu- (-*(r)i-)
Comments: A local Siberian root; perhaps (as suggested by Mudrak) connected with PA *mi̯àĺà 'measure'?

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *malǝʁu- (-*(r)i-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: two, pair
Russian meaning: два, пара
Proto-Yupik: *malǝʁu-, *malǝʁi-
Proto-Inupik: *malʁu-, *malʁu-i-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 187

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *malǝʁu-, *malǝʁi-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: two 1, twins 2
Russian Meaning: два 1, близнецы 2
Sirenik: málʁuɣ du. 1
Chaplino: mālʁuk(*) du. 1, malʁík du. 2
Naukan: málʁuk du. 1
Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik: malluk du. 1, mal[ʁ]ik du. 2
Chugach (Birket-Smith): malʁuk du., maɫʁūŋin 1
Central Alaskan Yupik: malʁuk du. 1, malʁik du. 2
Nunivak (Peripheral): maɫǝʁux* du. 1
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 187

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *mạlʁų-, *malʁu-i-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: two 1, two sets, pairs or groups 2
Russian meaning: два 1, пара 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: maʁlūk du. 1, maʁluit pl. 2
SPI Dialects: Imaq máʁluk* 1, W malʁuk* 1, Di maʁluk* 1
North Alaskan Inupik: malʁuk du. 1, malʁuit pl. 2
NAI Dialects: B malʁok* 1, Ingl malẹʁuk* 1, Qaw malʁuk du. 1
Western Canadian Inupik: malʁuk du. 1
WCI Dialects: Cor, M malʁok* 1
Eastern Canadian Inupik: maʁʁūk du. 1, maʁʁuit pl. 2
Greenlandic Inupik: maʁɫuk du. (mardluk*) 1, maʁɫuīt pl. 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 187

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *mä̆r[ƛ]o ~ *ƛä̆mV
Meaning: armful
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *mä̆r[ƛ]ǝ (~-o) [ < *ƛä̆mV-rV?]
Sino-Tibetan: *lǝ̆m
Basque: *mordo

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *mä̆r[ƛ]ǝ (~-o)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: handful, armful
Proto-Nakh: *morʎ
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ʎum-ur (~ *ƛ-)
Proto-Tsezian: *mi[ƛ]u (~-ɨ-)
Proto-Lezghian: *mä[rƛ]
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The comparison is very probable, although strange phonetically: a lot of irregularities in the development of *ƛ in all subgroups. Maybe this is due to a special development of a rare cluster *-rƛ-? A metathesis similar to the one that occurred in PA, apparently happened also in HU: cf. Hurr. šummǝ 'hand' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 23).

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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *morʎ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 armful 2 to embrace
Chechen: mor 1
Ingush: morh 1
Batsbi: morʎ-bar 2
Comments: PN paradigm *morʎ, *marʎV- (cf. the archaic adv. Chech. mara "into one's arms", Bacb. majrʎa d-oʎar 'to embrace'; the present obl. base Chech. mora-, Ing. morho is a result of secondary vowel levelling). 6th class in Chech. and Ing.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *ʎum-ur (~ *ƛ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: handful
Andian language: ʎumur
Chamalal: ʎum
Tindi: humur
Karata: humur (Tok.)
Botlikh: humuru
Bagvalal: humara
Comments: Since the root is not attested in Akhv., *ƛ or *ʎ may be reconstructed. Note, however, an irregularity: in Tind.and Kar. we should expect ʎ- in any case (only the Botl. and Bagv. h- are regular).

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *mi[ƛ]u (~-ɨ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: handful
Tsezi: meru
Ginukh: meƛu
Comments: A strange case of a -r-:-ƛ- correspondence between Tsez. and Gin.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *mä[rƛ]
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: handful
Lezghian: mekʷ
Tabasaran: miɣ
Agul: mex
Rutul: mäx
Tsakhur: mex
Kryz: mek
Budukh: mek
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. mex, Ag. Bursh. merš (this is the only form pointing to *-r-, but probably archaic). Obl. base *mi[rƛ]a- (cf. Tab. miɣa-, Kryz. mik-). 3d class in Kryz., Bud., 4th class in Rut.

    Reconstruction of the final consonant is complicated (correspondencesare rather unique) - probably because of a specific development of the cluster *rƛ. In any case, there is no doubt that the consonant had been lateral (cf. reflexes in Lezg. dialects, Ag., Rut. and Tsakh.).

    See Лексика 1971, 171.


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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *lǝ̆m
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a measure, fathom
Chinese: *lhǝm a measure (8 ch'i).
Tibetan: ãdom(s) a fathom.
Burmese: lam to measure by the arms extended, LB *lam; lamh, hlamh to stretch, as arms.
Kachin: lǝlam3 to measure by fathom, (H) lam to measure by fathom (not in common usage).
Lushai: hlam a fathom.
Kiranti: *lám armpit
Comments: Tiddim lām id. Ben. 71; Mat. 170. Cf. PAN *kilan 'span' ( < ST, see Peiros 1998, 220?).

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: xún
Preclassic Old Chinese: lhǝm
Classic Old Chinese: lhǝm
Western Han Chinese: lhǝm
Eastern Han Chinese: zhǝm
Early Postclassic Chinese: zhim
Middle Postclassic Chinese: zhim
Late Postclassic Chinese: zhim
Middle Chinese: zjim
English meaning : a measure (8 尺)
Comments: During Early Zhou used also for homonymous *lhǝm 'to warm up' and *lhǝm 'renew'. The meaning 'to seek, search' emerges during Late Zhou (it is not quite clear whether it is archaic or somehow derived from 'renew'?), but becomes widely spread only since Jin. Modern Chinese has also a more standard reading xín. Viet., besides standard tầm, has another loan from the same source: tìm 'to seek, search, look for'.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 0
Four-angle index: 0
Karlgren code: 0662 a
Go-on: zimu
Kan-on: simu
Vietnamese reading: tầm

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 1369
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 深開三平侵邪
ZIHUI: 1416 2208
Beijing: śyn 12
Jinan: śyẽ 12
Xi'an: śyẽ 12
Taiyuan: śyŋ 1
Hankou: śin 12
Chengdu: śyn 12
Yangzhou: ćyĩ 12
Suzhou: zin 12
Wenzhou: zaŋ 12
Changsha: cin 12
Shuangfeng: ʒ́in 12
Nanchang: śyn 31
Meixian: chim 12
Guangzhou: čham 12
Xiamen: sim 12
Chaozhou: chim 12
Fuzhou: siŋ 12
Shanghai: ziŋ 32
Zhongyuan yinyun: siǝm 12

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *lám
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: armpit
Tulung: lam-süsü smell from armpits
Kaling: 'lɔm
Limbu: lāpphī armpit, lɔp-sāŋbā hair in armpits
Dumi: hep-lǝ ?
Yamphu: läkkuma

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Limbu dictionary :

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Entry: la:pphipma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: armpit
Derivation: [ < la:p wing] [?]

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Dumi dictionary :

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Entry: heplǝ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: armpit
Comments: cf. kalkal.

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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: läkkuma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: armpit
Comments: läkkumasu:k sweat of the armpit; hän.äʔä sa:ro läkkumasu:k naŋ.ʔ (you.POS sāhro armpit_sweat smell.NP.FCT) You sure smell under your arms.
Nepali: kākhī

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *mordo
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 bunch, cluster, group 2 bunch (of grapes or other vegetation) 3 small bunch, small group 4 mess, confusion
Bizkaian: mordo 1, 2, morda 2, mordoska 3, mordoillo 4
Gipuzkoan: mordo 1, 2, mordoska 3, (Andoain) mordoillo 4
High Navarrese: mordoska 3, mordoillo 4
Low Navarrese: molkho 2
Lapurdian: molkho 2, mulko 1
Zuberoan: mólkho 1, morkho 2
Comments: The r ~ l variation (in preconsonantal position) is very unusual in Basque, and may be explained as follows: PSC *mä̆r[ƛ]-ḳV, with the resulting cluster resolving either as *mor-ko or *mol-ko in Bsq.

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